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  • #32401

    hello ppl.

    what¥s your opinion about this ?


    Re: Senshido

    I’m not sure what Krav Maga he’s talking about but somehow the key phrase “burst” seems to be left out.

    Last time I checked it was address the immediate danger and SIMULTAINIOUS counter attack which INCLUDES bursting in.

    If I didn’t burst and stayed on the outside well yeah um DUH I’d get sliced up.


    Re: Senshido

    As unknowledgable as I may be tech wise, it sems like he gave a really good and passionate tutorial on the importance of Bursting, while at the same time selling his “repackaged” Tony Blaur system, whuch he claimed as his own.

    It’s very common for instructors to try to sell their systems by putting other systems down. Most times it off a picture out of context or their limited knowladge of the system. I’ve watched a lot of MA classes and it never failed that when i mentioned krav, they always put it down. In fact, I was looking to train in a less physical demanding system, so I started training kung fu san soo. I love the system and mentality. My instructor, a really nice guy knew I liked Krav. He asked to borrow “the Complete Krav maga” book. Brought it back the next day and said what junk it was. Then said look at this technique. It was a basic punch. His problem was that you pivot and lift the heal. WTF? It’s a boxing structure to generate power from the floor on up. Its Proven. Show me a mma guy who doesn’t do it. Next day he was putting down the blocks. Made me demo the blocks. Put that down. Didn’t get that at its basic level its a static drill..every night almost he said something negative about krav….I’m not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I didn’t agree with any of his appraisels, so I started looking for another teacher

    I think its important to hear what the critics say. Step one is to not take it personally. Step 2 is to look at their agenda. Step three is harder because it takes open mindedness, is to look for weaknesses in what your doing and see if the criticism is valid.

    In this case he preaching a mojor component of krav, “The Burst” and stating its not there. Most likely after watching the 360 drill as thats what he seemed to be descibing with the azz sticking out. Drills ain’t the map and the map ain’t the territory


    Re: Senshido

    Hmmmmm….why just tonight we worked on bursting….I think my butt followed me.


    Re: Senshido

    Agenda, agenda, agenda… Totally ridiculous and he knows it.


    Re: Senshido

    Strangely enough, we also worked on continuation after the burst while we were now inside using combatives, getting to the dead side and arm control.

    It’s sad to see the unsuspecting and respectful student get ambushed that way but, if there’s an agenda, then that agenda comes before all else.


    Re: Senshido

    Richard Dimitri! He used to be the forum boogieman back in the day, WAY before Moni, et al!

    Met him in Gastonia (he broke the mirror!). He also came out and did a seminar for us in DC, too.

    That was filmed YEARS ago. He changed his tune about krav folks since (and maybe he has gone back to bashing-who cares). His shredder concepts were useful. Probably a good alternative method to bring up eye strikes and throat strikes in Krav.


    Re: Senshido

    His description of busting in close, in theory, is correct. You either have to be in real close like he says(using that defense, which is taught in the IDF) PROVIDED that you blade your body more than he does, use your lead hand to trap the arm holding the knife(under the elbow grab and IMMEDIATELY counter attack with the other arm, legs, headbutt, etc….to get into a control position to disarm the attacker.He does none of these. The other option, which he says is incorrect, is keeping distance…..well I’m sorry Rich….I’d rather be further, than closer to a knife…..I can grab a chair, position an object between myself and the attacker, pick up a stick, etc….things that I can do at distance…..once you decide to burst in, you had better know what to do, or else you won’t be breathing much longer. Every instructor I have ever heard discuss knife defenses says the same thing. Stay as far as you can, look for a weapon, etc….if you can.

    PLUS, his description of the Krav Maga knife defense is ALL wrong.


    Re: Senshido

    It’s so easy for an instructor to manipulate the lesson with a captive audience of respectful students. It happens often infortunately. Thats what went on in that video. He goes all out and surprises the student.

    Thats the one thing I havent seen in Krav Maga…..instructors ego out there putting others down….thats a real positive to this system (for lack of a better word).

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