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    Little guy is really good,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHDvWggM5Qc


    Re: size doesn’t matter

    that was great! :D:



    Re: size doesn’t matter

    Both videos were GREAT!

    I sent the BJJ “teddy bear” one to a good friend of mine that has been a judo/BJJ player for years.

    The little guy on the focus mitts could show Bas a few things – ha!


    Re: size doesn’t matter

    Don, that “little” kid is good, he’d beat the cr@p out of my knees. My grandson is almost three and I’ve been wondering if and when I should put him into some kind of “martial art” school. My daughter wouldn’t be able to afford it so it would be on my $.


    Re: size doesn’t matter

    Hey C, I wish I was that good now! 😀


    Re: size doesn’t matter

    NEWS FLASH; fifthy year old man gets beaten up by a five year old…


    Re: size doesn’t matter

    quote cmetalman:

    Don, that “little” kid is good, he’d beat the cr@p out of my knees. My grandson is almost three and I’ve been wondering if and when I should put him into some kind of “martial art” school. My daughter wouldn’t be able to afford it so it would be on my $.

    If you’re looking for an affordable martial art that will teach techniques that are useful on the playground and will engage the kid and teach good sportsmanship, I would recommend looking into judo.


    Re: size doesn’t matter

    CLKMAK,I’ve never done any martial arts prior to Krav and I didn’t start Krav until I was forty. When would a child be old enough to learn an art without “street testing” techniques on his friends and injuring someone?


    Re: size doesn’t matter

    quote cmetalman:

    CLKMAK,I’ve never done any martial arts prior to Krav and I didn’t start Krav until I was forty. When would a child be old enough to learn an art without “street testing” techniques on his friends and injuring someone?

    You didn’t ask me, but our 8 year old son began training in TKD three years ago. He just received his first degree black belt this past Saturday.

    The answer, I believe, is it depends on the kid, the parents and the school. I don’t believe our son is interested in testing anything outside of the school. It’s partly his disposition and partly that he trains so darn hard that he really doesn’t have anything to “get out of his system.”

    The school is also adamant about students not misusing their training. It’s part of the Taekwondo oath:

    quote :

    • I shall observe the tenets of Taekwondo.
    • I shall respect the instructor and seniors.
    • I shall never misuse Taekwondo.
    • I shall be a champion of freedom and justice.
    • I shall build a more peaceful world.

    One could, of course, pay lip service to the oath, but the school frequently reminds parents to utilize them as a resource to help correct behaviors. This goes way beyond misuse of their training; they expect the child to try their best in all aspects of their lives and to be good citizens and leaders. The real result of his training is that he’s a respectful and humble person who knows how to work hard to achieve a goal. Developing the fighting skills is the framework on which these qualities have been built.




    Re: size doesn’t matter

    quote cmetalman:

    CLKMAK,I’ve never done any martial arts prior to Krav and I didn’t start Krav until I was forty. When would a child be old enough to learn an art without “street testing” techniques on his friends and injuring someone?

    Well, with judo at least the techniques that are focused on are ones that can be applied in a sportive setting, ie they wouldn’t be learning how to hit someone in the throat, knee the groin, gouge an eye etc. Judo at junior levels also restricts dangerous techniques that are allowed in sport judo like arm bars and chokes (because it’s probably a bad idea for developing kids to be choked or have their joints tested). However this can be deceptive, because judo techniques can be dangerous off the mat against someone who doesn’t know how to fall. Like any martial art the kid will have to be taught that they can’t go around hurting people with what they learn, and if they don’t understand that then they probably shouldn’t be studying the fighting arts. Elements of judo are safe for when kids start roughhousing, like kids will do. For example, they’ll learn how to resist someone trying to put them on the ground or how to get out from someone trying to pin them down. I wouldn’t really go lower than 7 or 8 years old as a starting point unless they’re super interested, motivated and talented. Sure you can start younger, but I’ve taught kung fu to kids and most of them aren’t really learning much at a younger age. At that age, I think it’s more important to get lots of fun exercise time to work out spatial abilities, coordination etc. There are good kids programs for young kids at some martial arts schools, but they don’t really develop anything martial; they’re just fun kid games that may help their cognition later on.


    Re: size doesn’t matter

    The answer, I believe, is it depends on the kid, the parents and the school.”

    I agree with all three answers,

    For those of you who know Kevin Lewis he just trained CJ last week and when the session was over he looked at me and said “we just trained for 45 mins and your sons literally bouncing off the walls” – yup thats my son.

    I started him on Bas when he was 2.

    My son just turned 5 in Aug he started traditional Martial Arts when he was almost 4. He’s now a brown belt in Hopkido.

    He also does KMX 2 days a week

    He’s been doing the Gracie “Bullyproof” system twice a week for a little over a month. You can see him rolling with Oneness at Bas’ gym in my avatar.

    Its his PE and his socialization since he’s in an academically excelled school program this is what he wanted to do as his choice for his PE elective. Having said that we use it as his motivation for his school work, he can’t train unless he completes his lesson plans and homework. I’ve pulled his rank off twice and hung it on the dojo wall when he misbehaved and told him he had to earn it back.

    The point is it does come down to parental involvement and working together with the instructor and school to make your child as well rounded as possible. You know your child better than anyone, what will and will not work to incentivize and to discipline if needed.

    And that includes a firm understanding of when and why to use what they have learned.

    I think the KMX program is amazing for self defense.
    Traditional martial arts for discipline and structure.
    And what kid doesn’t like to roll around on the ground and wrestle?

    Whatever you choose for your child the best advice I can give is be a part of it. Don’t look at it as an oppertunity to drop them off so you can go run errands. Trust me it pays off.


    Re: size doesn’t matter

    Judo is a great system for kids for a couple reasons IMO. It’s a grappling system so they’re not going to be learning “Possible” maiming type techniques. They will learn how to fall and not hurt themselves an underrated life skill. It’s traditional in discipline. It’s usually readily available. There is usually No Contracts and it’s cheap


    Re: size doesn’t matter

    Thanks for all the response,again I’m talking about my grandson so I really don’t have control of his daily life. So with that said, what age would be good to entertain the idea of him trying some martial art?


    Re: size doesn’t matter

    I’m good with “now” :0

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