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    Hey all. Had an interesting experience the other night, and would love some feedback.
    I’m average height (5’10-5’11”), and we’ve been working stick defense the past few nights. Worked with guys from 5’8 or so up through 6’5″. No problems at all.
    Then, last night, I worked with another guy who is maybe 5’5″ or 5’6. I was AMAZED at the differnce it made.
    The “spearing” defense was nearly impossible to get right. His arm, when raised, only got to my shoulder height or so, I would be spearing DOWN. I didn’t have the chance to ask the instructor (or even better, the more adcvanced 6’5″ student) how he handled the drastic change in geometry that the situation called for. If someone is hitting realistically with the stick (which he was) I didn’t find the defense to be terribly effective.
    Thoughts on how it might need to be changed against a shorter opponent/partner?



    Re: Stick defenses with a shorter opponent

    Was he targeting your head?


    Re: Stick defenses with a shorter opponent

    quote Ryan:

    Was he targeting your head?

    Ooops…this information might have been useful. Yes, stick defenses against a straight down onto the top of the head/forehead strike.


    Re: Stick defenses with a shorter opponent

    I think what Ryan meant was that he was actually trying to hit your head, where if you failed you would have gotten cracked on the top.
    If you stab at the wrist for the redirection and bend at the waist (and burst in if possible) the height of the attacker should not matter. I’m about 6′ and I have been attacked by everyone from 6’7″ to 5’2″. If I aim just inside there wrist with mine, I’ve never had an issue. Now the shorter they are the more you wind up going forward than up.
    Were you tucking your head?


    Re: Stick defenses with a shorter opponent

    Yes, what Brent said.

    If the stick is coming toward your head, his height shouldn’t make much difference. Whether the attacker is 6’4 or 5′, the stick is still going to the same place. Note the key points Brent mentioned, and make sure they are in tact.

    Good luck with it!


    Re: Stick defenses with a shorter opponent

    Thanks guys. Yes, he was being a good partner, and had I missed enitrely, it would have connected. I think part of my problem was that he was not swinging like an idiot on the street, but like someone with some escrima training…his arm was moving less, giving me a very small time/place target.
    I was tucking my head (kind of behind the shoulder, as taught), and will try bending into it a touch more next time we work it.
    My two favorite partners are 6’5″ and this guy, I need to train with more “average” sized guys!


    Re: Stick defenses with a shorter opponent

    If they are swinging more escrima style it still works. When I’ve done this I defend more on the stick than the wrist but only if I don’t burst in. It’s the escrima footwork that is the real problem. They ALWAYS move on angles.


    Re: Stick defenses with a shorter opponent

    quote BrentW:

    If they are swinging more escrima style it still works. When I’ve done this I defend more on the stick than the wrist but only if I don’t burst in. It’s the escrima footwork that is the real problem. They ALWAYS move on angles.

    And they ALWAYS get their ass chewed for doing it. LOL


    Re: Stick defenses with a shorter opponent

    I remember going to a krav seminar with no krav experience but a fair amount of escrima training- I did all sorts of things they thought were weird (mostly passing and redirecting the weapon arm instead of jamming it). The thing I couldn’t get used to was bending forward in the low 360 defense- I would tend to step on an angle as I blocked low to create space rather than bend at the waist.

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