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    Last weekend I had to use my Krav training for the first time.Me my wife and two girls(6 years old and21 months old) were on the way from Charleston,sc where we live to Gastonia,NC to visit my inlaws.We stopped in orangeburg to get some kfc.Because I had to pee like a racehourse.I told my wife my order and went to the restroom.When I got back,my wife had gotten us a table and was getting everything ready for the meal.She gave me a wide eyed look and looked in the direction of a man standing at the counter.after watching this man while I walked to the counter to retrieve my food I sensed something was wrong.The employees kept looking at me and the man with thier eyes with a blank look on thier face. as i got my food,the man (6ft 170 lbs) said I have beautiful children,I agreed, and walked back to my table.As I went to my family I heard the man say \”let me put this in my car\” Ihave no idea what he meant,but I told my wife \”Lets go now\” she agreed,As we were gathering up our kids and food,the guy comes back in and up to me.I used my left arm(im A righty) to \”guide\” my wife and 6 year old(my wife had our 21 month old in her arms).So the man asks where are you going? you just got here.I said wehave to go ,we are on the way to Charlotte. he then comments on my daughters,I say thank you but we have to go.H e gets a littlle upset and says no man you just got here,you cant go yet.I say yes I can and I am leaving now.while this is going on my wife and kids are in the car waiting on I purposely face him with my left I turn to walk away,he grabs my arm and says youre not going anywhere,give me your money,instinctively I pivot on the balls of my feet and connect on a right hook,as he went down I hit him again this time on the side of his head.I the slammed my left forearm on his neck and grabbed his shirt and started throwing knees,mostly to his face and towards the end the top of his head.He was knocked out cold.While this was happening a customer was calling 911,and an employee was also calling 911.Apparently the guy was in the process of robbing the kfc with a knife.After holding the guy down with the help of another customer the cops showed up,we left.I would like to thank Matt Robinson who teaches Charleston Krav Maga,jeff jimmo at,and ryan hoover also at they have instilled in me aawareness,knowledge,and confidence to deal with situations like this.This is what krav Maga is about.


    Hey Mark, its tragic you had to have a violent encounter like that, let alone in front of your family. None the less, job well done. If at all possible, please stop by the school this Saturday. Ryan and Jeff are both out of town. But we would still like you to come by, as I’m sure you were going to anyway.


    Glad to hear you are all right and that KM worked so well for you in this situation. Sounds as though you did just the right thing, protecting your family first, then dropping the guy.

    Did you ever see the knife or were you just told about it afterwards? Was he holding the knife when he grabbed you?



    awesome job man! i hope (as most us do, i assume) that i’ll never have to use KM in real life. but it’s always nice to hear that it does work when necessary. i raise my mug to you, cheers!


    Hell of a father, hell of a story. Way to go man. As said before it sucks that you had to get into a violent encounter like that, but it doesn’t suck that you knew what to do. Good job.


    Great job! I am glad to hear you and your family is alright.

    That is the thing I love the most about Krav Maga. Where else will you hear of such success stories? Knives, guns, sticks, et cetera. We hear them all here! Krav Maga is truly remarkable!

    Be safe.


    personal experience

    I did not see the knife until the ploice arrived,the guy had it in his pants pocket?From what some of the customers told me he might have been reaching for the knife as he grabbed my arm.I really dont know it happend so fast.Hey Andre,good to here from you,hope to make it back up there really soon,I couldnt work out because of the plans my wife and inlaws had,and we had to leave early sunday.Now that school has started my wife(she is a registered nurse)does not have to work weekends,and we can visit more often.


    Good for you!!
    I love how you and your wife went with your gut… this was something reinforced at the FAST workshop I went to last week. If something or someone feels \”wrong\” it probably is. How sad that you had to use your KM training, but how cool that you did!


    That is why we train.

    It is nice to see there are a few men left. Nice work here is an e-handhake and a thank you for protecting the righteous.


    Did you sustain any injuries yourself, such as busted up knuckles or knee caps from hitting and kneeing him?

    Good thing you were able to hit him before he had a chance to deploy the knife. With him holding your arm, it probably would have been hard (or even impossible, if he was to your side) to defend and you may have never seen it from that angle.

    Again, glad you are alright. You should have probably been on TV, as the guy who stopped the robbery!



    Strong work! Hats off to you, Matt, Ryan, Jeff and all of your instructors. I’m glad that everyone except the bad guy is OK.


    What did the police have to say? (good job, should have waited for us, see you in court???)

    You said he was 6’0\” / 170 – How big are you, and where did your first punch land that dropped him? Was he fighting when he came to?


    personal experience

    Im 5’7 160 lbs,I go to the gym 5-6 days a week,I might be short,but am stockey as my wife says.The cops were cool,wasnt anything I could really do they said.As for court I dont know,would be in touch if they need to.They had a few witnesses so I might not have to go,Id prefer not to anyway,just want to put it behind me and walk on.Im a low key kind of guy,dont want the attention,which is a far cry from my younger days,Im 35 now,so I mean my late teens to mid 20’s,wild ass bad temper.Its amazing what a family and training can do to a persons temperment.


    personal experience

    As for the punch sequence,I had my hands up palms out as saying I dont want any trouble,kept my hands up as I turned away,when he grabbed my left arm,he kind of pulled me to him a little,so I just pivoted and hit him on the side of his jaw,he immediately slumped down and forward,so I hit him again with a right hook on the temple area,after that he was going down,head right by my knee,so I statred kneeing the shit out of him,after 3or 4 I stopped,his weight was limp,so I gathered he was out.As for cuts or bruises,I live near the beach so shorts and flip flops are my attire of choice,only my right knee was a little sore the next day.


    That’s an amazing story! Way to go! 😀

    Just curious, how long have you been training?


    Hey All,

    I just returned from teaching a seminar and read these posts.

    First of all, to Mark, I’m glad you and your family are safe. Nice work!

    And thanks to Matt (we called him to say thank you!) and to Ryan and Jeff.

    This is why we do the work that we do. This is why we want to spread Krav Maga — to find good people like Matt, who can help train good people like Mark, to help them protect themselves and their loved ones.

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