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  • #32927

    Thanks to this forum and many other informational resources, I plan on starting Krav Maga upon my moving to San Diego.

    I have lived and currently live in a real peaceful / low to no crime setting in suburbia New Hampshire / Maine for college, so I’ve never really had an interest in self-defense. I’m a bit worried about moving to a much more highly populated San Diego and worried a little bit of the change in atmosphere.

    I’m currently a college student in my senior year with only about a month left before I take the walk across the big stage.

    I’m a bit nervous to start Krav Maga as I’ve never stepped a foot into a martial arts program or any self defense sort of training. I like to consider myself relatively coordinated (playing paintball every weekend at a tournament level for almost 9 years…reaction speed is very good). I am not in the best shape but you would never know that just looking right at me.

    I’m hoping to get a few things out of Krav Maga. Obviously to get in better shape and heighten my reactions in self-defense and in paintball. I would also like to heighten my self-discipline. I’m a college student as I said before and I would like to rely on myself to make better decisions (like saving money haha).

    Anyways, that is my little schpeel. I am looking forward to starting this training in a few months and hopefully make a “better me”.


    Re: Starting up real soon!!!

    quote Stanks:

    Thanks to this forum and many other informational resources, I plan on starting Krav Maga upon my moving to San Diego.

    I have lived and currently live in a real peaceful / low to no crime setting in suburbia New Hampshire / Maine for college, so I’ve never really had an interest in self-defense. I’m a bit worried about moving to a much more highly populated San Diego and worried a little bit of the change in atmosphere.

    I’m currently a college student in my senior year with only about a month left before I take the walk across the big stage.

    I’m a bit nervous to start Krav Maga as I’ve never stepped a foot into a martial arts program or any self defense sort of training. I like to consider myself relatively coordinated (playing paintball every weekend at a tournament level for almost 9 years…reaction speed is very good). I am not in the best shape but you would never know that just looking right at me.

    I’m hoping to get a few things out of Krav Maga. Obviously to get in better shape and heighten my reactions in self-defense and in paintball. I would also like to heighten my self-discipline. I’m a college student as I said before and I would like to rely on myself to make better decisions (like saving money haha).

    Anyways, that is my little schpeel. I am looking forward to starting this training in a few months and hopefully make a “better me”.

    Wecome aboard….I can see Krav helping you with “all of the above”. Just stick with it. thumbsup

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