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    What are some of your favorite things to do in KM fitness classes, particularly bag classes? 🙂 Any particular drills, combos, exercises, etc that you love?


    Re: What do you like in KM fitness classes?

    Good question.

    I like the intensity level of Jerretts it’s really fasted paced. But I also like the way Tina/Burton put together realistic combinations that reminds me of doing the Bas workout. It seems more applicable to what we do when we train in KM.

    I especially like after a strenuous warm up with Kettlebells and stretching etc then having to work the bag. At that point a lot of it is existing muscle memory or building that memory because under stress fatigue we are forced to go on auto pilot. The same as we would in a fight when our body’s worn out.

    I know that bag class has helped me personally in that way.

    Thanks for the question Erika~


    Re: What do you like in KM fitness classes?

    Interesting question. We have a bag class going on right now as I sit on my butt in the office and type this. I’ve noticed that each instructor has their own style for bag class here as well, much like Sean’s post stated.

    I think that the pace should be fast and the music loud. I like being worked hard, being brought up to (and past!) the maximum exertion point, getting a real quick breather and then getting right back to work. Demos should be quick but precise. Combinations should flow well and make sense. Things should be changed up often enough to keep everyone from getting bored or dialed in on one technique.

    Bag class should be taught by someone with advanced ADD, I think. Keep everyone moving, keep everyone guessing. Break out the tombstone pads for front kicks every now and again. Have one of the students lead a run slalom-style through the bags, making everyone hit each bag they pass with a hammer fist or elbow or something. Just keep it moving! DOWN FOR MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS! GO! GO! NOW UP – SHOULDER TAG! DOWN FOR PUSH-UPS!


    Re: What do you like in KM fitness classes?

    quote stevetuna:

    Bag class should be taught by someone with advanced ADD!

    Thats right you have seen Jarrets class in person LOL


    Re: What do you like in KM fitness classes?

    Personally I am split between the opinions shared by Steve and Sean above. I love getting lost in the loud booming music and quick change of the combos. I prefer the combos be a little more realistic with one or two sets of a “WTF is that?!” combo thrown in just for fun. To be totally honest though I am not a fan of tombstone pads or really any partner drills in a bag class. I actually kind of enjoy the selfish side to it. I just want to get lost in it all. Just pushing myself as hard as I can and tune out the rest. I am not totally against partner work, like tricep dips on your partners legs as they hold the invisible chair pose against the wall or working together for crunches. Can never have too many crunches. But I prefer to keep all pads and belt drills to the side. Throw in some good kettle bell work or some dumbbell stuff so I can feel like I lifted a little weight as well and you will have me coming back for more, guaranteed!


    Re: What do you like in KM fitness classes?

    As far as the fitness classes go I like anything with a variety that keeps me guessing. The other night my instructor pulled out his old “martial arts” belts and had us pulling each other around the room like Oxen with them. There wasn’t a lot of “self defense” benefit to that but it definitely gave the legs a good workout (as I’m still sore today) and it kept things fresh and fun in a tortuous sort of way.

    With bag classes I echo what Jay99 says about being “selfish and getting lost it it all”. It definitely helps me to clear the mind after a long day of dealing with machines and their owners. :D:

    Side Kicks from the ground while in a plank position on your side (I forget what these are called) but they definitely work your obliques and inner core muscles while letting you focus on the striking technique.
    Bob and Weave combinations focusing on both low and high punches.


    Re: What do you like in KM fitness classes?

    “As far as the fitness classes go I like anything with a variety that keeps me guessing. The other night my instructor pulled out his old “martial arts” belts and had us pulling each other around the room like Oxen with them. There wasn’t a lot of “self defense” benefit to that but it definitely gave the legs a good workout (as I’m still sore today) and it kept things fresh and fun in a tortuous sort of way. ”

    I remember that drill. Except we used to pair up in Three’s. One person would punch, one would hold a tombstone pad, and one would hold the belt around the waist of the one punching. The instructor would yell “go” and the guy would drive forward punching at the tombstone pad while the guy holding the belt pulled back causing resistance. In the mean time the guy holding the pad would move back slowly as the other person plunched. Each group would have to move the length of the room and back again, then switch it up. It was a great endurance drill and, as you stated, a killer on the legs.


    Re: What do you like in KM fitness classes?

    The head instructor/owner at the school I take classes at has a really fun way of teaching.

    In the fitness classes after the warm up he gives a quick rundown of the circuit we will be doing for the class and he has these interesting exercises I’ve not seen other places and he has funny names for them as well. I think that he always mixes at least one in to the circuit for the day:

    * The Circus Dog – You are on your hands with feet on a swiss ball and you have to walk on your hands keeping your feet on the ball and move the ball along with you all while keeping your abs crunched up tight.

    * Bear Crawl – Walk on all fours (I think I may remember this from gym class in grade school, but they called it some thing else).

    * Monkey Hang – This is holding on a pull up bar and holding up your torso and feet up as high as possible.

    * Jack Russels (like the terrier dog) – You jump as high as possible and knee a Thai Bag.

    * Monkeys Hiding Eggs – You and a partner squat down as low as possible. While holding a medicine ball you “walk” while still squatting about 6 – 8 feet hand the ball to your partner, then walk backwards the same way. Then your partner does the same thing, then rinse and repeat. This really hits your calves and quads.

    * Wilie Coyotes – You do pull ups assisted with a bungee cord.

    * Monkey Toss – You and a partner take turns catching a medicine ball, when you catch it you squat at the same time as low as possible.


    Re: What do you like in KM fitness classes?

    Well I had the pleasure of taking Erika’s new Krav Maga fitness class tonight and it ROCKED!!!

    You can tell she put a lot of thought into it – no fru fru tai-bo stuff just a ton of 6/8 count combinations which were great!!!

    So I’m happy to report I really enjoyed it~


    Re: What do you like in KM fitness classes?

    So I haven’t looked at this thread in months … but I thought it might be a good one to come back to, as I’d love some new, fresh ideas to bring into my bag class. 🙂

    The great thing about this forum is the great wealth of knowledge and diverse experiences to be shared. I’m sure you guys can give me some great ideas, whether they’re new ones I’ve never heard of, or ones that I’ve completely forgotten about.

    I’m especially wondering if any of you have any really great/favorite drills that are done basically to completely wear you out during fitness (bag) classes. Example: doing 1 or 2 minute rounds where the students go all out according to the instructor’s instructions (knee, elbow, kick, punch, etc) … things along those lines. 🙂

    Any help/ideas are greatly appreciated! 🙂


    Re: What do you like in KM fitness classes?

    A-B drills until you puke is always a good time, esp. when you don’t go from just laying down, but from situps/pushups/mt. climbers/what have you right into punches hammers and knees…

    makes me glad i was a distance runner in HS :banghead:


    Re: What do you like in KM fitness classes?

    I’ll call for 30 seconds of all-out work on the bag from time to time (usually after I had a combo drill going that just didn’t work great…), urging them to use any technique they have. Yelling like a psycho throughout the work, things like “Stay in the fight”, “Most fights don’t last this long, keep going!”, etc, telling them to keep something hitting the bag at all times. I count down the last five seconds and send everyone for a quick water break at the end of that. They need it then.

    It’s very therapeudic!

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