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    Hi, all!

    I just joined this forum.

    I am looking for advice and guidelines on my weight training regimen. I have an access to a gym with a barbell, adjustable dumbbells, a pullup bar, parallel bars (for dips), and even some kettlebells. What should I focus on in my training? Should I, for instance, focus on increasing my muscle mass with a 20-rep squat routine? Or should focus on increasing muscular strength? Or both? Or something else.

    I am planning on training some muay thai and some submission wrestling alongside with my Krav Maga training. I figure that they will, not only teach me some useful self-defense skills (such as punching, low kicks, and grappling), but also increase my stamina and cardio-vascular fitness. But the weight training has become, and has been, a problem to me in that I don’t know where to focus on.

    My problem is that I have become completely lost in this abundance of training information. I have lost sight of the basics. Maybe you could re-focus my attention.

    Is it just my prejudice and misconception that in a street confrontation physical size and strength are highly important? Therefore, I should aim to increasing those attributes, which basically means heavy barbell work (squats, deadlifts, dips, pullups, presses).

    I welcome any “infomercials” too. If someone has a book or a DVD set he/she likes and thinks that it might be of use for me, go ahead and recommend it. :):

    Thank you for your time!



    Re: Weight training for Krav Maga

    Welcome to the forum!

    I’m no expert on this as I do most of my fitness classes (K.O, cardio) at my KM center. I DO however do kettlebells at home now. stevetuna introduced me to the Art of Strength Kettlebell series. While I’d been doing KBs at my center awhile now, I wanted to do these at home to focus on other areas.

    The clinic set is great – gives you detailed steps to your techniques, progression exercises to help your techniques and troubleshooting,including a workout DVD. I’ve learned a few new ones and I’ve moved up on my KB weight, so I”m happy. There’s also regular weekly sales so doesn’t hurt to check it out


    You can also try these

    http://www.liftkettlebells.com/Workouts/Easy-Kettlebell-Workout.aspx (free mp3 workout you can download)

    Crossfit is very popular here on the forum. I think this is the website

    Just remember – don’t go all gun-ho and end up setting yourself up to get frustrated – baby steps and pretty soon it won’t be so bad.

    Best wishes on your training:wav:


    Re: Weight training for Krav Maga

    CrossFit! I would definitely recommend CrossFit as it builds up functional strength, which is exactly what you need for a fight.


    Re: Weight training for Krav Maga

    I have to also throw in my vote for Crossfit. Really gives a great mix of both endurance and strength training.


    Re: Weight training for Krav Maga

    Muscles gain size (hypertrophy) by two mechanisms, sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar. Sarcoplasmic is not useful strength, it’s merely the muscle fibers holding a lot more fluid. That’s what bodybuilders do with 15-20 rep sets. Myofibrillar is when you actually build more muscle fibers. That’s how you get stronger, and you typically use less than 12 or fewer sets. Well, that’s partially how you get stronger. You’ll make big gains when you first start because your brain learns to recruit more muscle fibers, and to turn off counteracting muscles better, as well as your tendons getting thicker and tighter. I couldn’t care less about sarcoplasmic growth because I have no plans to enter a bodybuilding contest.

    But that’s not to say that 20 rep sets doesn’t have a place. Immediately after heavy low rep squat sets, I occasionally rip off 50 reps on an incline leg press machine. Or do a bunch of lunges, or step ups, etc.

    Google for crossfit, you’ll find a bunch of stuff on it. Another favorite site of mine is t-nation.com. It’s a forum like this, but also has lots of articles written by powerlifters, strength coaches, and trainers. They sell a bunch of stuff too, but the articles I think are much better than you’ll find on the bodybuilding site. They try to back their exercise plans up with science.


    Re: Weight training for Krav Maga

    You are as fit as you are competent in each of these ten skills.

    Cardio/Respiratory Endurance

    Look for a program that will make it so. Its definitely not pumping weights at the gym, it is not “cardio” classes, it is not training long distances… its a program that can incorporate all modalities of work/exercises/movements through all range of time both short and long.


    Re: Weight training for Krav Maga

    I have been looking into Monkey Bar Gym and thinking of adding it to my program. My old body is in need of some TLC and they seem to offer it while still focusing on the key aspects of fitness like Cross Fit. It seems more beginner friendly and I like the “jungle gym” they sell… easy to take on the road!!


    Re: Weight training for Krav Maga

    Turned 50 last week.


    Re: Weight training for Krav Maga

    I should rephrase… 17 years of competitive TKD has left my body “old” and it does not function like it used to. 🙂


    Re: Weight training for Krav Maga

    There is your problem,TKD would make anyone old.


    Re: Weight training for Krav Maga

    Actually TKD made me younger (feel younger at least). I was almost 50 years old whenI started training in TKD. Never had an martial arts training before. TKD showed me and made me believe I could do things I never thought I could. After finding Krav, I stopped TKD however


    Re: Weight training for Krav Maga

    I had a broken lower back from competive TKD…(not as badly as Oneness’ tho) and then didn’t treat it for several years and kept training and fighting… not a good thing. Cracked sternum, couldn’t cough or lift more than a coffee cup for almost a year… they typical laundry list of training. Thank goodness for KM, it saved me too BradM 🙂


    Re: Weight training for Krav Maga

    Nice thoughts have been added, needs no extra addition..!!
    Shelly Smith..:woohoo:

    Weight Training


    Re: Weight training for Krav Maga

    Garddawg is modest, check out the CrossFit Brand X forum at:


    They provide scaling for levels of fitness, and after a week or so I’m already having a better time in life. My KM training has tanked for a year as I fought a bad back, extended unemployment, broken finger with no insurance to cover the Dr bill, death in family, interstate move, and a few other minor things. 🙂

    I’m back at work, back into working out, and Krav is next on my list of things to get back in to. For Krav, CrossFit is the way to go!



    Re: Weight training for Krav Maga

    I tried the scaled workouts for a while and still not for me but I gave it a whirl. I think just so long as you are doing functional fitness you are on the mark, whether its the TRX, Jungle gym, Crossfit or Monkey Bar… Its all good and fun!!

    Hope you get back to Krav Maga soon Leam, sounds like your well on your way after a tough year.

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