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    sorry to ask such immature questions but this one’s for the instructors

    is there anywhere you can go and put some head protection on, gloves, and just go nuts at an opponent ? i mean i hate just standing there kicking a bag or some padding or focus mitts, i was hoping i could just run around a skip around a ring and take shots at someone else while they do the same for a few rounds ?? i mean all this standing on the spot and punching/kicking a bag is great but i mean when you duke it out there’s a lot of running backward (if your shit scared) and running forward when you’re confident, and its all head shots (lot of misses), and a lot of torn clothes and bleeding noses. i reakon an instructor would kick my ass but it sure gets the adrenaline going ..

    i love training on holds because when your both pulling on each others clothes its nice to get a good hit in, but when arms and fists are going everywhere i’d rather train on moving/seeing/striking very fast .. so im tempted to go train at boxing or kickboxing .. at least i can learn to move faster and strike more accurately

    ive been to one class and the stick/gun/knife defenses are a bit of a novelty, its like an hapkido instructor showing me how to spin a stick to look cool, what the hell ? only time someone should have a stick is when they’re defending themselves not attacking me !! if they have a stick im gonna run and if they have a gun .. well, im dead or im gonna run. i would never defend against a knife or gun !!! if i see metal im out of there man EEEK ! 😯

    what do you do at a krav maga class ? i just want to move fast and strike accurately not hit a bag all day. i reakon if im gonna learn to defend myself better i need an fast guy to take shots at me … and i need to learn to use my elbows and grapple better (standing) i spend too much time trying to out-muscle the guy which never seems to work unless i get a punch in (im 6′ 165lbs 5.5% BF)

    i mean in all the fights (i havent been in that many) ive been in its just running fast and missed punches, ripping clothes and red faces and not really getting anywhere, a few good hits and someone gives up (ouch), or getting dirty on the ground (where i never get anywhere or wait for a boot to the head or ribs)

    sorry i dont know about martial arts but TKD and hapkido bored me, i mean id never have the balls to try and kick someone in the head while they’re standing, as if they’d stick around long enough to get hit .. what the hell is with the high kicks ???

    anyway i think sparring is the go !!! there should be more of it but i dont know where to go. boxing or kickboxing for fast development of accurate punches and elbows, and FITNESS and FAST movement, strikes while moving (running) backwards/forwards, and just REFLEXES, distance to opponent (i MISS BADLY sometimes). krav maga for release of holds (clothes), and better awareness/feel of immediate surroundings. i think it just boils down to speed, positioning, accuracy on the move and some muscle (tricep, chest, shoulders) when you’re too close.

    what do you guys think ?


    basically what im asking is i need to develop my accuracy, movement and experience. and keep the heart rate down, keep a cooler head, stay accurate and focused, guard and move into position better. also move to avoid holds in the first place, or to be very confident when in a hold (im always scared/confused when in a hold because i know one slip up means i get hit in the face so i hate them). i think i need more speed, accuracy and concentration to avoid getting too close.

    so i could learn techniques on getting out of holds and creating distance, and i need some movement and accuracy drills (or just spar)


    sorry just realised krav maga is for self defence. i think ill give muay thai or boxing a go


    good luck with that



    or you could go back to TKD or Hapkido or Kenpo or Modern Arnis or…….

    doesn’t sound like you stick around long enough to be taught very much.

    if you want to get your ass kicked around for a while go to your nearest dojo and tell them that high kicks are stupid and the training that they have spent all this time on is for nothing….but that you would like to run around the ring for a while to get your adrenaline up and to feel the endophin rush that can be produced from such an event.(after being smacked around for awhile).

    BTW, many if, not most assailants are armed(stick, gun,etc.) and sometimes running just isn’t an option. Hence the real reason to train, not ego……. survival!


    Raffex, there is sparring in krav, but only after you learn a few minor details…like punching and kicking, defending and moving your head. But, if you wanna forego all that and just mix it up, head for your local biker bar. I’m sure if you explain yourself, they’ll wait to kick your ass until you put on your headgear and insert mouthlpiece. 😆



    That’s it….A BIKER BAR!!!!! 😈

    G.V. you’re a genius….. you have solved this mans problem. (mouth piece optional,…I love it). major LOL 😆


    I have watched a few level 3 classes at KMLI and have seen those guys do some pretty serious sparring/fighting! They wear headgear, boxing gloves, mouthguards, and some wear shin-guards, and they go at it hard! I’m both intimidated and excited to get to that point. Right now I’m a level 1 student and hope to be taking my yellow belt test in a few weeks. Wish me luck!



    JL, I’d pay good money to see Raffex get his adrenaline rush at a biker joint. 😀

    Diva, you’ll start sparring in level 2. Not full-out fighting, but…baby-steps.


    Do you really think raffex is the impatient type?? Not only does it seem that he is unwilling to put in even the minimum time in training to get anything out of it, but if you look at his posts, he didn’t have the time to wait for anyone to answer any of his questions. In fact, he came to his conclusion before the first reply.


    i think a lot of people who train for confrontation need to be less nervous more comfortable in the situation, i’ve had people square off with me in the past who have probably done some kind of martial art before and all i get hit by is a light off balance kick or punch and thats it and you can feel their body tense up out for fear its really bad, i feel bad (why did u want to start this in the first place man, and u feel bad hitting the guy in face)

    other guys that obviously get in a few punch ups i mean their timing is better they wait for you a little more, they dont lose balance as much and get ready for a bit of movement and they ARE moving, waiting, going for it. they just dont freak out and are ready to move around, its awesome.

    if i had the money i’d try krav maga but i think i’d just get annoyed at all the knife/gun/stick exercises

    boxing or kickboxing is the go guys. but im still suprised there arent any organised events where u can pay $10 to wait for your turn in the ring with some random.


    What ?

    So what kind of class are you looking for?

    I think you’ll have a hard time finding a martial art that will be \”fight class\” all the time. Unless you call bar fights a martial art.

    \”boxing or kickboxing is the go guys\”

    How is that a go? Did you ever attend a boxing class? All it is for the first <insert number here> months is conditioning, condition, conditioning, conditioning… They don’t toss you a mouth guard and gloves and say \”Go at it boys.\”

    Maybe start a \”Fight Club\” and charge $10 per round?


    Raffex, in about another week we’ll have a ring, and you are welcome to all the \”random\” you want–you won’t even have to wait in line. 🙄


    went to talk to a boxing instructor this morning and he said he never heard of krav maga but said conditioning and bag work would do a lot for me and offered to jump in the ring with me after the class and i said NO THANKS, he said i should try a kickboxing class if i wasnt afraid to use my knees and elbows and 4-6 months of training would make a world of difference if i was in to that kind of thing and he would do a bit more sparring with me after classes later in the day if its really what i wanted. exactly what i wanted !



    quote \”raffex\:

    boxing or kickboxing is the go guys.

    How about thumb-wrestling?

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