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    Hey gang…

    Early this year my left ring finger got broken almost longitudinaly. That is, at an angle from one knucle almost to the other. Didn’t know it was broken at the time and had neither insurance nor $$ so I splinted and iced it for a while.

    Seems like it wasn’t long enough, the finger is still larger than normal and I can’t bend the first knucle more than 80 degrees and the endmost knuckle won’t move more than 15 degrees on it’s own. So making a proper fist is out.

    As I get back into training, any suggestions on punching? I have wraps and 16’s, if that’s the best answer.



    Re: Punching with a badly healed finger?

    Honestly Leam, if it’s not healed right, you’re taking a chance of making it even worse punching with it. I don’t know what the right answer is other than having it looked at somehow


    Re: Punching with a badly healed finger?

    Hey Mara, good morning!

    It is “healed”, in that it’s fused back to where it’s going to be. The break was several months ago. FInally got insurance, so I talked to a Dr a while back and the X-rays showed the break. Need therapy to get the range of motion back but want to get back into training too.



    Re: Punching with a badly healed finger?

    Work with Palm Heels on that hand only. Develope the tool you can use instead of the one you can’t. I can’t do palm heels with my right, so I throw fists for those drills with that hand


    Re: Punching with a badly healed finger?

    quote unstpabl1:

    Work with Palm Heels on that hand only. Develope the tool you can use instead of the one you can’t. I can’t do palm heels with my right, so I throw fists for those drills with that hand

    +1, bro.

    One of my students broke a finger, and ignored my advice to get it checked right away. It healed goofy, and he has had to do a bunch of PT to get it functional again. In the mean time, he palm-strikes or wears a 16oz glove when training. Good luck.


    Re: Punching with a badly healed finger?

    That swelling my also inhibit the range of motion in the joints. I broke a toe badly over a year ago and it is still swollen some. Doctor said that is normal in toes… it looked like a vienna sausage for 8 months… now a little better. Maybe the finger is similar??? I agree with the previous advice to switch to palm strikes and gloves as long as it isnt painful. Hope you heal up soon, sounds painful.

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