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    There are a couple of guys that I take Krav with that can’t keep up with the push ups and sit ups and they have been taking classes for a long time, shouldn’t they be getting stronger? Krav will help me get in better shape right? Getting in better shape is one of my main reasons for starting Krav, not that I am in bad shape, but a little firming up is good for the body and the soul.

    Jelly Arms


    The potential is absolutely there for you to get in shape but your progress is going to depend on what you put into your workout. As far as the others in the class, it’s hard to gauge someone else’s progress unless you’ve been with them from the start. Just being able to do a couple of good push ups might be a lot of progress for someone who couldn’t do them at all to begin with.

    Go about your exercises seriously, giving what you have to give, and I have no doubt you are going to be pleased with the results, and don’t worry about the others. 🙂


    Michigan Krav

    Hello there – can you tell me where in Michigan they offer official sponsored Krav? I know of maybe 2 place – 1 for sure – where do you take it? Thanks.


    we dont do push ups or sit ups in my class. Thank god too, I get enough of that from the military.


    I consider not being able to do at the very least 20 ‘proper’ pushups, being very wimpy. I’m talking about face to the floor, straight back and legs and push till the arms are extended. If you can’t push your own body weight off the ground multiple times, how do you expect to throw punches with any force or meaning.?
    Push ups help in punching power and add strength and stamina to your arms. When I started taking Krav a few months back, I could barely knock out 25 correctly. Now I am at almost double that and continue to work on it nightly. Sit ups are also important in strengthening your abs to absorb body blows. As much as I dislike both pushups and ab work in class, I think it’s a necessity in Krav Maga.


    Not trying to start an arguement, but why do you care what someone else is doing in class? When they can’t do anymore pushups do they stop and start talking to the people around them? Do they ask the instructor to make the class easier. How does it affect you?


    I dont take class to learn how to do pushups and situps. I take it for the Self Defense, personally if someone wants to do push-ups and sit-ups great on them but do them on your own time (like I do) so that we may learn what we came to learn in class. Punch power comes down to technique more than strength. I could look like Arnold and still punch like a wuss if I didnt use proper technique. Your arms and abs will get enough of a workout without push-ups and sit-ups to defend yourself.

    Now, if your doing cardio Krav, then these exercises should be part of the workout for general cardiovascular and health training. That is what CARDIO-Krav is for. People take the cardio portion for a better body and workout, where as I take self defense to learn self defense.


    Some students,after getting in Krav,get the fitness bug & do more exercise outside of class too.Those students may have had a good workout earlier in the day;so they’ll run ‘out of gas’ quicker.

    Last class,I was disappointed in the number of pushups I did,but earlier in the day,my sets of pushups added up to 500 reps,a new best for me.


    I do not consider anyone wimpy, first of all.

    I think krav maga is for everybody and not just for very athletic people.

    I’ll even go one step further than that. I’m busy with the ikmf instructors course. I think teaching people how to stand up for themselves when they are in a vulnerably position would me more rewarding to me than teaching some extra techniques to people who are already good fighters.

    Fighting skills and a fighting spirit are not a matter of push ups etc.
    In my work I was in some pretty bad situations a couple of times and noticed it weren’t usually the big muscled guys who stepped in to help.
    so who’s a wimp then?

    Last week i read a news article about a grandmother arresting a burglar by throwing stuff at him so he could’t climp of the roof.
    I bet she couldn’t do 50 push ups, is she a wimp?

    It’s about doing what you need to do when you need it, not about doing 50+ push ups.


    I have found that I need to lift weights outside of class. I make it part of my fitness routine. It has helped me in class, because I am building my endurance. But for some, like me, push-ups have always been hard. I can do everything but my chest muscles are not that strong, even though I do alot of weight lifting. But I am a girl and I have to do the modified push-ups anyway.


    \”What do you consider \”wimpy?\”\”

    Someone who doesn’t stand up for themselves or allows others to take advantage of them is wimpy. It doesn’t matter if the person is a body builder, martial artist, or a 95 pound weakling. Wimpyness is in the head not the muscles. By my definition I don’t consider myself a wimp, but I have a somewhat biased opinion.

    Culater411, I swear you must have been in my class last night because I have a hard time with some of the conditioning exercises especially pushups. My muscles lock up and no matter how hard I push I just can’t do any more. I really need to work out more at home as a few KM classes a week just are not enough to drastically change the amount of pushups I can do. Last night was especially tough as I did fight class before the level 1. We sparred for almost 40 minutes straight (our punishment for complaining about not getting enough sparring time last week) with 30 second rests in between. We did plenty of pushups, crunches, mountain climbers, jump squats, jumping lunges, etc. By the time I got to the end of the level 1 class I was starting to get tired. Iíll try to work harder next time. 🙂


    At our school most of the women train outside of the Krav Maga class. We stress that physical fitness may be a result of the Krav Maga classes but it is not the point of the class. Most of the women do standard pushups, many can knock out 30+. We have a couple of women who are forty years old who can do 12-15 pull ups. I think that not reaching strength goals is often a by product of the program being followed, and not due to gender or age. If you don’t believe it go to http://www.mitymous.net/weights/xfitfaq.htm at the bottom of the page you’ll see a list of movies. Click on ‘Annie and Cill do pull ups’ or the ‘Ladies do Grace.’ Kind of wandered off topic, but how you perform in class is often a result of how you are training outside class.


    I just got myself a kettlebell. She is my new best friend.

    After a half hour of swingin her around…

    I cant stand the bitch:)


    Re: Michigan Krav

    quote \”megachang\:

    Hello there – can you tell me where in Michigan they offer official sponsored Krav? I know of maybe 2 place – 1 for sure – where do you take it? Thanks.

    I train at Animal Instinct in Wyandotte. It is a very cool place. I originally took a free seminar in Livonia with a girlfriend and then started taking classes close to home. My girlfriend trains in Livonia at the Dragon Martial Arts Academy and she loves it, all she talks about now is Krav Maga. As far as I know these are the only two Krav Maga places on this side of the state.

    I didn’t mean to offend anyone with this post. I just really wanted to make sure the fitness end of the system works. I can’t offord to go the gym and Krav, so I let the gym go to the side, at least through my yellow belt training.


    \”I didn’t mean to offend anyone with this post.\”

    None taken. Instead of taking offence I’ll take your post as encouragement to work harder.

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