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    I love the threads describing the seminars and the supplemental knowledge that can be gained. I have not been able to find any seminars in the Chicago area. My question is this; Do you actively seek them? If so how do you find them? Are they just at the site you train?

    Also, what is the farthest you’ve gone for a defense related seminar?



    What kind of Seminars? Most of the time you can find out about seminars by finding out the guys you wanna train with and hang out on their boards. This site( I should get paid for this 😆 ) doesn’t advertise anyones seminars even other KMAA schools because of the moderator workload.

    Once you decide on the type of training your looking for search for the top trainers. You’ll find their schedules. Go to the martial arts stores in your area. They are usually a great resource for whats going on. Its kinda cool, but calling or emailing someone you want to train with is really easy. You end up in good conversations and can feel out their true attitude over the magazine hype. Getting involved in self defense, gun and knife forums will help a lot. If the site has a lot of posturing or dogma, you’ll know its a bad site

    Chicago gets a lot of great seminars
    Good Luck


    You could always email NTC on the main site and see if they have a schedule of whos going to be where. Or talk to your centers head instructor and see how he would feel about contacting NTC to set up John/Sam one of the guys to come out specifically to your place.

    Good luck~


    Thanks for the ideas. I am particularly interested in Tony Blauer’s concepts and emailed him for info.

    Does anybody have any experience working with Mr. Blauer or his staff?



    Though I don’t know if he teaches much outside LEO’s at the moment, if you hear of a seminar by Larry Lindenman go. He’s a must and is not well known outside of btdt circles.. it is a jkd base but combatives focused. I forget butI think he’s a Chicago based Illionois state cop.

    I think there are some systems that are fundamentally solid. Krav being one, some may argue but I think American Kenpo is another. Whatever, my point is once you are fundamentally sound, taking seminars is a great way to expand your mind

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