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    Greetings, all. Please forgive my ignorance, but what type of workout are we doing in the fitness part of our classes? I want to find more regimens like it to do at home and do not know quite what to search for. Is it HIIT?



    Re: What is the workout/fitness part called?

    As far as my experience not really HIIT, but still a great workout! And my school had TRX, which rocked.


    Re: What is the workout/fitness part called?


    It really depends on your instructor and what their background is. If your taking class in west LA it could be a combination of stuff.

    Can you give us an example of what you’re doing in warm up? Or even the instructor names?


    Re: What is the workout/fitness part called?

    CJ’s Dad calls it “Warm Up”! bow1;):


    Re: What is the workout/fitness part called?

    I call it severe pain and misery… lol


    Re: What is the workout/fitness part called?

    Thank you for the replies. Today was a good example of what I am trying to define.

    We began with Jumping jacks,
    then quickly into jogging from one wall to the other (“20% speed”), and back, and forth
    then jogging at 40% speed
    Then stepping side-to-side from one wall to the other, and back, and forth
    Then broadjumps (soft landing) from one wall to the other, and back, and forth
    Then dropping to a squat position and keeping this position walking from wall to wall, and back, and forth
    Then bear-crawl (hands and feet to walk) from one wall to the other, and back, and forth

    Then find a partner and do:
    Push ups head to head and clap your partner’s hand at the top of the rep
    Then interlock ankles and do sit-ups, clapping your partner’s hands at the top
    Then squats and then jump, clapping your partner’s hands
    Then down to the plank position, grabbing your partner’s wrist (and he grabs yours) as you try to pull one another off balance while maintaining the plank with one arm
    Then facing each other, on your backs, while you hit the soles of his feet with your own, trying to get hit off balance so hit feet hit the floor
    Then your back against the wall, down to a squat, as your partner uses your knees to dips off of
    Then switch this so you are doing dips

    Then the normal stretches. I probably missed a couple of things, but you get the idea. Usually the fitness/warm-up/stretching part lasts fifteen minutes before we get into our fight stances and work on our straight punches facing the mirror before partnering up with pads to do the combatives.

    I hope this sequence better helps in trying to give a name to it. I asked an instructor what I would call the fitness part in order to search online and replicate it at home, and he said he was not aware of any other definition besides calisthenics.



    Re: What is the workout/fitness part called?

    quote vincia1:

    Thank you for the replies. Today was a good example of what I am trying to define.

    We began with Jumping jacks,
    then quickly into jogging from one wall to the other (“20% speed”), and back, and forth
    then jogging at 40% speed
    Then stepping side-to-side from one wall to the other, and back, and forth
    Then broadjumps (soft landing) from one wall to the other, and back, and forth
    Then dropping to a squat position and keeping this position walking from wall to wall, and back, and forth
    Then bear-crawl (hands and feet to walk) from one wall to the other, and back, and forth

    Then find a partner and do:
    Push ups head to head and clap your partner’s hand at the top of the rep
    Then interlock ankles and do sit-ups, clapping your partner’s hands at the top
    Then squats and then jump, clapping your partner’s hands
    Then down to the plank position, grabbing your partner’s wrist (and he grabs yours) as you try to pull one another off balance while maintaining the plank with one arm
    Then facing each other, on your backs, while you hit the soles of his feet with your own, trying to get hit off balance so hit feet hit the floor
    Then your back against the wall, down to a squat, as your partner uses your knees to dips off of
    Then switch this so you are doing dips

    Then the normal stretches. I probably missed a couple of things, but you get the idea. Usually the fitness/warm-up/stretching part lasts fifteen minutes before we get into our fight stances and work on our straight punches facing the mirror before partnering up with pads to do the combatives.

    I hope this sequence better helps in trying to give a name to it. I asked an instructor what I would call the fitness part in order to search online and replicate it at home, and he said he was not aware of any other definition besides calisthenics.


    WOW!!! sounds just like mine… the instructors must have been at the same instructor school…

    Ours takes a bit more than 15 minutes… closer to 20-30 minutes… but then he doesn’t shut the class down at 60 minutes either… Generally classes run about 1hr 20 – to 1hr 30 minutes.

    Yup, just what I said… MISERY!!! lol

    Actually, I was wondering if our instructor was doing so much because he is a fitness freak (he is), or if it was the Krav curriculum.


    Re: What is the workout/fitness part called?

    I am not very welcome here I guess, but my take is that fit people are better able to defend themselves…period. As my friend says “Strong people are harder to kill and generally more useful”.


    Re: What is the workout/fitness part called?

    quote garddawg:

    I am not very welcome here I guess, but my take is that fit people are better able to defend themselves…period. As my friend says “Strong people are harder to kill and generally more useful”.

    well **** then I’m leavin


    Re: What is the workout/fitness part called?

    quote garddawg:

    I am not very welcome here I guess, but my take is that fit people are better able to defend themselves…period. As my friend says “Strong people are harder to kill and generally more useful”.

    Who said you weren’t welcomed?

    I hate all you fit guys, but I envy you too… lol Joking!

    I really wish I was more fit, and I am working on it. Even though I hate every second of the workout, I like it too, because I know the end result. But, at my age, fitness comes very slow, if at all. I am not even over my weight limit for my age, build, and height. I am not fat or slovenly, I am just old… with a bit of a belly… lol

    I am still pretty hard to kill… from experience… lol


    Re: What is the workout/fitness part called?

    We call it conditioning, for what it’s worth.


    Re: What is the workout/fitness part called?

    I think conditioning is important and schools should have classes for it but I dont like when it takes up so much of a Krav Maga class. Imi used to say that students should get their fitness outside of class and the class should be for Krav Maga training only.


    Re: What is the workout/fitness part called?

    quote KevinMack:

    I think conditioning is important and schools should have classes for it but I dont like when it takes up so much of a Krav Maga class. Imi used to say that students should get their fitness outside of class and the class should be for Krav Maga training only.

    I agree 100%.

    I’ve seen schools that make up for their lack of content and knowledge by burning too much class time warming up and cooling down throw in little technique and then burn them out by turning it into a cardio kick boxing class. Then people walked out all gassed and say, man that krav is some intense ****! So is taebo, but you don’t learn jack about defending yourself.


    Re: What is the workout/fitness part called?

    quote Plantman:

    I agree 100%.

    I’ve seen schools that make up for their lack of content and knowledge by burning too much class time warming up and cooling down throw in little technique and then burn them out by turning it into a cardio kick boxing class. Then people walked out all gassed and say, man that krav is some intense ****! So is taebo, but you don’t learn jack about defending yourself.

    I have been wondering about this myself. We spend ALOT of time “bringing our heart rate up”. It does not appear to me the classes are all that organized or following an actual curriculum. It seems the instructor covers whatever crosses his mind at the moment, rather than knowing ahead of time we are going to cover this defensive or that combative. I have asked several times what are we going to do in next class so I can prepare ahead of time, but he never answers.

    We do alot of conditioning and alot of kick boxing. I want to advance in Krav, that is what I am paying for! The conditioning and KB is great, but I feel it is a close to a scam- slowing down our advancement so we pay for more classes just to complete level 1.

    Unfortunately, this of the only KMWW school anywhere around.


    Re: What is the workout/fitness part called?

    For another data point, out school usually devotes about the first 15 minutes of an hour long class to “warmup.” I had assumed that in addition to fitness gains, part of the rationale was to get you tired so you’re practicing combatives from a relative disadvantage. At a couple of other points in the class, we’ll usually do an exhaustion drill involving combatives to keep us from recovering too much.

    Also significant (in my mind at least) is that our tests usually begin with a pretty intense “warmup.” I know for certain that part of the rationale there is to test the students’ perseverance. The format is consistent enough with the classes that I don’t believe it’s an accident.

    Whether any of this aligns with what Imi would have wanted, I have no way of knowing.

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