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    I have a speed bag attachment on my heavybag stand, but I haven’t really had the desire to pick up a speed bag. I was wondering what the benefits are? I would imagine that it improves your hand/eye coordination.

    Anyone here use it? Do you find that it helps you?


    \”improves your hand/eye coordination.\”

    Pretty much. Took me a few hours to figure it out two summers ago, but the bag is a great supplement to shadowboxing/mitt work/bag work.

    You could also buy bags of different sizes (inverse relationship between size and difficulty). Once you figure it out, do a minute of speed bag b/w Bas rounds or b/w rounds of grappling/sparring.

    My BJJ school has one, and I’d try to go 5 minutes after class to completely fatigue my arms and shoulders.

    Good luck.


    Typical Speed Bag Routine

    -for hands (10 min.)
    -10 flicking roundkicks alternating between left and right leg



    As the name states….it’s a speed bag. using it correctly will increase hand speed. Though as La Revancha states, it will also increase H/I coordination. I was taught by GG boxer a short cut to learn how to get the most out of the bag. Get the bag started and imagine you’re holding an ice pick with the next series of punches…switch hands….. then punch, ice pick ice pick and so on. It takes a while but the ice pick visualization really helped me get the speed out of my hands. Going with the larger bag to start is also an excellent idea. It still comes down to good form first, then speed. Hope it helps.


    Thank you for the replies. How concerned do you need to be with the footwork while using the bag, or is it not very important?


    Anytime you can work in footwork, it’s a good thing. Don’t forget head movements either. Move around the bag, angle away and then punch your way back forward. It becomes easy to just stand there and and get into a punching rythm so be aware if you start doing this. Try to simulate a fight, use combinations, double up on jabs, bob and weave.

    I also like to use a double end bag.

    These are great pieces of equipment to warm up with or to cool down. I also like to use them on days I’m a bit beat up or not mentally ready to do a hard physical workout.

    quote :

    I was taught by GG boxer a short cut to learn how to get the most out of the bag. Get the bag started and imagine you’re holding an ice pick with the next series of punches…switch hands….. then punch, ice pick ice pick and so on.

    This exact advice was given by Clint Eastwood in Million Dollar Baby

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