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    My hands are beat up from having sissy hands and punching with them, my knuckles have been rubbed raw from holding the pads for people, I have a big bruise on my wrist/forearm from palm striking the center of the tombstone pad and having the rest of the pad smack my mid-forearm (at least I’m striking through well!), and my lower back is slightly sore today from practicing my moving around while on the ground. After all this the only thing I have to say about Krav Maga is….I LIKE IT, I LIKE IT ALLOT :mrgreen: !! It’s by far the most effective and practical fighting system I’ve ever studied. I’ve encountered a few \”real world\” systems but this is hands down the best.

    I’ve learned that I need to start wrapping my hands/wrist. I’ve been waiting on my wraps to arrive (since I ordered some online) but my instructor gave me a pair of 180\” wraps when I signed on so I’m going to start wearing them until my 118\” wraps arrive. I know for most people the 180\” would be preferable because of the extra support but bear in mind that I’m 6ft and 133 pounds. Needless to say, I could wrap my scrawny wrist all day long with 180\”s. At any rate, just wanted to share my non-political 😉 opinion of how great Krav is.


    Speaking of sissy hands, my school is selling pink hand wraps. Now, I’m into pink and stuff, but even I can’t bring myself to walk into class with pink hand wraps. Not yet anway. 😛

    Glad you’re having fun (and you haven’t barfed…yay!!). 😀


    Bas Rutten, one of the pioneers of modern MMA fighting (UFC and the like) has used pink hand wraps. Hell, anybody see what he wore during his first two fights in Pancrase? It looked like a tutu.

    If anyone gives you beef, tell them you learned it from watching Bas 😉 .


    Yeah, I haven’t barfed yet. Pink huh? Hmm, I stick with royal blue thanks. 🙂



    if Bas can use pink, you can use pink! 😈


    Okay, but only if they go with my outfit. 😛


    agreed!!! 🙂

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