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    So, without any prior KM experience and no other martial arts experience you could also take the instructor’s program?

    Of course, if you are new to a system, you can learn a lot from a green belt, because, at that time, that person has much more experience than you do. However, once you’ve reached a higher belt yourself, how much would a green belt be able to teach you? So, the whole thing also depends a bit on your own level of experience.

    If you really want to get into all of the little details of a defense and ask specific questions, I think having a teacher with more experience is a plus. Otherwise, why fly 2000 miles to train with John, if you could simply practice with the guys at your gym and learn the exact same thing over there?


    Yes, I agree with Revancha, and would add a few thoughts, since I was one who came into KM with a 3rd degree black belt in another style as well as some other training:

    Often, extensive experience is more of a hindrance than it is a help. As an instructor, it helped me because I had already spent 6 years communicating physical stuff and concepts to groups by the time I even started Krav Maga. On the other hand, I found myself having to be exceptionally open-minded and very willing to let go of assumptions I had in the past about training, teaching, communicating, drilling, etc.

    I have seen little, if any, correlation between non-Krav experience and a lack of it when it comes to good instructors. I would, along with Revancha, recommend that either a good amount of time with Krav OR lots of experience with other martial arts would be preferable

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