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  • #32079

    first off I would like to just say hello 🙂

    Im 16 and im kind of over weight if I had to guess I would say 220 and I want to lose weight and have started working out

    I have wanted to learn Krav Maga for about 2 years and am thinking of finally going to a free lesson at a place near my house this is the place it says its an offical traning center

    I know its a very good form of self defense which is the main reason i want to learn it ( and I have always wanted to be a cop and it seems like it would be a useful skill to have)

    but how is it for losing weight? it seems like I might not lose lots of weight if I gained muscle because muscle weighs more( I think) so I guess I should say I want to lose body fat

    thank you for any info you give

    edit: what is a good way to exercise if I have been inactive for awhile? right now I am just doing lots of squats and walking up and down stairs at my house, also doing situps/push ups, then I am riding one of those one stationary bike things and ride it for like 4-5 miles(well actually I dont move at all but you know what I mean) then I have some 5 pound weights I use but I can get heavier ones

    I dont really want to spend lots of money on that part)


    Re: Want to learn KM

    Welcome to the forum!

    Oh you’d be surprised at how you’ll be breaking into sweat and seeing how much energy you’ll use. I’m sure others will be chiming in on that.

    You sound like you’re off to a good start on your outside exercise. If you’ve got other questions, by all means ask.

    Boy, are you in for some fun:wav:


    Re: Want to learn KM

    Hello & Welcome, well my friend if you want to learn self defense, gain self confidence, lose weight, become more FIT, you’ve come to the right place!!! Now get ready to SWEAT!!!bow1


    Re: Want to learn KM

    Krav can assist you in losing weight and changing the shape of your body, but it can only assist. Keep up you other exercises and eat right. Losing weight and learning Krav won’t be easy or quick, it will more than likely be a long process and demand lots of commitment and will power from you. As long as you are determined, you will achieve your goals.

    Good luck.


    Re: Want to learn KM

    well welcome!!!!!! i think that the others have kindly pointed out most of what you were looking for. Also if that is the same location as Kristin I’m sure she will chime in on this.(she is an instructor in portland) Best of luck and remember to enjoy yourself:)

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