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    Hey everyone,

    I have started doing krav two months ago three times a week (mondays, wednesdays and fridays – 1 hour classes) I have noticed a huge improvment in my fitness levels in general, but being fairly skinny and tall I¥ve been thinking it would be a good idea to train with weights to gain some more muscle mass and strenght, so i¥ve been checking some gymns and im considering doing weight training on tuesdays and thursdays for 1 hour, so my question is: does this sounds like a good plan, from a krav efectiveness perspective? I¥m thinking of this as a complement to krav, gaining size is not my primary objective, gaining strenght/power and improving my fitness even more is.

    Thanks. 🙂


    Re: Weight training as a complement to krav?

    I know folks here use different methods – weights, crossfit, etc. I do our center’s Pump Class and do kettelbells at home when I can. Kettlebells are excellent strength training.

    I’m sure others will chime in. Good luck on your workouts!


    Re: Weight training as a complement to krav?

    I have been doing core strengthening classes (lots of crunches, as well as the plank, chair lifts, etc) which has helped me immensely with balance issues. I would pay for a single session with a personal trainer who is familiar with Krav Maga or MMA in general. I’m sure they will be able to give some excellent insight


    Re: Weight training as a complement to krav?

    Strength is a great compliment to Krav. To quote Mark Rippetoe “strong people are harder to kill”.

    “Starting Strength” is a great place to begin. If you’ll buy and read the book, you’ll learn how to lift properly, and some basic strength programming.


    Re: Weight training as a complement to krav?

    Hey Mark Rippetoe quoted on the Krav board. Good to see. I work for him occasionally.


    Re: Weight training as a complement to krav?

    Thanks for all your answers, I can see that there¥s more than one “right way” to train :): and I got some ideas from your answers, I just got a gym membership where they do a Physical evaluation before you start and, according to the results and you own goals, the instructor come up with a training plan, hopefully they¥ll know what they are doing – most gyms around here seem to be more the kind where ppl just pay a membership to loose a few pounds and feel good about themselves every once in a while without much consistency…, but I was well impressed with this one, so lets see.
    I checked the “Starting Strengt” book in amazon and will get it, if im not happy with the results i¥ll get following the instructors plan i¥ll probably make my own plan.


    Re: Weight training as a complement to krav?

    Rotating through different routines has been helpful to me. Krav is fight training and you get some decent overall conditioning but, (in my opinion) it’s not a substitute for cardio or strength conditioning.

    I jog and ride bike for cardio and do strength training with hand dumbells and a bowflex machine. Every couple weeks, I switch between doing more cardio work than strength followed by more strength work than cardio.

    Make sure you have enough rest/recovery time to avoid muscle and soft-tissue damage. A full 24 to 48 hour rest period to let your body recooperate is very common. It’s usually a 2-1 (2 days on, 1 day rest), 3-1 or 3-2 sequence.

    Everybody has a different threshold for burn-out so, listen to what you’re body tells you. Try doing a search for “athlete burnout” and “athlete rest recovery” for more info…



    Re: Weight training as a complement to krav?

    quote garddawg:

    Hey Mark Rippetoe quoted on the Krav board. Good to see. I work for him occasionally.

    its spreading!


    Re: Weight training as a complement to krav?

    [QUOTE=Drlvegas;44701]Strength is a great compliment to Krav. To quote Mark Rippetoe “strong people are harder to kill”.QUOTE]

    I just have to say it… (don’t kill the messenger, I didn’t print it up) I saw a bumper sticker today that said “Fat people are harder to kidnap” (and it was a mountain of a man driving the truck)…. so i guess working out has its disadvantages to some.


    Re: Weight training as a complement to krav?

    I’m just starting CrossFit myself, but I’ve been just regularly going to the gym for several years, and keeping in shape doing other arts like Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

    It’s never a bad idea to do some additional athletic training.


    Re: Weight training as a complement to krav?

    quote Nauticus:

    It’s never a bad idea to do some additional athletic training.

    This. Weight training is a good idea whether you study KM or not. It is one of the best ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

    The trifecta:

    Weight training

    With the proper balance of these three, You can turn yourself into a shrine in no time.

    Weight training is ideal for weight loss too because it boosts your metabolism, telling the body to burn fat instead of burning muscle mass. Just make sure you are consuming enough calories when you start training; if you do not eat enough, your body will take what it needs from your muscle and fat mass.


    Re: Weight training as a complement to krav?

    I just started Cross-Fit last week, and I’m hooked. After lifting weights for 20 years, running, swimming, biking……the CF workouts make me feel out of shape.

    My back no longer hurts, and my core is hardening quickly.

    Welcome to CrossFit: Forging Elite Fitness


    Re: Weight training as a complement to krav?


    quote Drlvegas:

    Strength is a great compliment to Krav. To quote Mark Rippetoe “strong people are harder to kill”.QUOTE]

    I just have to say it… (don’t kill the messenger, I didn’t print it up) I saw a bumper sticker today that said “Fat people are harder to kidnap” (and it was a mountain of a man driving the truck)…. so i guess working out has its disadvantages to some.

    In a perfect world, that would have been Vasilly Alexeev driving that truck to Krav class.

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