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  • #34368

    So I never done Krav Maga before. I did Ninjitsui for a short while but didn’t think it would carry over and help me in the streets or protecting my family. I’m getting a personal trainer. He charges $50 for 50 minutes. Is that about right? Can you learn enough 50 minutes once or twice a week?


    Re: Personal lessons

    I think KMW charges $125/private class. IMHO you can learn a lot more within one 50 minute private class vs. an hour regular class because you get one on one attention. The next thing is if the instructor is qualified to teach Krav Maga. What is the instructor’s credentials? Who taught them Krav Maga? How long have they been training it? I feel that if you take one or two private classes a week and continue to hone what you learned in class at home, it’ll be good. Maybe 3 classes if you can.

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