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    I’m sure many of you are in the same boat that I am so I’m looking for some thoughts.

    I did a small amount of KM training when I lived on the coast and loved it. That was 5 years ago. Since that time I’ve missed the heck out of it and there are no KM instructors in my area. So basically I’m on my own which is what it is……I can always travel to workshops here and there. I have enough experience in KM and other things to come up with solid workouts.

    Now in the last 5 years I’ve done about nothing besides work and try to be a good family guy. I’ve negelected training and probably my physical health as a result. Not in the best of shape right now. So it’s time to get my act together and start to train and live a lifestyle that supports it (diet, sleep,etc…).

    I work about 50-55 hours a week between an 8-5 job and some consulting/teaching work that I do. Family is very important to me as I have a beautiful wife and three wonderful boys. I don’t want them to feel neglected when I duck away to work out.

    How do those of you in similar circumstances manage to balance your family, work, and training so you are not doing a crappy job at being good at any of those things?


    Re: Training and Life Balance

    quote mikejdm:

    I’m sure many of you are in the same boat that I am so I’m looking for some thoughts.

    I did a small amount of KM training when I lived on the coast and loved it. That was 5 years ago. Since that time I’ve missed the heck out of it and there are no KM instructors in my area. So basically I’m on my own which is what it is……I can always travel to workshops here and there. I have enough experience in KM and other things to come up with solid workouts.

    Now in the last 5 years I’ve done about nothing besides work and try to be a good family guy. I’ve negelected training and probably my physical health as a result. Not in the best of shape right now. So it’s time to get my act together and start to train and live a lifestyle that supports it (diet, sleep,etc…).

    I work about 50-55 hours a week between an 8-5 job and some consulting/teaching work that I do. Family is very important to me as I have a beautiful wife and three wonderful boys. I don’t want them to feel neglected when I duck away to work out.

    How do those of you in similar circumstances manage to balance your family, work, and training so you are not doing a crappy job at being good at any of those things?

    Well I’m not really in your same boat, as I’m a single guy, but please allow me to offer an unqualified opinion. As far as marriage/family goes, it’s a team effort. Explain to your wife what you want to achieve here, and help her understand that it will make you less stressed, more pleasant to be around, give you a better body (your wife may dig this idea), provide safety for the family, and get you healthy enough to stick around for a few extra years. As long as you don’t train to the point of neglecting your family, then your wife may end up liking the new improved husband/Dad that Krav can help create.

    As for work, just try and negotiate your schedule to accommodate training. The truth – if you force yourself to leave work at a certain time and train a few days a week, you will likely be more relaxed, focused and productive when you’re on the job.

    Good luck!


    Re: Training and Life Balance

    Commitment to your health is as important as to your family. It’s not a selfish pursuit. It’s a necessity. Because you can’t give what you don’t have. If you don’t have energy, strength, discipline, commitment,self esteem and a sense of ability to care for your family you can’t give your family the same values

    The learn through example. They may be more comfortable at 1st with the old you and offer a lot of resistance, but in the end they end up with a better you

    Krav is simply your choice of vehicle for supreme self care, and it has the added benefit of SD skills that “may” required of you in role of family protector. Plus it makes it easier to handle Honey-do’s

    Of course I’m single and Happy ;o)


    Re: Training and Life Balance

    It’s a tough one for sure and I think about it almost every time i leave to train (BJJ for now until decent Krav shows up here in central FL). I try to make the time i’m with them 100% of what i can give, take random day off training and surprise them going out somewhere, try to minimize extra time while training like hanging out too long. I have a son, I sometimes take a full day off work and training, take just me and him to zoo, theme park or anything along those lines he really enjoys.

    It’s always like anything in life, balance.


    Re: Training and Life Balance

    Good thoughts and thanks. Validates from others some of the things that are in my head. .


    Re: Training and Life Balance

    Dedication to your health is as important as to your household members members. It’s not a self-centered desire. It’s a requirement. Because you can’t give what you don’t have. If you don’t have energy, strength, self-discipline, commitment,self respect and a sense of ability to care for your household members members you can’t provide your household members members the same values……..


    Re: Training and Life Balance

    I’d like to add in a little perspective.

    I am married with three kids. Of course I could work out at home and get in shape, which would keep me at home with my family, but we can’t teach ourselves KM. You could sign up tomorrow, go 17 times or more a week and be a Hall of Fame Grandmaster of Krav someday, but your family may not join your happiness. Before you jump in, I highly recommend a conversation with your spouse and see how she feels about this. Communication is key. I will tell you one of the best things about my Krav Maga experience is that my wife is 110% supportive of it and practically kicks me out the door to go do it.

    The reason why I say this is because I know a few individuals that have spouses who are not so supportive. Resentment can fester. And if balance is your goal, I’d say make sure your family can get on board, too. It will help in the long run!


    Re: Training and Life Balance

    Well I find a set routine for exercising to work best but recent years have had to return to a varying routine depending on when I can squeeze the next exercise in. Based on the physiologic stress, recovery cycles i try not to let more than 48 hours go between workouts.


    Re: Training and Life Balance

    quote JJB:

    I’d like to add in a little perspective.

    I am married with three kids. Of course I could work out at home and get in shape, which would keep me at home with my family, but we can’t teach ourselves KM. You could sign up tomorrow, go 17 times or more a week and be a Hall of Fame Grandmaster of Krav someday, but your family may not join your happiness. Before you jump in, I highly recommend a conversation with your spouse and see how she feels about this. Communication is key. I will tell you one of the best things about my Krav Maga experience is that my wife is 110% supportive of it and practically kicks me out the door to go do it.

    The reason why I say this is because I know a few individuals that have spouses who are not so supportive. Resentment can fester. And if balance is your goal, I’d say make sure your family can get on board, too. It will help in the long run!

    Cannot agree more. I’m married, one child, work full time, taking full time masters classes.

    My wife knows how important physical fitness and krav maga are to me so we make it work. It helps that I generally only need about six hours of sleep, but even still it seems sometimes there just aren’t enough hours in the day.

    The good thing about keeping in shape is that there is always fifteen or 20 minutes here and there to do a quick workout, and eating healthy helps significantly.

    In the end though, if the choice is spending time with the family or going to krav class, the family win out in the end every time. I can always catch up on krav.


    Re: Training and Life Balance

    one of the cooler things is when the family trains…we use to have a guy and his 3 boys training….the youngest did kids class and homework while the rest trained…..and hung out…all were squared away kids with a single construction working dad…kept the kids from gangs and other crap….we also have a couple kicking butt in jits tournaments….he was into it from day one she started training for exercise now they both compete and both took 2nds at the Gracie US Nationals this year…last weekend she took four medals at a tournament

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