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    Hallo! I think Krav Maga is one of the best self defense systems in the World. I have one questions about the punching techniques in Krav Maga, Why do you teach to punch with the closed fist? That is very dangerous and not good at all. I have broken bones in my fist 3 times then punching a hard surface like the head.

    Can someone help me with my question?

    Thank You and take care!


    Re: Why punch with the closed fist in Krav Maga?

    I have to ask.Rule #1 in self-defense is to avoid a confrontation if you can.

    What gets you in a situation that you had to pound on three different people’s heads,be it with an open or closed fist?No offense intended.


    Re: Why punch with the closed fist in Krav Maga?

    The answer is: 2 times punching the head when I was younger and had to defend myself. The last time in training hitting an elbow. I am 44 years old now.


    Re: Why punch with the closed fist in Krav Maga?

    I believe it is a matter of personal preference. I can’t use palm strikes, myself, because of the inflexibility of my wrists. Even striking a soft pad multiple times in class will lead to days of wrist pain for me. Hammers may be effective and safer for you.


    Re: Why punch with the closed fist in Krav Maga?

    More tools in the tool box IMO. Learning to punch effectively without hurting your wrist or breaking any bones takes time. However, the head is hard, regardless of what strike you use you may damage something. As bear said, palm strikes are good alternatives if you are flexible enough and hammerfist is pretty effective as well.


    Re: Why punch with the closed fist in Krav Maga?

    Quoting Darren Levine in the recent Black Belt interview:

    quote :

    BB: Krav maga seems to focus on punching to the face. Is there any special technique for avoiding broken bones in your hands while doing that?

    Levine: You must learn to punch properly. I’ve seen as many broken hands from palm strikes as I have from bare-knuckle, fisted punching. It’s all about training correctly. In a specialized unit, the last thing they want is for the operators to break their hands during training. Remember that they have to use weapon systems, and to do so, their hands must be free from injury. A lot of time has been spent teaching people to strike powerfully without getting injured. Also, we strike those areas of the assailant’s body that aren’t hard or bony. Hitting the throat, the chin or the liver, for example, is extremely effective and injury free.


    Re: Why punch with the closed fist in Krav Maga?

    We train closed fist for ‘soft’ targets – nose throat etc but not closed fist to skull.


    Re: Why punch with the closed fist in Krav Maga?

    I have been training for a year in Krav Maga. I have hurt myself more by using a palm strike then with a closed fist. I do not know what it is but when I punch with a closed fist I feel my arm more in line and I have more control of the strike. I am no expert by any means so I am not saying a close fist is better then a palm strike. Also I have never heard of anyone being arrested because of a b*#th slap but I know a few who have throw a punch (and missed) and have gone to jail.


    Re: Why punch with the closed fist in Krav Maga?

    Before beginning training in Krav, I always used a closed fist. But since then, I am tending to favor the palm strike. To me, it seems I can deliver more power than with a fist, I avoid injury to my hand/knuckles. And for some reason now, when I use a closed fist, I feel a strain in my wrist (yes, I know how to punch… lol). I am 53, so maybe I am just getting old.

    Also, when punching the bag/kick shield/tombstone, etc, I always seem to end up with abrasions on my knuckles. Another reason I prefer open palm strikes.


    Re: Why punch with the closed fist in Krav Maga?

    Remember Krav Maga is all about instinctual reaction. Your first reaction might be the old familiar punch in a high stress situation. When you have time to reassess the situation you might switch to something else. I personally find it easier to form a punch while doing a burst defense like 360 and do palms when on the offense there after.


    Re: Why punch with the closed fist in Krav Maga?

    i have issues with punches as well. if i wear handwraps or nothing, i tend to bruise my knuckles (big and swollen). if i wear mma gloves then my wrist bends when i hit the bag, i think the leather glove slides along the bag and bends it.

    so i tend to lean toward palm strikes.


    Re: Why punch with the closed fist in Krav Maga?

    You really need to work on your targeting and technique, but it wouldn’t hurt to buy wrist wraps to train with. When hitting a heavy bag, make sure that you’re far enough away to get near-full extension. You should be punching the bag and making contact, not punching at the bag and still having a very bent elbow. Go with a lighter heavy bag and keep your hits up to the head level. Go easy on your hooks, especially body hooks; down lower the bag gets harder due to the filler material being pulled by gravity.

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