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    Re: Arnis, kali

    I’m just going off the top of my head here but Kali, Eskrima,Arnis… they’re all the same thing. The names are for different regions of the philippines. Example- east is kali, west-eskrima. I know I got those wrong but you get the idea. As far as the sticks speeding up your hands. Once you get some of the patterns down w/your hands going in and out using heavier sticks, drop them and see how fast your hands go doing the same movements. Those sticks are literally pulling your arms out harder and faster as you throw them out so when you don’t have them they’re still as fast. Just messing around in Krav class when we shadow box, I’ve came in w/some empty hand patterns and it blows people away cause they’re not use to the high,low, high,low. You can use double sinwalli all high as eye poke,eye poke, eye poke.Or eye poke, eye poke, punch. Or my favorite eye poke,eye poke eye poke elbow. There are alot of breaks in Arnis. There are alot of armbars when you disarm a weapon or take someone down and all an armbar is, is a break not yet completed.

    Magamike I was wondering when you were doing inside defenses, was the other person just coming in w/his other hand down or was he also pushing off and defending w/it. Also was he coming in w/multiple stabs or just one stab. I understand that the objective of your partner wasn’t to be a dick and try to kill you or else you wouldn’t get the technique you were working but I was just curious what drill you were doing. I haven’t done inside defenses w/a knife yet. Like I said before I’m only level 2.


    Re: Arnis, kali

    quote RDA:

    Magamike I was wondering when you were doing inside defenses, was the other person just coming in w/his other hand down or was he also pushing off and defending w/it. Also was he coming in w/multiple stabs or just one stab. I understand that the objective of your partner wasn’t to be a dick and try to kill you or else you wouldn’t get the technique you were working but I was just curious what drill you were doing. I haven’t done inside defenses w/a knife yet. Like I said before I’m only level 2.

    It was just a straight stab to the chest without the attacker trying to distract with the other hand or anything. However, it was multiple stabbing and we definitely tried really hard to stab each other with hard plastic knives. I got my partner a few times and it hurt the way he reacted – I was stabbing with full power, then pulling it just as I made contact with the chest so it was pretty realistic. I only got stabbed once really good when he attacked with his right hand – and it was ugly – in the neck (I deflected upward somehow and didn’t slip). Then I decided to try it with him using his left and I did get stabbed a few times until I realized you really need to adjust your stance if the attacker is a lefty, then I was okay again.

    Now just to be sure we are talking about the same thing – the “inside” defense was defending my moving my left arm across my body, thereby deflecting his strike to the right of me, and slipping/turning my body away from the knife, then immediately counterstriking with a straight punch. We did not do a disarm on this drill.

    I really did try to stab my partner, even doing some upward motions and some feints and at least 75% of the time he redirected effectively. He speared me with his elbow once and I even dropped the knife – drew blood and I have a big bruise still, so we weren’t just screwing around.


    Re: Arnis, kali

    I think I may have done that drill once. I know a while ago we did one where a guy came @ you with a downward stab and u were suppose to kick him. The kick was suppose to disable him long enough for you to get away. Then I remember a drill where the person was stabbing to the chest but I can’t remember how it ended because it was so long ago. But I do remember him stabbing to the chest. Yeah MagaMike we are talkin about the same “inside”. I’m pretty sure we were doing the same drill,Lol.. Go figure were both in Krav Maga Worldwide.

    The “inside” I was talkin about in my PREVIOUS post is-

    {Oh and alot of the weapon defense is “Inside”. I’ve always been taught going to the inside is not always a good idea because the attacker has another hand to defend with.Oh and alot of the weapon defense is “Inside”. I’ve always been taught going to the inside is not always a good idea because the attacker has another hand to defend with.}

    -the inside as is takin the person head on like in 360 defense. Where you square up w/the person meeting him force to force. Alot of the Arnis I’ve learned in re-directing the knife and getting to his outside,some what taking the other side of his body out of play. Don’t get me wrong, I’m in no way knocking the 360 defense, it works for some,may not work for others. It just doesn’t work for me. Kali is a bladed art so I tend to look @ knives a different way and just what works best for me. Also one thing Kali teaches that Krav doesn’t is how to fight w/a knife or a stick or whatever. A stick is a knife is a pen is a magazine is a beer bottle. In Kali you learn to move the knife in the path of least resistance. So if I feel a block toward your head, remember that I can bounce off that block and slash your stomach. “Asorb whats useful, disregard whats useless.” sorry my spelling and punctuation suck.


    Re: Arnis, kali

    quote Don:

    My recommendation is to get as comfortable/proficient with the techniques as quickly as possible and, just as quickly, try to apply them in a more realistic combative setting (e.g. sparring with all ranges and personal weapons active). You may be surprised at how little opportunity you get to apply many traditionally taught techniques (yes, that also applies to guys who have been studying/teaching it for years)…

    good point. at first i didn’t get what you were saying but now i’ve got it. and it makes sense. i’m not training to look good, i’m training to get in great shape and defend myself and those near me if the situation arises.

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