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    Hi there.

    I’m 42, and out of shape. Not a REAL mess, but I need work. I’m doing cardio daily to increase my stamina, maybe going to get back into weights, but I’m far away from being in the condition I want.

    I took an intro Krav class the other day. I went all-out, and fast, and that was a big mistake. I ended up having to sit down, and then ended up going to the restroom and hurling (just getting over a cold, so that probably was a factor, but still, that was bad).

    Instructor made it clear I was welcome, and that next time I should still go full-force, but space out the repetitions, but as the oldest and most out of shape guy there that night, I’m not sure how well I would fit in. I’d have to train with fewer reps, and maybe even sit out until I get into shape.

    Question: should I get into shape before I go back to Krav, or should I just buck up and let Krav force me back into shape?



    Go back and make Krav force you. You’ll learn valuable skills as you get into shape. Plus, if you are like me, being encouraged (peer pressured) to work hard is better than self motivation!

    I agree with your instructor, going all out for shorter durations will help you build confidence as well as endurance. Our instructor has no problem with anyone taking a short break or spacing reps when exhausted. He encourages you to go as hard and fast for as long as you can but he also knows that forcing someone is a sure way to sour them on the class. Don’t worry about fitting in, to me Krav is more about effort than who is in the best shape.

    I am confident that if you go to class 2 – 3 times a week, you’ll see improvement in a month or less. I am 45 and I absolutely love (and crave) the workout.


    Age should not be a barrier. Take it slow at first you will get in shape. You will find a lot of people here who are older than you and doing great.

    BTW I’m 46


    Just going back to KM will build a more activity oriented endurance. Sometimes you see guys that can run a long distance but get tired after a few minutes of hitting the pads. Being 42 is not so bad, i’m going 45 😉


    I was out of shape when i started too. 5’10 220 lbs, .. stocky w/ 38 inch waist *levis* ..

    I was embarrassed at my 1st week or 2 in Krav, ..heaving, gasping ..etc. I fortunatly have a treadmill and punching bag. I hit the treadmill and run a 1/4 mile, then hit the bag for 3-4 minutes, then jump back on the treadmill for a 1/4 mile, ..bag again 3-4 mins .. for a total of 1 simple mile, and 15 mins hitting the bag. Within 2 weeks, I was in Krav shape, and have ZERO problems with cardio in class compared to the others. I did this on off Krav nights, and maybe once during the weekend.

    You could sub it with jump roping for 5 mins, shadow boxing for 5 mins??


    Re: Can Old Out Of Shape Guys Do This?

    quote \”LeMarteau\:

    I took an intro Krav class the other day. I went all-out, and fast, and that was a big mistake. I ended up having to sit down, and then ended up going to the restroom and hurling (just getting over a cold, so that probably was a factor, but still, that was bad).

    A month ago:
    me to the new guy: \”What were you in before this?\”
    new guy: \”Kickboxing.\” *punches bag like a pro, great kicks*
    new guy, 45 minutes into the class: \”Sensei Bert (our instructor), should I go outside to puke?\” Someone pointed him to the bathroom.

    LeMart, don’t feel bad about hurling on your first day, as even dudes from other martial arts find that first class a challenge.

    And, don’t be New Guy…that was his first and last KM class.


    I’m an \”O.F\” (Old Fart)
    Just turning 56.Yes,you can do it.Give yourself a chance.If you feel like its too much & are thinking of quiting;put your decision on hold for 1 month while continuing classes.
    After 1 month ,your body will have adapted,your dinner will stay down,& you’ll find yourself looking forward to your next class.


    Re: Can Old Out Of Shape Guys Do This?

    I thought everyone puked or passed out at their first class. 😀


    to old

    If you don’t hurl at your first Krav class, something didn’t work right. I’ve been in Krav awhile now and am 46 and worked out with a 20 yr.old boxer in his first Krav class, who politely had to go deposit his lunch.
    You will get in good shape by taking class. In the off days do a little cardio and work on the moves you were taught in the class. Perfect Practice as they say. As G.V. said, stay with it and don’t quit. You’ll be glad you stuck with it. Eye of the Tiger man!


    To answer your initial question, \”Can an old out of shape guys do this?\”
    To me the answer is, yes but not very well. The good new is, if you work out to your capacity (challange yourself but don’t over do it), and are consistent, you won’t be out of shape for long. Now if the question is, \”Can an old in shape guy do this?\”, my answer is absolutley.


    in shape?

    strange as this sounds; your in shape for the activities that are normal at that time.

    many years ago i began jogging. i couldn’t sustain long distances because at that time my body was in shape for moderate walking and daily activities.

    so i decided to jog one mile no matter what! but the condition was this: the moment i was breathless or over-taxing myself, i would immediately start walking. i would slow down until i caught my breath, then i immediately start jogging again.

    within a few months i was jogging more than a mile, in sultry hot humid weather to boot!

    so you see, you are in great shape for the non krav magna part of your life. on the other hand your body isn’t ready for the intensity that is Krav magna. break your training routine into parts, parts where you are intense and parts where you can train in moderately relax manner until your body recovers. then go intense again.

    eventually, you’ll be able to go full steam for the entire training period. just push yourself gradually and rest will just happen by itself.



    Thank you all for your support.

    I went back tonight, for the first time since my first lesson. What a great night. I paced myself, going all out, but spacing them out.

    I feel like I’m high as a kite with the energy I got from that class. I’ve never been in a real fight (only high school a couple of times, and that was just flailing and pathetic grappling) and I’ve never really taken a punch, but the raw energy of those exercises was like nothnig I’ve ever experienced and it really affected me. Sure, I took some Take My Dough, an some Kung Fu, but I know now that I was simply playing childish games in those schools compared to this.

    There were times in the class when I was in pain, thinking, \”well, this just plain sucks and is no fun at all\” (being on the recieving end of a headlock release by pulling under the nose) but I kept saying to myself, don’t be a wuss, you can do this.

    And I know now that I can. I look forward to my next class, and the one after that. Thanks again for your encouragement.


    Hi LeMarteau!

    I’m a 35 year old guy… WAY out of shape. I’ve studied other styles before, and got my black in another style as a young adult (or OLD youth however ya wanna look at it.) I spent 6 years in the Marine Corps (Again, a long time ago) and have worked as a Police Officer. In 1998 I made the switch into Information Technology (Computers)… sitting… eating…not moving… and I have the GUT to prove it!

    I just had my first class yesterday. I almost didn’t make it… Half way to the bathroom, I stopped myself, got my breathing under control, took a min and went back into class…. its painful now, but well worth it. I plan to attend several classes a week and I hope you are still with it!


    Miss three weeks of training for whatever reason and you certainly feel like \”new guy\” all over again when you start back…… OOOF, but then, it felt really good to be back as well.



    quote \”FFDO\:

    Miss three weeks of training for whatever reason and you certainly feel like \”new guy\” all over again when you start back…… OOOF, but then, it felt really good to be back as well.

    I could attest to that.

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