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  • #29329

    Hello everybody,

    I’ve visited this site numerous times, Krav student for 6 months. I get to Krav class 3 times a week and this is the best workout I’ve every experienced. I would like to continue weight training and I am looking for input on weight training excercises I should perform to complement/enhance what I learn in class. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you very much!


    Anything that will improve your grip.Knife defenses will be transformed when you can get hold of their wrist and they’re unable to pull away.
    Deadlifts and squats are good. They will work wonders for your knees, roundhouse and front kick. Because they work on your back your puches will be improved as well – look at the size of boxers lats for proof




    And don’t forget the three most important types of training


    Here are a couple good routines:
    Using Dumbells equaling half your weight.

    1 minute round on the bag
    1 minute to complete 5 pull ups and 10 thrusters. Do six rounds. Move from the bag to the pull ups and thrusters w/o rest. Your rest period is the time you have left over in the minute after completing the pull ups and thrusters.

    1 minute round on the bag.
    1 minute to complete 8 \”Colleen and Jerks\”. Touch dumbells to the ground, squat clean them, jerk them three times overhead, ONE. 6 rounds again your rest period is what eever is left over from the minute.

    1 minute round on the bag.
    1 minute to complete 7 squat thrusts, 12 push ups, 17 squats. Again six rounds and your rest period is whatever is left of the minute after the squat thrusts, push ups and squats.

    Let me know what you want to do for cardio directly after. 😆


    My current routine includes 5×5 Full Squat, Deadlift, Flat Bench, Decline Crunch 1x25x25lb plate 2nd set to failure; grip/forearm, digi-flex, grip crush, thor’s hammer 3x10x15lb. I just started this routine. I may include some bodyweight stuff, tricep push-ups, chin-ups, hindu squats, sit-ups. I want to improve power on punches, palm strikes, elbow/knee strikes, front groin kicks, and round kicks. I love to strike. Want to keep routine short. Any other suggestions? I am not training now. I trained in Krav sometime ago but I stopped because of travel time and education.


    Focus on isolation exercises, especially things for big biceps like preacher curls. Just kidding. Actually it’s a nice abbreviated multi-joint program for developing strength. For power, try power cleans, hang snatches, and push presses. These will work your nervous system and the ankle/knee/hip joint chain, key for exerting power in physical movements.

    If possible, try to find a qualified coahc to make sure you are doing the exercises correctly, or at least do some research.


    Compound movements only..

    I was doing the normal \”bodybuilding\” weight routine but after reading articles on crossfit, I switched to the olympic lifts, body weight exercises, etc. Not only now do I have more endurance but my strength and speed are increasing much faster than doing chest/tri, bi/shoulder, leg, back days at the gym.


    My experience exactly. 30 years of lifting like the magazines told me to, largely a waste of time. 2.5 years into CrossFit and still making PR’s.


    In my own research and training..

    To GAIN MUSCLE, bodybuilders (as a whole) are the most knowledgeable. They have most up-to-date information on weight training and diet as it relates to building more muscle fibers.

    But that’s just muscle fibers.

    STRENGTH is the ability to use (say trigger or fire) those muscle fibers. This involves not just the muscle, but the nervous system as well. A great way to break from the traditional one-dimensional/planar weight lifts is functional training. This type of training uses compound muscle movements to better stimulate the neuromotor development necessary to build strength. (some of the best work here is bodyweight, sandbags, free weights, med balls and stability ball exercises/sequences).

    POWER on the other hand is the ability to use that STRENGTH in very short period of time, similar to a burst (sounds like Krav Maga). So instead of a 5 count lift you think quick explosive movements (basically what differentiates a punch from a push). Talk to Olympic power lifters, this is their profession.

    Lastly, POWER ENDURANCE, the ability to use those powerful/explosive movements repeatedly over a long period of time. Crossfit and Bas Rutten’s MMA Workout really excel here as does Krav Maga (go off like a bomb).

    In effect your training will contain all four of these depending on your long and short term goals/cycles. Definitely though, I would look away from traditional weightlifting alone.

    Again, an opinion. Do your own research.


    Reference/Cite: JC Santana (IHP)


    Good explanation Jon. Kettlebells are a great tool, as are rings, pbars, high bars, clubbells. Should be added to the list. Besides who doesn’t feel manly when they’re swing something heavy?



    quote \”Jon Herman\:

    In my own research and training…

    Nice, thanks.

    Me myself, I do like a few months of weights. I get bored with that, and do bodyweight exercises for a month or two. Get bored with that, do explosive exercises like bastards and working the bag. And so on.


    Sorry about that GV, 😳

    I added at least one reference to that post.

    Be safe,


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