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    My KM school sometimes offers 2-day CDT training & certification seminars. For those who don’t know, CDT stands for Compliance, Direction, Takedown and is a non-lethal force system developed by Tom Patire. I think it focuses on techniques to control a violent/threatening person without causing any permanent injuries. I guess the idea is that you could use CDT in those situations where you don’t want to cause significant physical damage (as you likely would with your KM).

    Does anyone here on the forum have experience with CDT? Would you suggest taking the CDT seminar? Does its “non-lethal force” nature complement well the “lethal force” nature of KM and is it a good add-on to your arsenal? And when would you use CDT techniques instead of KM?

    Thanks in advance for any thoughts & experiences!


    Re: Value of CDT as a complement to KM?

    Fight SV,

    Welcome to the board.

    CDT is a viable less then lethal force option that one can add to their defensive tactics tool box if they choose to. Even though CJ’s Dad may disagree, not every altercation needs to end with a “jumping, spinning, whipping, dragon groin kick of death” ;).

    Seriously though not every scenario needs the same level of physical force, CDT offers the student an additional “tool in the box”, like Thai boxing, Jiu-Jitsu, Escrima, etc, thatís all, no secret touch of death techniques or one touch knockouts. CDT is also one of the few less then lethal force systems that is upfront about that fact. Just like every scenario should not end with a groin kick, not every scenario should/can end with a control tactic or compliance technique. Higher levels of force are required as well and thatís where Krav comes in.

    Control/compliance systems (no mater what the system CDT, KOGA, PPCT, Controlled Force, etc, etc) all require a degree of complex motor skill development vs. Krav’s emphasis on initial gross motor skill responses. If those types of techniques donít appeal to you or you feel it will be counterproductive to your Krav training then donít take the seminar and focus on filling your Krav toolbox instead. Thatís the beauty of free choice :).

    Hope it helps,



    Re: Value of CDT as a complement to KM?

    CDT may well have something to offer for your “tool box”. My problem with CDT is its founder. He is on record many, many times putting down Krav Maga. Of course, he doesn’t make his money with anything but CDT so, of course, his system is the best there is. I believe John Whitman was once at a show presenting Krav with Tom and Tom went way out of his way to be obnoxious and to put down Krav as much as he could. Not anyone I would want to learn from.


    Re: Value of CDT as a complement to KM?

    As I haven’t personaly heard Tom bash Krav or vice verse, I can’t comment on the “he said/she said” dynamic, so it’s best if I stay out of that exchange as I only like to comment on things I know.

    Regarding the original posters question, and the personalities not withstanding, as someone with 1st hand knowledge and training in multiple “compliance and control” systems due to my day job (PPCT, CDT, KOGA, Controlled FORCE, etc) and a Krav Maga Instructor, I have found that CDT offers many viable options for its intended applications. Nothing more or less

    Hope it helps,


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