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  • #55819


    quote \”vwr32\:

    quote \”unstpabl1\:

    I don’t think I’m gonna be very successful in making yoga Full contact.

    Don’t give up too soon…

    I thought Gumby was green. That was very funny. Now if I could find last nights fights on line I’d be a happy camper

    Hey V in your health meanderings, I’m wondering if you got any info that can help me. Sorry for the Hijack

    A few months back, I took too much Excedrin, bled a little, severe ab pain for a day or so. A little while later took GNC Multi w/o food same effect. The GNC stuff are belly burners for me. This week I’ve felt great then 4-5 hours of ab pain or bloating every day.. Been on antibiotics 2 or 3 times this year ir so.. I take a nsaid for gout, but it hasn’t caused any discomfort. yesterday I bought an expensive probiotic Liquid, as I was told the Jarod pills only worked in the lower part or something. I also took Apple cider vinegar cocktail 2x’s. No pain but felt bloated and queasy. I figure its the ACV. Do probiotics cause queasiness till the stomach comes in balance. And ant good sites that might help?



    quote \”unstpabl1\:

    Do probiotics cause queasiness till the stomach comes in balance. And ant good sites that might help?

    The bleeding could be peptic ulcers caused by nsaid usage? Waaay out of my realm of reading. I don’t do much in the way of pain treatments… in fact I have a whole cabinet full of unused prescription strength pain killers because I don’t like taking them.

    As for the probiotic… I really like the new Activa (light) yogurt. Been on it for a while now and have experienced no bloating like you’ve mentioned. The key to any healthy regiment tho, is consistancy. Keep in mind there is both prObiotics, and prEbiotics. Prebiotics help support and enhance the environment for the probiotics, but I rarely hear of them so figured I’d add it to the discussion. Might be something you want to look into.

    It’s a lengthy article… but it has a list of sources for both pre and pro biotics at the bottom.


    Loved your take on the yoga class. I take a (don’t laugh) cardio kickboxing class on Friday afternoons (pretty good workout). Anyway, there is a yoga class just before mine. The last 5 to 10 minutes they all lay down on mats with the lights turned out to meditate. The instructor walks around and talks, I guess instilling soothing thoughts in their minds. Many time they are late in finishing their class and then they take their good old time getting up, gathering their equipiment and putting on their shoes. They seem to linger and talk, oblevious that the next class is trying to get started. So, a couple of us alwasys walk in turn on the lights and fans and start warming up. The fans usually drive them out pretty quick

    Loved your video on the yoga vs kung fu guys. I had seen it before, but it was fun to watch again.


    Yeah, that yoga dude is limber! 😯 Interesting fight with those loopy rope/stick things. Are those actually commonly used as weapons, or just in this case for the fun of it? Maybe they should do stuff like that during the yoga class at the NTC, throw in some weapons defenses, too. 😀




    quote \”BradM\:

    are late in finishing their class and then they take their good old time getting up, gathering their equipiment and putting on their shoes. They seem to linger and talk, oblevious that the next class is trying to get started. So, a couple of us alwasys walk in turn on the lights and fans and start warming up. The fans usually drive them out pretty quick


    Around spring I was working out in a commercial gym/ raquet ball club. I was training long distance with a combat conditioning coach long distance. every night he’d call, give me my w/o, emailing me vids of excercises to learn. He was xfit trained, but has an evil twist to the stuff.

    Anyway, when I first started working out there with the type w/o’s I was doing people weren’t very supportive to begin with. Trainers were constantly telling me, I was working out wrong. One even got mad at me when I tried to explain I wasn’t doing Molitary Presses.. I was doing Push Press. Course My stuff was for time so I’m working around his dumbass. It was funny

    How ever the best looks I ever got were after the yoga class. People were lingering in groups. Socializing. I had a brutal w/o that day and a busy day ahead. I forget the exact w/o but it combined things like rds of burpees, sit up, squats and knife drills. The Thai bags were in that room. When I started fileting the thai bag, you’d have thought I was dressing out Bambi. I think they were wigged out enough by the grunting and groaning, but the knife sent them over the edge. Hard plastic trainer. The room did clear out pretty fast though

    Truth is though, yoga classes are excellent and much harder than we give them credit for. Its interesting cause you w/o hard but you feel really balanced and centered after. I also am not hungry after training in it for most of the day.Anything else I’m starving. I joke about it but have a hi regard for the training



    quote \”vwr32\:

    The bleeding could be peptic ulcers caused by nsaid usage? Waaay out of my realm of reading. I don’t do much in the way of pain treatments… in fact I have a whole cabinet full of unused prescription strength pain killers because I don’t like taking them.

    Two comments:

    First, NSAIDs can definitely cause ulcers / gastrointestinal bleeding. However, that bleeding is typically confined to the GI tract(top or bottom – pardon the pun), especially in the absence of hemophilia or liver disease (Mike? Liver??) 😉

    Secondly, I’ll PM you my address for those unused prescriptions 😉


    Incidentally – I love that vid too … Just not sure that full contact, and Yoga should be used in the same sentence!

    Did you know that Yoga was actually developed as a way for the Indians (decenants of India) to \”get closer to God?\” It’s essentially a religious ceremony, or probably more appropriately a spiritual journey – To become one with ‘him.\” Yoga is actually translated as \”union\” and it’s practitioners (at least those who see it this way) are working towards ultimate enlightenment … Because of this, Yoga is actually frowned upon by conservative Christians …

    Then of course, there are those who just see it as good exercize.



    quote \”kravjeff\:

    Incidentally – I love that vid too … Just not sure that full contact, and Yoga should be used in the same sentence!

    Did you know that Yoga was actually developed as a way for the Indians (decenants of India) to \”get closer to God?\” It’s essentially a religious ceremony, or probably more appropriately a spiritual journey – To become one with ‘him.\” Yoga is actually translated as \”union\” and it’s practitioners (at least those who see it this way) are working towards ultimate enlightenment … Because of this, Yoga is actually frowned upon by conservative Christians …

    Then of course, there are those who just see it as good exercize.

    They shouldn’t frown upon it many of their trsaditions come from it., But I’m not dumb enough to get in that discussion.
    V , Sorry thought I responded earilier, must not have hit send. thank you



    [quote=\”unstpabl1They shouldn’t frown upon it many of their trsaditions come from it., But I’m not dumb enough to get in that discussion.
    😛 [/quote]

    Do not, and yes you are 😛



    quote \”kravjeff\:

    Secondly, I’ll PM you my address for those unused prescriptions 😉

    Thinking of donating them to your church? They’re unused.. not unwanted. 😛 I’m saving them for a rainy day. 😆


    😆 😆 😆


    \”Truth is though, yoga classes are excellent and much harder than we give them credit for. Its interesting cause you w/o hard but you feel really balanced and centered after. I also am not hungry after training in it for most of the day.Anything else I’m starving. I joke about it but have a hi regard for the training\”

    I do agree with you there untapbl1. In no way was I polking fun at the yoga class. It is a good workout and the breathing and meditation is very beneficial to your health. I tried a yogalaties class once. I streched and used mucles I didn’t know I had. 😥 If I didn’t have so much activity in my life now, I would probably join the yoga or yogalaties class. Don’t seem to have enough time for it now.

    I do Tai Chi, that has many of the same benefits as yoga.


    I think I’ll have a yogalaties with breakfast tomorrow 😈

    Hope you’re well Brad – I make fun ’cause I’m scared to try them! 😉

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