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  • #32664

    Hey all – I have a Phase A related question that I did not see when I did a search on historical threads/posts (if I missed it…sorry). I am thinking about going to Phase A training in Calif. later this year and would like to know what levels can one be allowed to teach after passing Phase A? Thanks!

    p.s. I’m sure I’ll have additional questions once I decide to go


    Re: Phase A

    Phase A = Level 1
    Phase B = Level 2
    Phase C = Level 3

    In general, you won’t get cleared to teach your own class on a solo basis until you finish Phase C. But you can definitely assist Level 1 classes on a gradually increasing amount of contribution, based on how many classes you’ve observed a lead instructor make corrections, etc.

    So, after Phase A, you can expect to get a chance to assist classes. Having said that, all the pertinent details will be explained to you before, during, and after Phase. 🙂

    It’s a great experience!



    Re: Phase A


    Hypothetical situation: A person owns or is training/teaching at a martial arts school where there are no Krav Maga instructors. This person attends Phase A and qualified to teach Level-1. According to your post, that means this person cannot return to his MA school and teach Krav Maga Level-1 because there is not senior Krav instructor there? Likewise for Level-2? I guess that means this person, being the only Krav instructor at his/her school, would have to complete Phases A, B, A,and C before he/she could teach Krav Maga at his/her school?

    Is that true? Doesn’t sound right to me.


    Re: Phase A

    You can return home and start teaching as a licensee after Phase A.


    Re: Phase A

    quote saruotoko:

    Phase A = Level 1
    Phase B = Level 2
    Phase C = Level 3

    In general, you won’t get cleared to teach your own class on a solo basis until you finish Phase C. But you can definitely assist Level 1 classes on a gradually increasing amount of contribution, based on how many classes you’ve observed a lead instructor make corrections, etc.

    So, after Phase A, you can expect to get a chance to assist classes. Having said that, all the pertinent details will be explained to you before, during, and after Phase. 🙂

    It’s a great experience!


    Kirsten is indeed correct, but so is Mario. We do things differently in S.O. and NTC. Because we have so many black belt instructors around (some 15-20 black belts showed up to the last black belt exam!), the fledgeling instructors have to pay their dues before being assigned a class.


    Re: Phase A

    quote Kirsten:

    You can return home and start teaching as a licensee after Phase A.

    Thanks Kirsten. That’s what I thought. I know when I first started Krav my instructor had just completed Phase A. He later completed Phase B. I think he sent to Phase C after I left.

    Thanks again.


    Re: Phase A

    quote BradM:

    Thanks Kirsten. That’s what I thought. I know when I first started Krav my instructor had just completed Phase A. He later completed Phase B. I think he sent to Phase C after I left.

    Thanks again.

    Sorry for the confusion, Brad. 🙂

    I tend to forget that the rules so close to KMWW HQ are a little different than they are out in the rest of the country, because of the points Christian (Revancha) made above. In any case, I do hope Kirsten’s answer made a little more sense than mine did. Keep training! 🙂




    Re: Phase A

    Thanks Mario. I’m good to go.


    Re: Phase A

    I was reading this post and got confused somewhere. Individuals go to Phase to gain instructor certification to instruct Krav Maga classes for whatever level the phase they completed. (This was as highlighted below) But once they complete say phase A, they cannot teach level 1 independently (they can only assist?)? Following that logical, once they complete Phase B, they again cannot teach level 1 or level 2? Only until they have complete all phases can they be an independent instructor? ( see post below)

    quote saruotoko:

    Phase A = Level 1
    Phase B = Level 2
    Phase C = Level 3

    In general, you won’t get cleared to teach your own class on a solo basis until you finish Phase C. But you can definitely assist Level 1 classes on a gradually increasing amount of contribution, based on how many classes you’ve observed a lead instructor make corrections, etc.

    So, after Phase A, you can expect to get a chance to assist classes. Having said that, all the pertinent details will be explained to you before, during, and after Phase. 🙂

    It’s a great experience!


    Then clarification came stating that as a licensee a Phase A certified instructor can start teaching level 1 independently immediately. (see post below) This is where my confusion came in.

    quote Kirsten:

    You can return home and start teaching as a licensee after Phase A.

    I appreciate Mario and Kirsten trying to clear up this question. Please bear with me, my questions, and my ruminations. Since licensees can teach independently when returning from Phase A where others cannot, is it safe to say that there is a special “Phase” for licensees and a different one for everyone else. If so, what additional material is the licensee learning over the other? If not and they certify together, why can a licensee begin teaching independently and others have to be proctored through Phase C? Are they held to a different standard? What then is the incentive of licensees to add instructors since they would have to teach all those classes until the individual is through Phase C. Conversely, why would someone want to be an instructor under a licensee since they cannot teach independently.

    I understand about having many higher level instructors and having the junior instructors learning from them and “paying their dues” before receiving their own class so please keep it to the general case.

    Seems something is not adding up for me. I appreciate your responses. Please let me know something needs to be clarified.
    Thank you.


    Re: Phase A

    Licensees must already have an extensive martial arts background and own/operate a training center. This is to ensure a good understanding of not only movement and the defenses/techniques but also as an instructor already, the fundementals of transfering knowledge (teaching others) is already present. With regular instructors (non-licensees) they are already training in KM and are working under a licensee.

    It is advantageous to be an instructor under a licensee because you do not need to carry insurance, a training facility, the licensing fee, the electricity, sign the paychecks, and ensure over all quality, consistency and productivity of your facility. Instead, you go in, you teach, you leave. It’s alot easier in theory to be an instructor. 🙂


    Re: Phase A

    This brings up another question. And I think Kristen may have answered it, but I juat wanted to clarify something.

    Kristen stated:
    “Licensees must already have an extensive martial arts background and own/operate a training center. This is to ensure a good understanding of not only movement and the defenses/techniques but also as an instructor already, the fundementals of transfering knowledge (teaching others) is already present. With regular instructors (non-licensees) they are already training in KM and are working under a licensee. ”

    Take a person that has a strong martial arts background, but has never taught (in the manner of a certified instructor), but has helped in classes and who has trained in Krav Maga for a few years, say to level-3. And this person does not own/operate a training center. If this person completed Phase A, he/she would not be able to go to a YMCA, fitness gym, or other place and start teaching Krav Maga. Is that correct? Sorry for throwing in all these hypothicical situations, but there may be soneone in that category that would like to know. (Not me, I’m too old 🙂 )


    Re: Phase A

    Actually, licensees don’t have to have any experience at all. It is preferred that they do, but not necessary. I know of at least two that went through phase and had never taught any martial art previously. Hell, there are some licensees that never go through, they just send others. The thing is, you’re not guaranteed to pass even as a licensee. If you don’t have previous MA experience (regardless of whether or not it’s Krav) odds are, you’ll fail. Also, even though you can teach level one as a Phase “A” grad, you cannot test level one students up to level two without passing phase “B”. Testing must happen from at least one rank above. I believe there is some discussion about raising it to two ranks above, but that’s unverified.


    Re: Phase A

    Thanks for clarifying Stafford. Sorry, when I started they made me show proof of my experience and made it a big deal, said I needed to already own a location, had to send pictures of my school in, and creditials… I remember thinking how strange it all seemed, maybe that was Chuck screwing with me 🙂

    I would suggest that if somebody is looking at licensing, they need to just call KMW and ask about it directly so make sure that they understand how it all works.


    Re: Phase A

    Thanks again Kristen and Jeremy.

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