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  • #30433

    I’m going to be working quite a few Turnarounds next year so my training time will be effected. Should I purchase and train off the KM videoes and train of of them for the time being or just the few things I have been shown?:combat:


    Re: Training and working

    What are turnarounds? I work a lot and I’m in the National Guard, so I feel your pain. What I ended up doing was buying one of those “Bob” punching bags and throwing it in my room. Great training tool. I also picked up the Krav book and it’s really helpful if I get stuck. I’m sure the videos would be great as well. The way I figure, nothing is going to be as good as actualy going to the class where you’re surrounded by great instructors and motivated students, but as long as you are doing some kind of training, you are at least going to sustain your skills so you won’t have to re-learn.



    Re: Training and working

    The Bas Rutten training CD’s and DVD’s are a pretty great tool also. They can certainly help keep your cardio and quickness up. Using those plus the KM DVD’s could make for a nice home work out if you can not make it to class.


    Re: Training and working

    If you should find yourself in another city and there’s a KM center there, they should let you train for free for a few days. Other than that, videos are okay, or maybe you can get a friend interested in practicing some moves with you.



    Re: Training and working

    quote Giant Killer:

    If you should find yourself in another city and there’s a KM center there, they should let you train for free for a few days. Other than that, videos are okay, or maybe you can get a friend interested in practicing some moves with you.


    Is that a policy or a generaly observed courtesy? I’m always traveling so that would be very helpful.



    Re: Training and working

    quote downforlife76:

    Is that a policy or a generaly observed courtesy? I’m always traveling so that would be very helpful.


    I think remember someone saying (maybe Ryan) that one could train free at NTC for a week but I don’t remember if that was applied to all other training centers.


    Re: Training and working

    I think it applies to all KMWW centers. Not sure what other KM centers would do, but they would obviously not be bound by anything.



    Re: Training and working

    Hi there, have you tried mental training. By this i mean visualisation training, where you imagine yourself practicing the techniques through.
    Before you all shouting at me, I know this is not a real substitute for proper training but there have been lots of studies done (google mental training for sport) and if you really have no time to train or are traveling a lot , on a plane for example, visulisation can help to keep your mind sharp on the techniques.
    I have written an article about this on my site. Also on the site are over 200 video clips of Krav techniques on there to that may suit people who cannot get to a class for a week or two. Check it out at



    Re: Training and working

    I think visualization can be a good tool. Also practicing moves on your own, slowly, in front of the mirror, to make sure your technique is correct. Or without a mirror, imagining an opponent and slowly going through the defensive motions.



    Re: Training and working

    I travel a little for work; when I am in a city with Krav and have time, I call the place up and ask if I can work out with them. I have always been graciously welcomed at each location. If you travel, do yourself a favor and check out the local krav. Youíll meet new people and get a new perspective on techniques. A workout is far better then sitting in a hotel room or bar! I have found very high quality instructors at every location.



    Re: Training and working

    Just train on innocent pedestrians on the way to work. 😉


    Re: Training and working

    To quote Garddawg, Just do somethingthumbsup Not to push a non KMAA product, but david Kahns book has workouts , you can do in the air


    Re: Training and working

    What unstpabl1 said!

    Here are some no equipment/low equipment workouts. It’s not KM but it’s better than not doing anything.


    Re: Training and working

    [quote=garddawg;27275]What unstpabl1 said!

    Yeah, but I stole it from youbow1 and got 9 days outta the last 11 inthumbsup


    Re: Training and working

    quote davidx:

    I travel a little for work; when I am in a city with Krav and have time, I call the place up and ask if I can work out with them. I have always been graciously welcomed at each location. If you travel, do yourself a favor and check out the local krav. Youíll meet new people and get a new perspective on techniques. A workout is far better then sitting in a hotel room or bar! I have found very high quality instructors at every location.


    David gives great advice and that m.o. always works for me too when I travel. There’s nothing like feeling at home in the krav community when you’re away from home. :box2:

    Alternate solution:
    If there isn’t a krav location where you are traveling, you’ve got no tapes, dvds, or krav book (although if you travel, you should), and since it’s somewhat challenging to practice defense techniques by yourself (uh, and I’d advise you not to practice on pedestrians on the way to work – unless they totally deserve it, of course)… you should consider simply integrating a workout at your hotel gym with a krav warm-up routine of intense shadow boxing and related cardio & strength training, because at least that way, you are continuing to work your muscles in the same way you use them when you’re at krav. :box:

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