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    If power is coming off of my back dominant leg, then it is natural to move your shoulders as well too no?

    Also, what does winding up mean?



    Re: Stop winding up my punches and keep my shoulders straight…

    Winding up means moving back in order to come forward. You might feel stronger by doing so, but what is actually happening is that you’re tipping your opponant as to your intent. Thus, he’ll be better able to defend, counter or simply beat you to the punch.

    Your shoulder will move when you punch, but it should be moving forward. It should move as a result of the force created by your hips / legs driving forward.

    I hope that this helps!


    Re: Stop winding up my punches and keep my shoulders straight…

    Think torque. Think hips.

    When you see one of your training partners “winding up” you’ll notice the opportunity as the opponent and see how bad that is. Happened yesterday, my partner kept going back first before striking…it felt like I had an hour to counter it. Instructor picked up on it and we saw the difference immediately.


    Re: Stop winding up my punches and keep my shoulders straight…

    And yes, opponent is the proper spelling, Steve… (sorry)


    Re: Stop winding up my punches and keep my shoulders straight…

    Thanks all…I have been away for a while!


    Re: Stop winding up my punches and keep my shoulders straight…

    I am not sure “winding up” is a good term… it reminds me of a cartoon characters actions. You wind up and make a huge movement (like a huge bar room right hand that goes WAYYY back in an attempt to gain power, and be more intimidating), you telegraph your actions like what Steve said.

    But I think (maybe) what you are talking about is not a winding up motion, or a huge movement, but what we usually refer to as “loading” which is a much smaller movement and natural.

    When you punch with one hand, you will notice your body mechanics naturally take the other back, providing you are using all your body and not using short punches. This action is what we actually refer to as “loading”. When you punch with your right, you naturally “load” your other hand.

    The best description I heard of this was if you have an object on a top shelf and you have to stretch to reach it, you will naturally send your opposite shoulder back to lenghthen your body and make it easier to grasp the object.

    Now take that same action but imagine the object is in front of you as you are punching. The arm goes forward, causing the opposite shoulder to rotate back. That action “loads” that opposite arm, making for more power… in a nutshell.


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