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    I was training and my partners knuckles were bleeding. It happens sometimes, just from hitting new pads with full force, sometimes.

    I know, I know, just go to an MMA bout or watch the UFC or whatever and you’ll see PLENTY of blood. And you don’t see the participants stopping (although the ref will wear gloves).

    But what about normal, everyday training? Personally, when I’m bleeding in any way, I stop training and patch it up in some way. But what if your partner has bloody knuckles? Is it expected that you just keep on working out with him? Should you check him out and do the percentages that he is not a druggie or an AIDs candidate?

    What do YOU think?


    If your partner is bleeding, they should stop and deal with it. AIDS is not the only disease you can contract from blood. If this is a regular occurance, they need to wrap up. I apparently have knuckles made of kevlar, so this has not been an issue. My nose is another matter.

    The instructor’s first priority should be the safety of the students. I am suprised your instructor did not step in. Blood is not bad because of the icky factor…it is bad becasue is can kill other people…


    Gross story about that.

    I was rolling with a kid at my campus jujitsu meet. He had pretty bad acne but who am I to judge. Anyways at the end of the night I looked at my shirt and I had been popping his face all over my shirt and getting blood and God knows what else on there. Ugh…


    That truly is a gross story, Sean.


    Disagree that it is the instructors responsibility to ensure your safety – At least in this scenario … While he/she certainly has a role in that – moreso I believe when it comes to techniques – your safety is first and foremost your responsibility, just like in life.

    If your partner is bleeding on you, don’t feel bad about stopping, asking him/her to clean and bandage up – If they don’t get it, too bad, move on …


    Was he not wearing wraps? My knuckles ofter get very red (they are right now from last night) but dont bleed. The wraps should at least soak up the blood before it gets to you…



    quote \”Chris\:

    That truly is a gross story, Sean.

    ugh…. thanks for posting that so I could read it as I’m eating lunch at my desk. Just glad it wasn’t spaghetti.


    I had a good cut on my thumb and it was covered in a band aid. While grappling, I realized the band aid was falling off and my finger started to bleed. I balled my thumb into my fist and continued until I got an armbar (I had to lever it with one hand, as I was still holding the other one tight). Right after that I excused myself and bandaged it up.

    When you punch with good form, your knuckles shouldn’t open up all the time. The bleeding is caused by a scraping or grazing effect, not direct impact. The same is true for elbows (as I type, my right elbow is scabbed up from hitting a heavy bag improperly with a spinning back elbow, something I rarely use on the bag or otherwise).

    A few weeks ago I got some kempo gloves (aka those gloves Bruce Lee wears in Enter the Dragon) and did like an hour of bagwork to test them out. They caused my skin to flap off near my pinky knuckles because they’re kind of an odd design. I found out they work OK with wrist wraps.


    If the bleeding is bad, I guess you should bandage it or something, not just because of potential disease, but because it’ll mess up your partner’s brand new mandatory shirt with ugly stains.

    The worst case of bleeding I’ve ever had was that time I got hit in the head with the metal knife. They still made me do a couple of additional defenses, which was good training, as you could be injured in a fight and would still have to continue. Then some nice students (one of them a firefighter) got some of the first aid stuff and helped control the bleeding. No one caught any deadly diseases, because thankfully I’m all clean. 😀

    Sometimes people bleed during the fighting classes, during ground fighting it’s often hard to determine at first whose blood it is. Getting some blood on you on occasion may be inevitable if you are participating in a fight sport, so you can’t be too worried about it.


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