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    So, a few weeks ago, one of the younger instructors (I don’t know if his title is Jr. Instructor, and I would have to disrespect him in any way) at the school I belong to went out and got his instructor certification. SInce he’s been back, he has been running brutal, intense, fantastic classes for the level A’s, that the rest of us have been thrilled to go to. The review is great, he’s a fantastic instructor, and his intensity is infectious. It spills over to the rest of my life.

    Then, the lead instructor just got back from his next level of training at one of the RTCs (got his expert level cert. if I understand the way these things go). That same hyper-intensity, the newly REFORTIFIED dedication to some of the things we all love about Krav and the study thereof that is in the younger instructor is now redoubled in the lead instructor. Classes have been more intense. COmbatives are thrown with more seriousness. There is still a fun and nice atmosphere in class, but there is also a new seriousness, a decrease in the idle chit-chat and goofing off. Instead of inside-the-fence, jab-jab, and pop outside, everone is attacking con gusto. We are straight-arming, controling the opponents/attackers posture, and ending that attack RIGHT NOW.

    THANK YOU. This is what Krav is meant to be. it was always the art/system for me. Now the intensity that I always loved has been taken up a notch. Now that I am comfortable with the system (will be testing into C in a week and a half), that “old” intensity had become the baseline…the status quo…but not anymore. What Krav used to do for me is back, and I feel great. Sore as hell, bruised up, and my forearms ache typing this…but I’ve got a big smile on my face.

    Thanks to the two of you who might have actually read this whole pointless babble-fest.

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