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    I’ve trained in Krav for several years and am 52 years of age. While in good shape, I’ve got range of motion limitations in both elbows that aren’t going to get better and place real limits on my being able to perform various pluck defenses, particularly for chokes from behind.

    The two that give me the most trouble are standing choke from behind and choke from behind with a pull. These require plucks at the sides of the neck (even slightly behind) and my elbows just won’t bend enough to allow this. I work around it pretty effectively by plucking with one hand to the opposite side (reaching across my chest). While not a two-handed pluck, I can easily reach the attacker’s hand, break the hold and follow through with combatives.

    My instructors all know that I need to adapt this way and are fine with it, as it’s effective. Having recently tested for brown belt, I’m preparing over the coming year to be evaluated at Krav Worldwide to see if I’m ready to test for black belt.

    Does anyone here have experience with some persistent injury or limitation that you’ve had to make adaptations for? Have any of you tested at KMWW headquarters using these adaptations? It doesn’t seem that my situation would be unique and I’m curious about what to expect.


    Re: Technique Adaptations To Work Around Body Limitations?

    If it were up to me, I’d allow you to use another technique like the one you adapted for yourself or maybe the one in the curriculum for two handed choke from behind while pushing you forward or up against a wall. That being said, I’m not testing you so I’d recommend contacting the people who will be testing you and may not be familiar with you as a student.


    Re: Technique Adaptations To Work Around Body Limitations?

    quote Don:

    If it were up to me, I’d allow you to use another technique like the one you adapted for yourself or maybe the one in the curriculum for two handed choke from behind while pushing you forward or up against a wall. That being said, I’m not testing you so I’d recommend contacting the people who will be testing you and may not be familiar with you as a student.

    I’ll plan on doing so, though it’s far enough in the future that I’ll probably wait until closer to the evaluation to contact them. Interestingly, our instructor did offer the defense for choke from behind with a push as an alternative to the standing choke from behind defense just last night. In a lot of respects, it’s the more straightforward technique anyway. :):


    Re: Technique Adaptations To Work Around Body Limitations?

    I have a couple of students that have range of motion issues as well.

    Here’s a tip. Pretend that you are carrying a child in both hands. If someone were to pull /choke you from behind, what would you do? You wouldn’t drop the child would you? You wouldn’t try and pull away from them in the opposite direction would you?

    You need to turn violently and deal with the attacker.

    If it’s two hands, take a step back to one side(whichever side went first) turn violently into your attacker and counter with lower body combatives. You may also be able to get a headbutt in if you turn dynamically enough.

    You wouldn’t throw your child into the attacker would you? I might, not you….hehehe…

    If it’s a one handed pull, say left shoulder, you would just turn violently in that direction and follow up with strikes.

    Hope this helps!


    Re: Technique Adaptations To Work Around Body Limitations?

    Posted a video…but I don’t think it will help in your range of motion limitations. It’s very similar to the choke from behind with a pull defense.


    Re: Technique Adaptations To Work Around Body Limitations?

    If he can’t do the traditional one, he probably will have issues with this as well.

    Like I said, pretend you are carrying a child and cannot use either hand.

    Turn violently.

    It takes practice, but it works.

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