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    Krav moved into my neighborhood,actually two streets from my house. Ok, its been going on five years since I’ve done Krav I’m actually excited and anxious, I’m running out of excuses for not going. I’m 48 now, stopped years ago, “back” couldn’t take the breakfalls. need some inspiration!


    Re: ther goes the neighborhood!

    Float like a butterfly,sting like a bee…

    Seriously though.I have arthritis in my neck,& even with tucking my head,I still get neck strain & back pain (I’m 58).
    Make sure you’re thouroughly warmed-up & stretched before doing them,even getting to class 10 minutes early to stretch out.
    If you still have problems,tell your instructor that you need to skip the breakfalls.They are only a small percent of what you do in class.


    Re: ther goes the neighborhood!

    jjbklb, thanks, I’ve been in pretty good shape lately since krav ,went from 205lb to 170lb wife got me on the southbeach diet, and been doing the Bas tapes for couple of years and working out on the “Bob “, just nervious about getting injured.


    Re: ther goes the neighborhood!

    pain is weakness leaving the body!!!! i’m fat,40 and was way way way out of shape when i started, and now i’m fat,40 and way out of shape! but i’m improving plus two blocks away you can walk to class(not sure about getting home, if you work out as hard as we do) so it sounds like a win win situation to me


    Re: ther goes the neighborhood!

    russell, thanks, I can crawl back home if need be.


    Re: ther goes the neighborhood!

    If the terms are good, you got no excuse. Go train, but start slow. a couple days a week.

    You might want to look into http://www.yrgworkout.com as a supplement. Yoga For Regular Guys. I found out about this on the Dog brothers forum. It spread from there to a bunch of warrior type boards. Watch the vid of the vet who was on crutches. Arthur Boorman. Its a solid program and will help you in an older guys weakness flexibility. Good training


    Re: ther goes the neighborhood!

    unstpabl1, well I’m going to check them out this week,”terms” are real important to me, don’t want to get locked into some long term contract, think “month to month” is possible? Reference to starting slow , yeah I have to watch that I’m a real spas,scare my fellow workers,should see me after a cup of coffee.


    Re: ther goes the neighborhood!

    quote cmetalman:

    unstpabl1, well I’m going to check them out this week,”terms” are real important to me, don’t want to get locked into some long term contract, think “month to month” is possible? Reference to starting slow , yeah I have to watch that I’m a real spas,scare my fellow workers,should see me after a cup of coffee.

    I wish you well and am jealous. A couple thoughts to offer as help. Take in mind I’m just another guy on the net with an opinion.

    Sports psychologist James Loehr wrote books on toughness training based on his expiriences working with olympians and athletes. Regardless what people think about martial arts training, in the end its toughness training. You may never get in a fight but the training will make you a Stronger, more flexible, more resilient and more responsive person. More responsive meaning stronger in your ability to respond to stressors and challenges both physical and mental. Strength, flexibility, responsiveness, and resilency= Toughness.

    As you said in the OP your main concern is getting injured. The problem I’ve expirienced and seen from guys who disappeared from this board soon after starting is that we think were 16 not 48. Krav seeks to train that never say die attitude. Never give up. So by its nature its there to push you. Of course if your restarting your body isn’t ready for the challenge. If you over train you break, cause your body isn’t strong,flexible,resilient, or responsive enough to respond to the stress your putting on it. Our mind is willing, but the body isn’t.

    There are 2 areas the older novice athlete should pay attetion to that they usually ignore till forced to. RECOVERY and FLEXIBILITY. Recovery is accomplished thru rest, diet, ice, stretching, message, etc. Most of us never give any thought to it till we’re sore as hell. Its amazing how many people have come here talking about being outta shape and afraid they can’t handle the training, only to sign up and swear their gonna train everyday and be an instructor next week. So they show up for the next 3 classes in a row and are never heard from again cause their enthusiasm wrote a check their body wasn’t ready to cash. Pro’s pay attention to recovery.

    For us that means starting off with a class, exploring recovery options( I like Icing down potential problems immediately after) and listening to the body when its ready to go again. Don’t go full out in the training session. Erring on the side of caution. Instead of everyday or every other day start going on Monday’s and Thursday. On the off days focus on recovery and active rest, like stretching or walks. There not really off days but recovery days. As you get tougher your relilency will get better and you’ll be able to handle the stress better. The problems arise when you try to force toughness. Fatigue makes cowards of us all. Too much stress can break us. However if we make small daily improvements to handle the stress and recovery our resiliency expands.

    The reason I posted the YRG link is that we’re only as strong as our weakest link. Our weakest link as older athletes is flexibility and joint mobility. This should be our top thing to improve. If we focus on our weakest link all others will improve. We can’t just jump into class anymore without warm up or cooldown. We’re not thast resilient yet. YRG in essence is power yoga but with twists. Its not a chick or new ager thing. Its healing alot of guys who never would be caught dead doing yoga. It will aid your active rest days, challenge your cardio in a non impact way and develope strength without being hard on the joints. It will develope Toughness yet aide recovery.

    I hope to be jealous of your improvements as you post your accomplishments here in the coming monthsthumbsup Hope this helps a bit


    Re: ther goes the neighborhood!

    unstpabl1, thanks for the advice, I’ve talked to my wife to get her opinion,she knows I’ve been dying to get back into krav,but cautioned me to start slow and not to get too obsessed about it , when I was doing Krav about five years ago I used to go five to six days a week plus fight class and every seminar they’d have,really killed my body,but loved the rush I’d get.


    Re: ther goes the neighborhood!

    quote cmetalman:

    unstpabl1, thanks for the advice, I’ve talked to my wife to get her opinion,she knows I’ve been dying to get back into krav,but cautioned me to start slow and not to get too obsessed about it , when I was doing Krav about five years ago I used to go five to six days a week plus fight class and every seminar they’d have,really killed my body,but loved the rush I’d get.

    well least you know she’s not having an affair or she’d be telling you the opposite:dunno: Sounds like she knows ya, likes ya and is smarter than ya toothumbsup

    Its seriously about discipline. Looking at it as a marathon and not a race. After 40 you gotta train smarter and use it to heal not to hurt. All these guys running around chomping on advil and vicadinrofl2 pay attention to how many disappear each month. There is a reason for contracts

    Good luck


    Re: ther goes the neighborhood!

    quote cmetalman:

    Krav moved into my neighborhood,actually two streets from my house.

    What school is it?


    Re: ther goes the neighborhood!

    Coming from a 66 year old who trained in Krav Maga for a little over three years and still training in another system, your advice was right on target. Us “chronologically advanced” folks don’t heal and recover as fast as the younger species do. For those just starting a trianing program or returning after a period of lay-off, start slow and allow the ancient body and bones to get used to what you are putting it through.


    Re: ther goes the neighborhood!

    gwalsh, it’s the one in hav school. can you pm me let me know if they are?ertown on eagle rd., its Mr.A’s Premier I’m assuming they’re connected to Mr. Kirk’s


    Re: ther goes the neighborhood!

    Don’t know what happened (my typing isn’t that bad) , that’s havertown pa. on eagle rd.


    Re: ther goes the neighborhood!

    unstpabl1, excellent post and advice!! Coming from a 47 year old, My philosophy has always been “well they may be younger, stronger, with God given talent- BUT- no one is going to out work, out practice, or out hustle me when we are on the mat”. As I grow older, I still train that way, but because of recovery time increases, I am careful to train at 100% intensity no more than 3 classes a week. Much more than that, I end up in a over training situation. I do something helpful yet gentle–yoga, swimming, easy run on the off days. Balance becomes more important as you get older. My body is less forgiving of my ego and testosterone binges …Good luck cmetalman!!! Slow and steady.


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