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    At least there is video evidence of the assault. I hope the guy responsible does some time in jail.

    It’s also disappointing how everyone stood by and let it happen. 😡


    Lots of info on this video in an old thread……



    I had actually seen this before, and thought about posting it. I was so enraged, and sickened that I didn’t know what I would say – I still don’t. Part of the problem is not knowing what the \”lady\” was saying, and so upset about. It looked like she was pi$$ed about something the guy on the phone said, and then spits at the employee who came around the counter, then went on to call the guy \”white\” M*&*$her F%&(ker etc …

    In walks the gorilla, and he picks up where she left off. Looked like after sucker punching the (much smaller) guy and finishing him off, he may have robbed him while he was down. Amazing …

    Incidentally – How the hell did that guy not see it coming – Might have been fast but the guy was right in front of him and looked like he reached to the back of his own knee before throwing that punch!

    Two parting thoughts:

    1.) I agree that it was pathetic that no one did anything – Is it conceivable that they thought the guy deserved it? There was at least two other \”sizeable\” guys in there when it happened. Has anyone heard the story that goes with it?

    If not;

    2.) A strong argument for not only self defense, but conceled carry laws … One person in that shop packing (with any will) and it would have ended differently.


    Progress got in just before me … Still on that thread I didn’t see anything but opinion similar to the few here so far (the link provided took me to \”Break.com\”)

    Maybe the guy did deserve it – to some degree. But IMHO not by what was shown in the video. \”Getting in her face\” after she smacked him a couple of times may not have been polite, but at least he didn’t hit her back. If he was a bully, he wasn’t bullying anyone in that video.

    As an aside, something bothered me about the other thread, which was the few folks who said that they too would not have intervened. I don’t know what I would have done (unarmed) – I’m a small guy. But come on – Don’t decent members of society owe it to each other to help one another? Which brings me back to my last post. \”An armed society is a polite society.\”

    Recommended reading:

    The Constitutional Right and Social Obligation to Carry a Gun
    by Robert H. Boatman


    \”A citizen who shirks his duty to contribute to the security of his community is little better than the criminal who threatens it, and is better off living in a society that places lesser demands on his capacity to accept responsibility.\”


    Last thing then I’ll shut up …

    I checked my E-mail after my last post, and had received a link to the following article, for which the opening line reads:

    An anti-gun control organization has issued a release praising Florida Gov. Jeb Bush for linking lower crime rates and armed citizens.


    Timing is interesting.



    I read the news articles from the local Ohio news stations. The attacker stands at 6’4\” and weighs in at 300 lbs. If you’re planning on taking someone like him on, you’d better be a badass.

    From the news articles, the woman (who has 5 kids at home, mind you) cut in front of the guy in line. He commented on it on the phone. Regardless of what was said, she assaulted him by repeatedly touching his face. If she were a guy, I think the victim on the phone would have taken a swing. And rightfully so.

    The woman cut in front of him, and gets to order her pizza 30 seconds before he does. I’d have to ask the victim – was it worth all this?

    The older I get, the more I realize that most of these events are completely preventable. And not worth my time. I have everything to lose, and nothing to gain. And no matter how tough you are, just around the corner there is someone that’s even tougher.

    Just my $.02


    So the fat pig is 6’4\” and 300 lbs. So what? He has vulnerable spots on his body just like anyone else and it isn’t like he was 300 lbs of muscle mass. It really disappoints me that no one did anything to help that man. He didn’t deserve what happened to him.

    Does anyone know if the cowardly thug and his foul-mouthed female were charged with assault and battery?


    the attacker, an ex-con (if there is such a thing), got four years.

    the woman served 6 months for spitting on the pizza guy, and later received a 2 year suspended sentence for telling the attacker to \”finish the white #$&@** off.\” nice.

    mongo if you can easily handle a guy that size, that’s pretty impressive. but you’re probably among the minority of americans.



    quote \”Sledge Hammer\:

    the attacker, an ex-con (if there is such a thing), got four years.

    the woman served 6 months for spitting on the pizza guy, and later received a 2 year suspended sentence for telling the attacker to \”finish the white #$&@** off.\” nice.

    mongo if you can easily handle a guy that size, that’s pretty impressive. but you’re probably among the minority of americans.

    I’m not what you’d call a small guy but that wasn’t the point I was making. Any \”big\” guy will go down like a sack of potatoes with a well placed strike (groin, neck, knees, hamstring, etc.) and experience has taught me never to underestimate someone because I’m bigger.

    Additionally, there were a lot of people in that place. Perhaps if only a group of two or three people stood up to the bully it could have been prevented. It saddens me how a lot of people today are not willing to stick their necks out to aid someone in need. 🙁

    I am happy to hear that the two slime buckets were held accountable. 🙂



    quote \”Sledge Hammer\:

    I read the news articles from the local Ohio news stations. The attacker stands at 6’4\” and weighs in at 300 lbs. If you’re planning on taking someone like him on, you’d better be a badass.

    From the news articles, the woman (who has 5 kids at home, mind you) cut in front of the guy in line. He commented on it on the phone. Regardless of what was said, she assaulted him by repeatedly touching his face. If she were a guy, I think the victim on the phone would have taken a swing. And rightfully so.

    The woman cut in front of him, and gets to order her pizza 30 seconds before he does. I’d have to ask the victim – was it worth all this?

    The older I get, the more I realize that most of these events are completely preventable. And not worth my time. I have everything to lose, and nothing to gain. And no matter how tough you are, just around the corner there is someone that’s even tougher.

    Just my $.02

    Sledge – you have the news article on it? Unfortunately, my wife thought the guy got what he deserved. And we are debating it and we would really like to see the vid from the beginning and read the news article. I wanna try to know the whole situation before I debate my wife. Even though I loose by default..lol


    I’m not what you’d call a small guy but that wasn’t the point I was making. Any \”big\” guy will go down like a sack of potatoes with a well placed strike (groin, neck, knees, hamstring, etc.)

    —- Maybe or maybe not. I’ve seen examples of guys taking solid shots to the groin, face etc. and keep going like it was nothing. I’ve hit people with very solid shots ( enough to cut or bust teeth) and they are still in the fight, and I think I can hit pretty hard !!

    I guess the point should be: if you have to fight (no other choice) you better fight and fight hard, but you better not bet the farm on that \”one well placed shot\” especially when you are dealing with a person (such as mr. gorrilla) who has grown up with violence and is very used to getting hit as well as hitting back. There is nothing that will cause more panic than hitting someone as hard as you can and they don’t even seemingly flinch. (unless you understand that and don’t place any value on it – don’t freeze– and keep fighting….)


    Yep, totally agree, Ro.

    Still, with enough well placed strikes even the tallest tree can be cut down. 8)



    When that lady was physically assaulting the victim. The victim should have simply exited the building and purchased his food elsewhere. However as soon as the big guy got in his face he should have punched him. Immediately! If a guy that size approaches you like that you can easily articulate in a report that you believed that your safety was in jeopardy. He should have done something to protect himself.

    Does anyone know what the individual said to the lady in the first place? Not that his words would justify that type of beating but I want to know what triggered her violent response.

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