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  • #31889

    I just wanted to take a moment to say congrats to everyone who participated in last week’s phase. It was a very talented group, and I really enjoyed working with them. It was also good to teach a little with Michael Margolin. Regardless of the final results, I am proud of everyone who participated (oh, and if you need a copy of the new theme song, just send me an e-mail.) 😉

    All the best,


    Re: Phase B in NC

    That was one tough week! I’m glad that I was there, no matter what.

    Thanks to Ryan and Michael. Thanks also to the people who make RHEK my favorite place to train (yes, that means you, Cecil and Carol!). If Tuan never whoops my butt again it will be too soon!

    And yes, Ryan, please send me copies of the Doc’s hit singles, “Gastonia” and “Don’t Be That Guy”!


    Re: Phase B in NC


    Phase B was the best (in a bone cracking, soul withering, muscle shredding kind of way)

    Many thanks to every one at RHEK.


    Re: Phase B in NC

    I for one can’t stop humming the Gastonia theme song or get it out of my head.

    Therefore Ryan you might as well send me a copy as well so I can make it my ring tone.


    Re: Phase B in NC

    I’ve forwarded both songs to you guys…


    Re: Phase B in NC

    Yeah, it was a great week. I’ve had a tough time readjusting to “normal” life. I keep finding myself daydreaming of being back in Gastonia hitting things. RHEK really feels like my Krav home-away-from-home.

    Anyway, thanks, Ryan for the terrific instruction. Spending the week with you and Mike was a real pleasure.



    Re: Phase B in NC

    I played both songs for my Krav Maga class last night. They howled! One of them suggested that we have a contest for our own theme song. Based on some of the thoughts they had, I think that I may need you to send the good doctor north for a week or so…


    Re: Phase B in NC

    Thanks for the kind words! You are all welcome here any time.

    Regarding the songs, Steve, you can’t have the doctor, sorry.


    Re: Phase B in NC

    I would also like to thank Ryan and his great training facility for an awesome week. Its Wednesday and I miss training with them already!!! It was a great experience. On a personal note – I want to thank Ryan for the one-on-one ‘headlock’ lesson – regarding proper placement and pressure application. If you have never been headlocked by Ryan its an experience I think you all should have – its a gift in education and pain, one that stays with you for days! If you have the opportunity to train with Ryan you will be a better Krav student/instructor for it and for an extra bonus ask to experience his headlock – tell him Sarah sent you!!!
    Sarah Fox – Fight Fit


    Re: Phase B in NC

    Thanks, Sarah. As I told you all, this was a very good group, and I enjoyed the week. I met a lot of good people and good instructors, and I picked up a new trademark or two.

    Regarding all that other stuff, Sarah, I have no idea what you are talking about…


    Re: Phase B in NC

    For those of us who have no clue, what exactly is Phase A/B training and how does A contrast to B?


    Re: Phase B in NC

    quote fightfit:

    I would also like to thank Ryan and his great training facility for an awesome week. Its Wednesday and I miss training with them already!!! It was a great experience. On a personal note – I want to thank Ryan for the one-on-one ‘headlock’ lesson – regarding proper placement and pressure application. If you have never been headlocked by Ryan its an experience I think you all should have – its a gift in education and pain, one that stays with you for days! If you have the opportunity to train with Ryan you will be a better Krav student/instructor for it and for an extra bonus ask to experience his headlock – tell him Sarah sent you!!!
    Sarah Fox – Fight Fit

    I keep trying to convince my wife to let me try the carotid choke on her but to no avail. I keep explaining that all she needs to is have her knees up and together with her arms back. All I get is these weird looks and questions like what kind of freaky stuff did you all learn down there in Gastonia? I told her what happens in Gastonia stays in Gastonia!


    Re: Phase B in NC

    quote Ryan:

    I’ve forwarded both songs to you guys…

    Okay, I need a copy of this song now.


    Re: Phase B in NC

    Send me an e-mail…you’ll appreciate these songs.


    Re: Phase B in NC

    quote Night Robin:

    For those of us who have no clue, what exactly is Phase A/B training and how does A contrast to B?

    The folks are referring to training instructors go throughthumbsup

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