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    Hi all,

    Sadly I will be moving soon to a very small town in Southern England which doesn’t have the benefit of a Krav club nearby…and I’ll be living here for at least 6 months possibly longer until I move to Colorado where I know there are plenty of Krav training centers 😀

    Having looked around it seems the two best options for training are either Choi Kwang Do or Jujitsu….I’ve read a fair bit on the previous discussions about Jijutsu as a supplement to Krav, but haven’t seen any mention of CKD….does anyone think it’s worth giving this a shot for my time here, or should I simply stick to general workouts at the gym and practising what I remember from my Krav lessons? If no one else has tried CKD or heard good/bad stuff about it, I may recce the style to see how \”street effective\” it is compared to Krav 😉


    Not sure if you have ever read any of Geoff Thompsons books, but I think his material is excellent, I would suggest checking out his website, they have a forum, IM sure you could find some like minded self protection fans that could provide input as to what is available in the south of England. Good Luck.


    Can’t help you with your temporary replacement, but certainly can suggest an excellent school / trainer in Colorado for when you make the move!


    Good luck!



    armitage – by Southern England do you mean in the UK? Apologies for the bone question but if that’s a yes there are Krav clubs opening all over the UK especially in the South, South East and London. I work in London and live in the South East and would be happy to PM or post the URLs (if thats ok with the forum moderators) I have use.



    Patrick, I’ll be moving out of London to Hampshire in the South East . Drop me an email at [email protected] and we can chat further.


    Just to be safe, in case you don’t like the training options you find over there, I’d suggest buying Bas Rutten’s Mixed Martial Arts Workout CD. It will help you with your conditioning for when you get back to the States and a good Krav school.


    You could get our DVD’s/videos and practice with a friend (maybe someone you’ll meet at the new fighting club). Amir Perets’ videos are also very good.


    Thanks for all the advice guys…I may end up getting the DVDs/books, and popping back to London once a month for some private training with an instructor. A couple of friends in the area are quite interested too, so I may have some training buddies! 😀


    Choi Kwang Do is Korean
    traditional art much like Tae Kwon Do and Tang Soo Do. It has muchd the same techniques as TKD and TSD. I believe it does have a little more ground work though. But, still I don’t think it is a good sub for Krav. I’d stick with the jujitsu and work out with the Bas tapes as mentioned above.
    Just my $.02.


    Thanks for that BradM….I’ve also found the groundwork stuff to be the hardest thing to learn in KM, so jujitsu would help me develop that. Unfortunately I can’t seem to find any Krav/Bas Rutten DVDs which would play in Region 2, and I don’t have a Region 1/multiregion DVD player. So I’ll have to just go with the books for that side of things, unless anyone knows of suitable DVDs for the UK region.


    Maybe a portable DVD player? Or watch it on your computer?


    Just an update for anyone who was interested…I’ve managed to find a Kali/JKD school nearby as well, so will be checking them out. In any case I’ve been in touch with the local JuJitsu instructor who was very interested in hearing of my Krav experiences, and welcomed me to train with them. I’m looking at popping back to London from time to time to have a private lesson with my Krav instructor, just so I don’t get too rusty! 😉

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