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Re: What is the workout/fitness part called?

quote Plantman:

I agree 100%.

I’ve seen schools that make up for their lack of content and knowledge by burning too much class time warming up and cooling down throw in little technique and then burn them out by turning it into a cardio kick boxing class. Then people walked out all gassed and say, man that krav is some intense ****! So is taebo, but you don’t learn jack about defending yourself.

I have been wondering about this myself. We spend ALOT of time “bringing our heart rate up”. It does not appear to me the classes are all that organized or following an actual curriculum. It seems the instructor covers whatever crosses his mind at the moment, rather than knowing ahead of time we are going to cover this defensive or that combative. I have asked several times what are we going to do in next class so I can prepare ahead of time, but he never answers.

We do alot of conditioning and alot of kick boxing. I want to advance in Krav, that is what I am paying for! The conditioning and KB is great, but I feel it is a close to a scam- slowing down our advancement so we pay for more classes just to complete level 1.

Unfortunately, this of the only KMWW school anywhere around.

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