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    I have just finished watching a few Systema clips.

    These guys dont even look like they are trying!

    Is this an effective system?

    I know I’m on a KM board, but the other martial arts boards seem to be

    filled with kids getting beat up by bullies looking for a way to get them back!

    Everyone on here (mostly) seems educated, mature and experienced enough to answer my questions.

    Thank you and once again I apologize for the off topic…topic.


    I probably saw the same clips that you did. Boy, it sure doesn’t look to me like it could be effective at all. It’s looks like so much bull. I obviously can’t say for sure though. It looks like some silly type of Aikido derivative.


    Systema is not a derivative of aikido. Its pretty unique, and has a lot of stuff you won’t find in any other martial art.
    I’ve practiced with a guy who has a long martial arts background, but he mostly emphasized systema and aikido, which are similar in concept but not in the training methods. Systema teaches a freedom of motion that few arts can hold a candle to. Many of the drills will make any martial art better because there is more emphasis on principles than techniques.
    But its effectiveness, in your own mind, will be determined by your preconceived notions. If you’re the type that believes that only hard sparring and repetitive technique is helpful for self defense, systema may never make sense in your mind. Systema emphasizes a flexible, relaxed response, and you even see them smiling when they practice. Totally relaxed, spontaneous responses kind of require that you spend a lot of time doing slow motion stuff. But maybe you won’t believe in this type of training. Thats fine, but I think you can only get so far with hard training.



    I have seen several Systame videos. I was lucky to spend days with ex Spetznaz guys from russia, one of the was a famous sambo master. NONE of the moves he showed us looked like on the video.

    Secret martial arts of the rusion special forces? Come on…This guy just moved to Canada, where he can sell his \”top secret\” system…

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