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    The general tone of the forum as of late has been rather negative, with several members interjecting complaints in mulitple threads, with or without relevance. I don’t think there is much to be accomplished by complaining here about these issues–especially incessantly.

    At the end of the day, KM schools are businesses, run by people. There are bad people, bad businesses, and bad KM schools/instructors, just like there are bad doctors, lawyers, taxi drivers, etc. KMWE/KMAA does not get involved in the day-to-day operations of a school. If the school wants to teach something else, or they want to charge twice the going rate, that’s a business decision at the school level. If KM classes are being taught by non-KM certified instructors, that is a matter to take up with KMWE/KMAA, but this isn’t the place. If you can’t resolve things at the school level, contact LA directly. It’s easy to do.

    This forum used to be a terrific resource for a variety of topics related to self protection, fighting, and fitness. It has not been that as of late, and I for one would like to see it return to those days.


    Well put Ryan. I do think that some people need to voice their frustrations. I don’t think many people here have a problem with that as long as it is in a constructive and professional manner. It’s good to have a healthy debate…respectfully.

    I believe where we run into problems is when people write things w/o thinking about them first..

    Good post.


    Jops, I absolutely don’t want to curb debate, and I think it’s fine to voice frustrations. My main bone of contention is the constant interjection of complaints, by the same people, without real relevance to the topic. Say your piece and go on about the business of the forum. If you really want to exact change, take measures with more efficacy.

    Thanks for your comments!


    I whole-heartedly agree!


    Maybe a \”soap box’ area could be added?


    I agree that the rhetoric should be carefully examined to determine whether it adds to or detracts from our understanding of the Krav community and the system itself.

    That having been said, I think that the original question \”What happened to the Krav program in x community\” is valid, as are the answers offered.

    I look forward to moving on to other subjects.


    I don’t think we need a soap box area. I think if you have a problem with something (problems that have been mentioned in other posts) I think the most simple and smart idea is to talk to \”your\” instructor or talk to the NTC about it instead of bringing the problems here. We don’t need to stir up a pot of trouble and have the boards taken away. I enjoy reading everyone’s opinions about different topics and talking about mine, but we are all grown mature people who don’t need to be talking about personal problems on a forum when the easiest thing that can be done is talking to your instructor or the people in L.A. Just my opinion.


    I have found this forum to be quite mild and informative in comparison to the running forums I frequent.


    Well, you know those runners. They’re complete animals.

    The Krav guys, well, we’re just pussycats!



    Personally, as a long time Krav Maga student, if there are some people at certain schools, who teach without qualification or certification, I want to know about it. New students might be coming to those places, who have been hearing a lot of good things about Krav Maga, only to be thoroughly disappointed. They’ll think Krav Maga is crap, because it is being taught the wrong way by an unqualified instructor. It’ll make my system look bad and it shouldn’t be happening. So we shouldn’t really be mad at the students for bringing it up, but rather at the phony instructors, who teach without a license and the school owners, who let them do it. As they say, don’t shoot the messenger.


    I completely support the idea of questions and concerns being expressed on this forum. I have always tried to make this a \”warts and all\” forum whenever the ultimate point is constructive and non-political. I have told our schoolowners that when students raise questions of techniques, training methods, and duration of levels on this forum, I will answer them with the truth regardless of the consequences to the school. It not only keeps the schools honest, it keeps US honest. I believe in the idea that if you say something in the public square, you are then motivated to follow through.

    However, I DO agree with Ryan when people start tirades and want to vent rather than actual solve a problem, people who want to use the anonymity of the forum to make statements, rather than go to the school, or to us personally, to express their concerns, eh, giantkiller?


    Geez, how did I end up as the bad guy all of a sudden? 🙁 Ryan wanted to hear our opinion and so I gave it to him.

    I just don’t think we should be afraid to be discussing these issues. After all, they do concern all of us and the system we all love and care about. And we shouldn’t be mad at people like atakrav for bringing them up. Must suck for him to keep coming to class and have an uncertified person teaching it and then not learning anything. Sure, it sounds easy to just \”contact the NTC\”, but a lot of people probably have no idea whom to contact and think it’s a gigantic organisation with thousands of employees and they wouldn’t know how to get in contact with the right person. Then they find the forum and it seems like a good place to mention it.

    Personally, I don’t see why not. Whoever doesn’t want to read it can go on to another thread or post. I think if we truly want to be open to debate we should welcome these kinds of posts. I mean, it’s good that you want to truthfully answer questions about technique, training methods and durations of levels, but then again, why wouldn’t you? After all, those aren’t exactly controversial subjects.

    As for my very own \”tirade\” some time ago about the schedule, that was purely a desperation move, since I heard about it on a Saturday and there was no one there to talk to and the change was already about to be made, before I would have had a chance to get back to class. So, I was checking in to the forum and suddenly thought, maybe I can post it here, then whoever is in charge might read it and may reconsider. Didn’t expect much from it, but I thought couldn’t hurt to try. I’m still not entirely sure why you seem to be so upset about that, when it would be so easy to simply say something like: \”Sure, we’ll look into it, no problem.\”

    And, by the way, I’m not exactly ‘hiding’ either. I’ve revealed plenty about myself in other posts and I don’t think it would be too hard to guess who I am.


    Giantkiller, I didn’t really ask for opinions. Not trying to be a jackass, but that wasn’t what I was trying to accomplish with my post.

    That said, this forum has always been open, and John has always allowed open criticism. That was not what I was really concerned with here. You say, \”Whoever doesn’t want to read it can go on to another thread or post.\” Well, maybe, if it’s a post about \”instructors at XXXX Martial Arts Academy\”. People like atakrav were interjecting the same complaint into every post and thread, regardless of relevance. What’s to be gained by that?

    Regarding \”a lot of people probably have no idea whom to contact and think it’s a gigantic organisation with thousands of employees and they wouldn’t know how to get in contact with the right person\”. I hardly think that’s truthful, since John is quite often posting his e-mail address and encouraging people to contact him.

    Just my opinion… 😉


    I, for one, must say in retrospect that I regret answering the question originally posted on the thread. I responded out of frustration, which is rarely a good idea.

    I don’t disagree with the content of my post, but perhaps this context is inappropriate.

    John W, please feel free to delete my comments.

    BTW, I never hide on boards. My name, well, it’s pretty easy to figure out.


    Well Ryan, you did say \”Thanks for your comments\”, so I guess I took that as an invitation for more…

    You are right, atakrav may have gone a bit overboard by interjecting the same complaint in multiple threads, but then again I can kind of see his frustration. He found the forum, that was what was on his mind, so he posted about it.

    It’s true, John sometimes posts his e-mail, but in order to find it, you’ll have to find the forum first. Once you’re on the forum for the first time, you’ll still don’t know whom to contact at that point, so people will assume the best way to get attention is to simply interject their concerns.

    Maybe we could think about creating a phone number or e-mail address for people to use when they are having similar complaints. Maybe require the schools to make that information available to the students, post it somewhere in the school, in addition to explaining that only certified teachers are allowed to teach and maybe show the students their certification upon request. Just make some type of tough rules, to try and minimize these kinds of problems occuring. Of course it’s hard to control that many different schools, which would make this an excellent time to discuss the pros and cons of rapid expansion, but I guess we shouldn’t go there… 😉

    Somehow it seems we are always stressing that open discussion and criticism are more than welcome on this forum, but then, when someone has something remotely critical to say, people seem to be getting mad.

    By the way, one good method of changing the \”negative tone of the forum\” would be to simply start some threads yourself, with things you would like to talk about. Come up with some scenarios, technique questions, whatever you find interesting, intrigue us and let us chime in. Looks like you are rarely starting threads, except for this one, which does exactly what you don’t want others to do: complain. And look where it has gotten us: Another negative conversation! 🙁

    So, how about coming up with some interesting scenarios or the like, so we can have a fun (and positive!) discussion… 😀

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