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  • #28490

    I apologize for potentially asking any rhetorical or obvious questions, however, I just wanted to solicit some feedback if possible.

    1) When and in what situation(s) would it be appropriate to use speed combination type moves? When for power?

    I realize it depends on various variables such as position, type of threat (armed or unarmed), multiple adversaries, etc, etc…. What I’m after is just a general rule of thumb. What has been peoples experience as to what works best?

    2) How does one increase speed/power in movements? Again, I am aware that hip and shoulder movement is key because it builds momentum, speed, force, power….etc…. How does one go about training for this? I’m under the assumption here that form counts for a lot and you should not get over zealous right away. Again… just looking for some experienced feedback and input.

    Thank you all ! ! !

    P.S. If you could give some situations/experiences that you were in to tie in with what you are elaborating on, that would be fantastico! 😛


    Slow is smooth, smooth is fast, fast is deadly. Start out slow and smooth, the speed will come with practice. If you are looking to develope power in your punches and kicks, use a heavy bag but first and foremost get your form perfect. Practice does not make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect.

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