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  • #44203

    I tell ’em I do Rex Kwon Do…
    Now, Bow to your Sensi, BOW TO YOUR SENSI!


    Re: Why Krav Maga

    Most fighting stlyles are scenario based. For instance, if two hands are on your neck, then a certain series of moves needs to be executed. To be honest, I think the main difference between BJJ and KM is that BJJ assumes a one-on-one/no weapons fight and KM assumes a one-on-many/weapons allowed fight.

    I have taken both BJJ and KM. In a one-on-one fight, I’d personally be surprised if a KM person could beat a BJJ person. BJJ has you focus more on sparring, so I think you get a better sense of how to create combinations of attacks (Wrestlers call it “mat awareness”). KM tends to focus on the execution of one set of moves designed to finish the situation as soon as possible, where BJJ is happy to leave you tied up with someone for 30 minutes if needed. BJJ may be more “sport like”, but that doesn’t make it less effective as a street tool.

    If I were alone in an alley being chased by three guys with knives, then I’d be much happier that I know KM. KM is probably the best training available for someone interested in self-defense, because it makes no assumptions about what might come at you.

    If you have the time and cash flow, I would recommend going to Krav twice per week and BJJ twice per week.



    quote Anonymous:

    I tell ’em I do Rex Kwon Do…
    Now, Bow to your Sensi, BOW TO YOUR SENSI!


    i think i found my next sig line!

    those of you in SO would so get it!

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