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    When I trained in Aikido, a long time ago now, heavy emphasis was placed on training with as many different partners as possible. I think this approach has significant merit and have pushed my kids to try to partner around in our Krav Maga sessions. It seems though that a number of people always want to train with the same partners and are reluctant to break up their pairs. Our instructors do ask us to switch around occasionally, but there is no where near the emphasis that there was in Aikido.

    Is this sort of consistent partnering a part of Krav Maga or is it specific to our particular student population?


    Re: Training with multiple partners

    When training with multiple partners, it is always important to remember to use protection :D:


    Re: Training with multiple partners

    Our instructor forces us to switch multiple times in every session, so that we can all get a good handle on technique with different body types. At six foot one and two hundred and sixty lbs. I get passed around a lot. HA!


    Re: Training with multiple partners

    Our instructor simply tells us to change trainings/sparringpartners during excercises. We have the rule that you train with whoever is available and often the instructor yells “switch partners”. I think this is very important for the “group feeling” and respect to have trained with everyone in the group. Especially during sparring it is better to have an aponant you are not familiar with in front of you. For one, he doesn’t know your dirty tricks, and you can’t anticipate his every move as you would have otherwise. In my opinion, this simulates the “real deal” a whole lot better.


    Re: Training with multiple partners

    I typically make people switch partners on every exercise and every 2 minute round when sparring.

    I agree people need to feel different energy/size/skill levels and get as much exposure as possible to different variables.


    Re: Training with multiple partners

    Switching partners is a very good idea.
    We switch partners a lot dsuring training and it makes you obtain a more dynamic technique, e.g. your style changes according to your partner.

    This other day we were sparring and I kept switching from this really well built dude that was like a foot taller than me (and I’m 6′ tall) to people that were way shorter… I had to really think my tactics – tried using my kicks and long reach against the shorter ones and timing and speed against the bigger dude… must admit I still got pounded by him… :Deadhorse:

    …very important to switch partners… yes, it could be kinda scary at first (and this is why IMO people tend to be reluctant about switching) but you get used to it.


    Re: Training with multiple partners

    Thanks for the responses everyone, more or less reinforces what I expected. Perhaps I’m just being impatient, being new and all, and we’ll connect with more partners over time.


    Re: Training with multiple partners

    I’m 5′ 9″ and I pick the biggest guy I can find in just about every class. I usually spread it out amongst the biguns’ so I don’t get used to any one “style”. I find switching partners helps us learn better because other people see things from a different perspective, they may be faster, slower, stronger or weaker. This makes us adapt our “game” if you will.

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