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  • #33115

    I’m relatively new in Krav Maga, having taken classes for about four months now. I see there is a considerable amount of defensive moves against weapons, especially in the upper levels. Is there any offensive training (knives, staffs, etc.) taught in the curriculum? I haven’t come across anything in this area when I looked at the description of learning objectives for the different belts.

    Thank you.


    Re: Weapons Offense


    The short answer is that weapons offense is one of the gaping holes in the system. I have been writing about this and discussing this with many of the top instructors in the world for quite some time. There are some basic things that are taught but in my opinion, they are very, very, poor. If you are serious about learning weapons offense, I would suggest locating a reputable Filipino Martial Arts Instructor.

    I am working with a very good Filipino Martial Arts Guro who understands the difference between combat and fancy Esrima. For any Krav Maga practioner to be taken seriously, he/she must develop a full understanding of stick and blade from both sides!


    Re: Weapons Offense

    Thanks Psyops.

    I was surprised when I didn’t see any weapons offense in the training objectives and very little discussion on the forum about the subject. I did see a recent post where they mentioned there a great deal of weapons training in Krav black belt 2/3, however, IMHO that seems fairly high up in the system.


    Re: Weapons Offense

    Here’s a bit of offensive knife, stick, etc….of course it’s a demo where Yigal is showing how retsev is the central focus of krav and can/should be used with empty hands, stick, knife, etc…….

    There is a 1 or 2 minute video where he only does knife at full speed that is pretty impressive.


    Re: Weapons Offense

    At .50 seconds you can see a bit of what I’m talking about.

    BTW, that in itself is a great drill for conditioning, practicing your strikes, etc…..


    Re: Weapons Offense

    I’ve learned quite a bit of weapons combat in all kinds of situations, from fighting an armed individual with no weapons in my possession, to fighting an unarmed attacker when I myself am armed, to fighting on even grounds where both fighters are armed. Through this I’ve built up a degree of proficiency with knives and sticks/clubs. I don’t know how much of this falls into Krav Maga’s domain, however, as my gym is based on the IKI model, and thus my instructor has quite a bit of freedom to explore concepts from martial arts other than KM, and integrate them into the curriculum as he sees fit.


    Re: Weapons Offense

    Level 4 and 5 is mostly weapon defense. I do not think there is any weapon offense. I think Kali a martial art has that.

    I am in level 2-3 just started. Not sure I will go past level 3 through.

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