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    So … as I’m sitting here at work, griping over IM with a coworker about the ridiculous etiquette (or lack thereof) of some of the people in our office … I thought I’d start a thread and see where it goes. 😉 What are some of the horrible, annoying habits or pet peeves that you have at work or with coworkers? 🙂

    Here are a few that come to mind RIGHT away for my office:

    People who incessantly click their pens.
    People who check their voicemail on speakerphone – on the loudest volume possible.
    People who call the person 4 cubes away from them to talk loudly about business.
    People who heat fish up in the microwave and smell up the entire office.
    People who take the last of the water or coffee, and do not replace it w/ a new jug of water or make a new pot of coffee.
    People who leave 4 drops of water or coffee in the bottom just so they don’t feel guilty about not replacing the water or coffee.
    People who wear too much perfume/cologne – unless I happen to like the kind they’re wearing.
    People who eat the crunchiest chips/carrots/whatever is crunchy … with great gusto … and their mouths open.
    People who snort their snot into the back of their throats then HAWWWWWWWK it up. Blech.

    That’s just the tip of the iceberg … I could go on forEVER. :banghead:


    Re: Annoyances in the workplace!!!

    I can’t stand those TPS reports, and having my red Swingline stapler taken away from me.


    Re: Annoyances in the workplace!!!


    What about those people who like to play pranks, but can’t take it if any prank is ever played on them.

    We had a guy who’d always play pranks on people, so we stole his mouse ball … I know, reallllly original. Anyway, he threw a FIIIIT, and decided to come in on the weekend and hiding sardines all over our desks. And I mean ALLLL over. There was even some in a paper plate taped to the bottom of my desk. The entire department smelled SOOOOO disgusting for like a week!!!


    Re: Annoyances in the workplace!!!

    I took my Platoon Sergeant’s little bottle of hand sanitizer from his desk and replaced it with “Personal Lubricant.”

    He was not amused…


    Re: Annoyances in the workplace!!!

    “People who leave 4 drops of water or coffee in the bottom just so they don’t feel guilty about not replacing the water or coffee.”

    LMAO at this because I have been fighting a losing battle at my office over this issue alone for almost 2 years. I have actually taken the pot around the office and shown the main offenders and said “seeing this empty after you take your cup should trigger you making another pot of coffee.” I also agree with #1, 4 & 5 you listed. I will also add:

    People that make loud sucking sounds with mints or hard candy.
    People that make snapping, popping or chomping noise with their gum.

    Too funny….

    BTW – love the artwork in your avatar.


    Re: Annoyances in the workplace!!!

    what pisses me off the most is when is when i close the door to my office…and people open it without knocking! most of the time i’m on my lunch or break sleeping cause krav kicked my a$$ the night before, makes me want to get up and try that downward leg kick to the thigh!


    Re: Annoyances in the workplace!!!

    Workplace annoynces make me laugh.

    How about people who use the airplane oven to heat up fish and MONTHS later it – and the plane – still reek of fish?

    How about people who can’t clean up a mess and then the dozen or so people who come after and just leave it there?

    How about the people who bitch about every fliipping thing wrong at the airline but barely work and make 3x what I do for the same job?

    How about those same people who bitch but won’t leave ‘cuz they have no other skills?

    Sorry – I had a VERY long day yesterday and am still sleepy.


    Re: Annoyances in the workplace!!!

    Spartan Krav – OMG, yes – there’s someone in our offices who smacks and pops gum so loudly you can hear it halfway across the office. And thanks about the avatar – I was bored one day and playing around w/ photoshop and came up w/ that design.

    And Jen … I can’t IMAGINE some of the nasty people you have to deal w/ on airplanes. Nasty manners, nasty attitudes … kudos to you for doing it all w/ a smile on your face!! 🙂


    Re: Annoyances in the workplace!!!

    quote Ericajow:

    And Jen … I can’t IMAGINE some of the nasty people you have to deal w/ on airplanes. Nasty manners, nasty attitudes … kudos to you for doing it all w/ a smile on your face!! 🙂

    Who says it’s with a smile? 😉 I could write pages on the passengers but I tried to focus on just my coworkers. The best? The pilots who think that they can sleep with any chick just because. They are some of the slimiest scum! We have one who has raped several females – and the company won’t do anything because they need him. :soapbox: I’m not sure if I want to work with him – cuz I’d get arrested for torturing him.

    It’s all good energy to throw into krav and conditioning. Besides, it’s a thousand times better than when I worked in cubicle-land as a software developer.


    Re: Annoyances in the workplace!!!

    quote Denver Jenn:

    We have one who has raped several females – and the company won’t do anything because they need him.

    Forget the company, has anyone tried dealing with the police? That’s terrible.


    Re: Annoyances in the workplace!!!

    THIS is why you train Krav. Nothing like a good solid quick to some douchebag’s groin. 😉


    Re: Annoyances in the workplace!!!

    The ones I share

    1. People who check their voicemail on speakerphone – on the loudest volume possible – Ditto that
    2. People who call the person 4 cubes away from them to talk loudly about business – Ditto that
    3. People who heat fish up in the microwave and smell up the entire office – Ditto that
    4. People who wear too much perfume/cologne – Ditto that
    5. People who eat the crunchiest chips/carrots/whatever is crunchy … with great gusto … and their mouths open – Ditto that
    6. People who snort their snot into the back of their throats then HAWWWWWWWK it up – Ditto that

    My personal peeves:

    1. Co-workers that have a telephone conference call and yell instead of talking
    2. Co-workersthat have a telephone conference call and pound the desk as they talk
    3. Co-workers that have a telephone conference call and use the mute button so they can endlessly swear at the other people on the call
    4. Co-workers that decide to pop some pop-corn in the microwave and then walk away. Set off the fire alarm more than once this year
    5. Co-workers that stop right out side my office to talk about how their husbands suck. I’m a dude and I don’t want to hear about the details.
    6. Co-workers that leave their food in the refrigerator for cryogenic preservation.
    7. Meetings…not the useful ones. No I mean the meetings where the presenter reads off a power point presentation….leaving me to blow an hour of my day for something I could have read in 2 minutes.
    8. People that park their motorcycle in the normal car parking and not the designated, and CLOSER, motorcycle parking
    9. Not washing your hands after you use the restroom and then smearing your hands all over my desk as you talk to me about your weekend fishing trip .
    10. People coming up to me, in the office, and asking if I think I can kick their arse (because they take Karate or something) once they learn I practice in Krav Maga.
    11. Using the equivalent of a grunt to ask for an analysis and then getting upset because I don’t have a f**king clue what you just said. Literally….asking what “happened last Monday” does not constitute as “Lets look at the incoming <which we have many channels> contact pattern for <insert business line, for which we have many> and correlate that to the sales volume observed for last Monday to determine their relative strength.”
    12. Coming up to me as I am eating lunch and asking me either 1) what are you eating or 2) what are you doing? Respectively 1) If you actually cared you would have asked to do lunch and 2) Eating my F’ing lunch A-Hole
    13. Asking for some work and then forgetting that you asked for it when I present it to you.
    14. Having twenty coffee makers in the break room.
    15. Only having one break room
    16. Having someone walk up to me whilst on a conf. call and ask me if I am busy. My standard reply has been “Sorry <insert name I am talking to on the phone> but <insert name of offender> walked up and asked me if I am busy. I missed the very important thing you just said because <name of offender> has trouble with obvious observations and it is now having to cost us”. Yes….it happens less and less now.
    17. Been locking in a conference room with someone that grabbed a quick salad to eat before a presentation. Which usually ends with them eating with their mouths open and thwarting any attempt to focus….well focus on work.

    I have a ton more…and no I am not having a bad day. I just have BASIC expectations and most people meet and exced those. Its just a, thankfully, few individuals who lack complete civi understanding of office behavior.


    Re: Annoyances in the workplace!!!

    OH! OH! Another is when I am getting my meal (one of five meals I bring to work) from the refrigerator and someone says, inevitably, “what did you bring me for lunch” as they walk by.

    Although I heard a great retort the other day, “My fist in your mouth and I even brought a fork”. I swear it wasn’t me that said but lord have mercy I wish I had been that witty.


    Re: Annoyances in the workplace!!!

    -The co-worker that can’t walk by your office without staring in at you the whole time they are passing by

    -That group of poeple…male OR female that have to stand for 20 minutes every morning and talk about their “social exploits” over the weekend loud enough for the company across the street to hear.

    …and that one lady that cackles at 6,324 decibals at a joke, and then walks office to office re-telling it, and cackling each time.


    Re: Annoyances in the workplace!!!

    The girl who can’t stop talking about her upcoming wedding!

    That same girl who won’t stop showing her ring off to every other female she passes!

    The other females who proceed to talk **** about the girl’s ring

    Mr. Burn the microwave popcorn everytime you make it because you can’t read the button that says popcorn!

    Bad Breath guy! Please don’t say good morning to me ever again!

    The dumb chick who got dumped by her boyfriend and feels the need to cry at the company holiday party.

    The Hot Chick with the loser boyfriend who embarrases her at every company social event! Some how you are always less hot on Monday after that fiasco.

    The dude who lost 5lbs and goes around from cubicle to cubicle holding his protein shake and the latest issue of Muscle and Fitness, hoping that someone says something about his “weight loss”.

    Mr. “I have to take this call in the elevator guy”. Dude would you shut the F-up? Are you kidding me? We all know that your going to drop that call, get off the phone you loud mouth jerk off!

    Mr. “Did you see that game last night guy”. I love this guy. He asks the question and then proceeds to tell you about the game even though you told him you saw it already, worse than that he screws up the score, the teams, the players and everything else about the game… idiot

    Mr. “Did you see (fill in the blank —-movie yet?) You are the biggest a hole in the office. Look dickhead, we all can’t sneak off at lunch and go see the latest Bond movie. Some of us have to work. This does not give you the right to come in here and ruin the whole movie for us. Shut the F-up!

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