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    I am a level 1 guy and just won’t quit. I was hit with the swine flu and had to stop to avoid getting everyone around me sick.

    Ever since then, I have been plagued with sinus issues.

    I have worked actively on my illnesses but I am not allowed in class if I am sick, nor do I want to get anyone sick.

    Does anyone have any thoughts on how to at least keep myself up physically in between classes?

    As it sits, I have quite a few health issues e.g. high blood pressure, deviated septum, and flat feet which cause chronic Plantar fasciitis if I am not careful.

    I am winded during class as it is. I am terrible at running and terrible at calesthenics.

    The only thing that allows me to get through my classes is my mind because I am often pushed past fatigue during the classes as it is.

    I have to work out by myself, I have a heavy bag and some gloves. I have a jump rope but can’t even figure out how to jump the rope even once. rofl2

    I really need to be able to work through being sick without infecting others so that I am not totally fatigued in class. I also don’t want to lose my basic form.

    I love Krav for what it has done for my weight and blood pressure. I really don’t want to miss out when I am sick.

    I know that there are 2 (or perhaps more) schools of thought on working out when you are sick.

    Could you please give me your thoughts?

    Thank you!


    Re: Sick all the time…need to keep myself up when missing classes..

    Echanesha, golden seal and 2000mg of vitamin C every day plus a good multivitamin, oh and a bit of red wine and dark chocolate for the HBP.
    If you have a problem getting motivated to work out try and just start out with some light isometrics in front of the tube, try doing a few sets between show’s or tasks around the house. Leave some UFC playing on the comp that gets me ready for a workout, or also look into the Bas Rutten DVD’s. I’ve never been big on jogging and basic calisthenics as well but I do bicycle with my dog everyday.
    If youíre using your mind and willpower to get you through class then I’m positive you can re-train yourself to do these things in your own home. Remember it always hurts like hell when youíre doing it; it’s the day after that it feels easy.
    When I started in Sep I could only do maybe 25 crunches, I am now doing 125 daily.
    Don’t forget to look into the books available as well there are great resources.

    Cheers and good luck


    Re: Sick all the time…need to keep myself up when missing classes..

    quote Inky:

    Echanesha, golden seal and 2000mg of vitamin C every day plus a good multivitamin, oh and a bit of red wine and dark chocolate for the HBP.
    If you have a problem getting motivated to work out try and just start out with some light isometrics in front of the tube, try doing a few sets between show’s or tasks around the house. Leave some UFC playing on the comp that gets me ready for a workout, or also look into the Bas Rutten DVD’s. I’ve never been big on jogging and basic calisthenics as well but I do bicycle with my dog everyday.
    If youíre using your mind and willpower to get you through class then I’m positive you can re-train yourself to do these things in your own home. Remember it always hurts like hell when youíre doing it; it’s the day after that it feels easy.
    When I started in Sep I could only do maybe 25 crunches, I am now doing 125 daily.
    Don’t forget to look into the books available as well there are great resources.

    Cheers and good luck

    Thanks for all of the info. I will hit up the dark chocolate and red wine. Thanks for your faith as well!


    Re: Sick all the time…need to keep myself up when missing classes..

    Sufficient sleep!

    Sleep is when your immune system gets more active & your body also goes into repair mode eg: tissue repair / muscle building etc.

    IMO while it might be ok to train at a gym while suffering from a cold (not flu) I think its unfair to fellow students to train in KM while ill with any contagious disease due to the close contact nature of KM.

    Some natural sleep-inducers are Valerian Roots, Melatonin & Magnesium.

    Jump rope – just a matter of time & practice, I started out as a crashing hippo & now leap about like Nureyev with ze ‘rope.

    Good luck..


    Re: Sick all the time…need to keep myself up when missing classes..


    The immune system is affected by sleep and rest,[93] and sleep deprivation is detrimental to immune function.[94] Complex feedback loops involving cytokines, such as interleukin-1 and tumor necrosis factor-α produced in response to infection, appear to also play a role in the regulation of non-rapid eye movement (REM) sleep.[95] Thus the immune response to infection may result in changes to the sleep cycle, including an increase in slow-wave sleep relative to REM sleep.[96]
    [edit] Nutrition and diet

    The functioning of the immune system, like most systems in the body, is dependent on proper nutrition. It has been long known that severe malnutrition leads to immunodeficiency. Overnutrition is also associated with diseases such as diabetes and obesity which are known to affect immune function. More moderate malnutrition, as well as certain specific trace mineral and nutrient deficiencies, can also compromise the immune response.[97]

    Specific foods may also affect the immune system; for example, fresh fruits, vegetables, and foods rich in certain fatty acids may foster a healthy immune system.[98] Likewise, fetal undernourishment can cause a lifelong impairment of the immune system.[99] In traditional medicine, some herbs are believed to stimulate the immune system, [100] such as echinacea, licorice, ginseng, astragalus, sage, garlic, elderberry, and hyssop, as well as honey although further research is needed to understand their mode of action.

    Medicinal mushrooms like Shiitake,[101] Lingzhi mushrooms,[102][103] the Turkey tail[104] mushroom,Agaricus blazei,[105] and Maitake[106] have shown some evidence of immune system up-regulation in in vitro and in vivo studies, as well as in a limited number of clinical studies. Research suggests that the compounds in medicinal mushrooms most responsible for up-regulating the immune system are a diverse collection of polysaccharides, particularly beta-glucans, and to a lesser extent, alpha-glucans (such as Active Hexose Correlated Compound isolated from Shiitake[107][108][109]). The mechanisms by which beta-glucans stimulate the immune system is only partially understood. One mechanism by which beta-glucans are thought affect immune function is through interaction with the complement receptor 3 (CD18), which is expressed on several types of immune cells.[110]


    Vitamin D is very powerful & has an effect on the immune system:


    Vitamin D malnutrition may also be linked to an increased susceptibility to several chronic diseases, such as high blood pressure, tuberculosis, cancer, periodontal disease, multiple sclerosis, chronic pain, seasonal affective disorder [40][41], peripheral artery disease[42], cognitive impairment which includes memory loss and foggy brain,[43] and several autoimmune diseases including type 1 diabetes (see role in immunomodulation)


    Recently, research also suggests vitamin D may provide protection from osteoporosis, hypertension (high blood pressure), cancer, and several autoimmune diseases.


    Source Naturals Mushroom Immune Defense™ is a blend of mushroom mycelia and extracts from 16 of the most well-studied species of health-supportive mushrooms. Although the exact mechanisms of action in the body are not yet fully understood, researchers propose that constituents of these mushrooms may support natural killer (NK) cell, T-cell, and macrophage activity, and cytokine production. By carefully combining these mushrooms and fortifying them with extracts, Source Naturals Mushroom Immune Defense offers a broad-spectrum, high potency, complete mushroom product


    And as Inky mentions there is Echinacea & Vitamin C


    Re: Sick all the time…need to keep myself up when missing classes..

    Hmmm….I never thought of that. My commute is 2.5 hrs each way minimum and is getting worse. I only live 62 miles from work, but sometimes it takes 3.5 hours to get home due to traffic.

    Quitting/Changing my job is not an option nor is selling my home. I really don’t want to get into the intricacies of it, but it is the truth.

    When I try to sleep on the weekend I can’t because I am so used to needing to get up at a certain time.



    Re: Sick all the time…need to keep myself up when missing classes..

    quote 4cars:

    Hmmm….I never thought of that. My commute is 2.5 hrs each way minimum and is getting worse. I only live 62 miles from work, but sometimes it takes 3.5 hours to get home due to traffic.

    Quitting/Changing my job is not an option nor is selling my home. I really don’t want to get into the intricacies of it, but it is the truth.

    When I try to sleep on the weekend I can’t because I am so used to needing to get up at a certain time.


    Still, I get enough sleep on the bus. I think maybe this deviated septum has alot to do with it. My health insurance is crap though. I am not too fond of someone entering my nose either.

    I guess I will just try to continue to try and take care of myself.

    Thank you for your thoughts.


    Re: Sick all the time…need to keep myself up when missing classes..

    Its possible catching some z’s on the bus may not have the same restorative effect as a continuous undisturbed snooze where your system can traverse through all the sleep modes.

    A wise & experienced doc once explained to me sleep was like a bank account where you could withdraw from or make deposits to, but in the end your system forces you to pay back any overdrafts, so that equilibrium is maintained.

    Fwiw – I’ve been nursing a dagnasty cold this week which began after I had to pull an all-nighter til 07:00 …coincidence or?

    From the Wiki entry on common colds:

    [edit] Sleep

    Lack of sleep has been associated with the common cold. Those who sleep fewer than 7 hours per night were three times more likely to develop an infection when exposed to a rhinovirus when compared to those who sleep more than 8 hours per night.[9]
    [edit] Vitamin D

    People with the lowest blood vitamin D levels reported having significantly more recent colds or cases of the flu. The risks were even higher for those with chronic respiratory disorders, such as asthma and emphysema.[10]does not prove that low levels cause increased susceptibility to viral infections and the authors stress that the study’s results need to be confirmed in clinical trials before vitamin D can be recommended to prevent colds and flu.[11]


    Re: Sick all the time…need to keep myself up when missing classes..


    5 hours of commuting per day, is off the charts. I once had a 3 hour total commute and after 9 months my fitness was tanked and it lead to a lot of stress, anquish and frequent colds etc. It wasn’t easy but, I eventually found a job 30 minutes away and life returned to normal soon thereafter.

    If you’re sedentary for 13 hrs/day, you can’t expect your body to spring into action for Krav. It probably does more harm than good because your untoned muscles get over-used and the recovery drains you, not replensihes you -thus weakening your immune system. Also, extreme workouts with untoned muscles, ligaments and tendos is a perfect setup for bad injury.

    As for training while being sick… If you have something infectious, stay home, eat properly, sleep/rest and do light exercise to keep your body moving. Training when you’re sick only weakens you and those around you. If it’s just a stuffy nose, sure go ahead and train -and cross your fingers you don’t get nailed with cardio that day.

    I know how hard it is to change jobs but nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it. I couldn’t spend 20% of my waking hours in traffic and feeling physically run-down all the time. My last job change was a 50% career change too. It turned-out to be a good thing and proved to me that old dogs can learn new tricks afterall.


    Re: Sick all the time…need to keep myself up when missing classes..

    The above comments from RFC are excellent – got to love this forum & the peeps around here, all the best to one and all in 2010


    Re: Sick all the time…need to keep myself up when missing classes..

    I get a cold/night time cough every stinking fall, right when it starts to cool off. I took my yellow belt test all jacked up on sudafed just so I could breathe. I know how you feel. Claritin-D works well for me for long-lasting relief. The steam room helps some as well.

    But until you feel well enough, just do anything you can. If you feel well enough to walk, go for fast walks.

    But rest and recovery is critical. You can be training as hard as you possibly can, and eating right, but if you don’t get enough recovery time you’re just spinning your wheels. I’m prone to rotator cuff impingement, and it started bothering me again back in September. I kept going to Krav and pushed through it until thanksgiving, but then quit lifting for about 3 weeks, and went light the 4th week. Last week was my first full week again, my shoulder feel back to 100% again, and I can’t wait to get back in there tomorrow.


    Re: Sick all the time…need to keep myself up when missing classes..

    Thanks for all of the information! I am not going to take a pay cut to find something closer and this is certainly what it would entail. I am not in a financial position to do that and for me it really does not come down to cutting back unfortunately. This is my commute and I have to live with it and work around it.

    I will do my best to improve my life with this handicap. Thanks again for caring!


    Re: Sick all the time…need to keep myself up when missing classes..

    This book is about cancer but has a great deal of very good insights into health, nutrition, stress, lifestyle etc which are of benefit to everyone – worth checking out:


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