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  • #51006

    Oh, like you’ve never hijacked a thread before!!!!!! I’m sorry I missed you too. I usually just lurk when I need a smile, but I don’t want to see any Krav students in jail. Hence, my first post! BTW, when are you coming home to stay?


    \”BTW, when are you coming home to stay?\”

    Alas, only time will tell, mi broder. I met a lovely Sicilian girl from NY while at school….

    I’m the Odysseus of Simi Valley.



    [quote=\”Tomoe_Gozen\”] I just got hit with one again the other day, 5 seconds of puurrre punishment! (quote)

    Why are you getting Tasered? Have you turned to a life of crime? 8)

    How useful would ASP batons be for self-defense purposes? I’ve only seen pictures, but they look as though they may be more annoying than threatening (not heavy or thick enough to result in significant injury to the attacker).



    Hi GK,

    Apparently you have no idea what an ASP can do. Iíve seen someoneís head get split open like a cantaloupe with an ASP baton in downtown Denver. If they didnít work, they wouldnít be as popular with LE as they are. Do you remember when I barely stabbed you in the head with that dull metal knife and you were bleeding all over the place? Picture that but 100 times worse.



    Click on November7 workout and see a video like Tomoe Gozen is talking about…..


    Video of voluntary training…


    An ASP baton is like a metal pipe. It can cause all sorts of damage. I have one, but wouldn’t consider carrying it around (it is California, after all, and I don’t see the need to carry a metal pipe around with me). There’s lots of non-weapons that you could carry that are useful. Knives are useful tools, or they can cut a person up. Canes can help you walk, and can be used lie a club. Boots are sturdy footwear, and deliver damage when kicking. There’s some interesting stuff you can do with a bandana. A belt holds your pants up, or can be a flexible weapon. Here’s an interesting article on using a knife and a satchel:


    CLF, something about the guy with the briefcase tells me that he probably wouldn’t be carrying one of those around on a day-to-day basis.


    So, the metal part is solid, not hollow inside? As I have said, I’ve never seen one, just saw a picture and on that it sort of looked like an elongated car antenna. But if it’s 100 times worse than the hit to the skull with the metal knife, then I agree it would make a good weapon. Can you buy it in a store? What type of store? Since I live in CA, I guess I couldn’t carry one anyway, but it would be interesting to just take a look.



    They are hollow, otherwise they couldn’t telescope. On mine, however, the last section is solid metal. I don’t know if this is true for all of them. When I said a metal pipe I meant a hollow one. A pipe, you know, not a bar. I sometime work it into stick work for variety, along with canes, sjamboks (whips), a warclub and a machete. I think its good to vary the weight and handling up.


    Sorry it took so long to post… 🙁


    The civilian Taser is \”I think\” around $600. It is comparable to a high end handgun, plus if you use it, they will replace it! It also comes with training by a certified instructor- one on one. This will include everything plus training drills to work on firing, tactics, and et cetera…


    I got shot ’cause if you can’t beat them… join them! No seriously, I am an agency instructor. (no I don’t get paid for endorsing them 🙁 ) I do that for free!

    I personally feel that when it comes to non-lethal or less-lethal, I should experiance it prior to using it. It will keep me out of the hot seat on the witness stand. You know all of that \”Human Right’s\” stuff!

    And, no the Taser does not kill… ’cause here I am! Of course I am not a strung out doper that hasn’t slept in 2 weeks or eaten…. 🙄


    Well, thank God for that! For a moment I was fearing we had lost you to the dark side… 8)


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