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    I’m wondering if any of you have trained for doing a triathlon while still training hard in KM. Any tips based on your experience?


    Re: Triathlon and KM

    KM Training……if your referring to the fitness aspect (not the fighting aspect) it can help. Interval training we do in Krav Maga is in virtually every high fitness sport now and helps with building your strength/stamina. As for KM training to supplement your triathlon training…it doesn’t hurt, and the fitness aspect will help…but there are other things you could be doing for better results in your triathlon. Cross training exercises/routines specific to Triathlons…and also just getting the miles in on foot, bike and in the pool will show better results.

    KM training will not adversley or negatively effect your triathlon training. But be careful. One twisted ankle, bruised rib, or the likes and your Tri training is gonna suffer until your healed.

    I would think it also comes down to how much spare time you have and how much time you can dedicate to training. If you have lots of spare time, then doing KM along with your triathlon training there should be no problem. But if your time is limited…like everything else in life, something has to give. Last year I had to stop training in KM until the Tri season was over. Simply because the time just wasn’t there to seriously compete in Tri’s and also maintain KM training. The term: Jack of all trades, master of none kind of sums it up. But…if your looking to enter a Triathlon to wear that badge of honour in finishing (1/2 IM, IM or even an Oly) then sticking with both should be no issue.

    If you reverse the situation its the same….asking if Tri training would help in KM. Well the fitness aspect would help….but is it the most optimal form of training for KM? Probably not. But it would definitnely not hurt. But one fall from the bike, trip or sprained ankle…and your high intensity KM training is going to be pooched until your healed! 🙂

    Good Luck! And let me know what Tri’s your thinking about.

    Also, check out http://www.beginnertriathlete.com A great website, where no question is to stupid…they just jump all over you more for it thats all! 🙂


    Re: Triathlon and KM

    Sorry, one more thing…if your gonna train in both, make sure you don’t do one or the other on your “rest days” or light w.o. days. You body still needs time to repair itself. If your gonna stick with KM, incorporate it accordingly.


    Re: Triathlon and KM

    Thanks for the reply and the link. The specific one I’m doing is called the Aluminum Man over here in The Dalles, OR. That isn’t until September so I have time to train smart and get the miles in. I’ll probably do another one early summer as well as long as there was time to recover and then train harder for the September race. It’s my first time doing anything like this so this first year will be a learning experience.

    I agree about the injury thoughts wrecking my race plans so honestly I will most likely taper off and just focus on the triatholon training early spring.


    Re: Triathlon and KM

    good to know that i must say it is nice share

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