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  • #49846

    Awesome exhausting or awesome fun? Anyway, good to know that you are still in one piece. 8)



    Absolutely both! Never said I was in one piece 😉

    Can’t wait to get back to training this week! (Though I welcome a day or two of relaxation!)


    You certainly deserve it!



    La Revancha!
    Jeff passed on his hello from you, right back at you sir!

    I am hoping you can join us for the Krav Maga Winter Camp in Colorado in February this year, would love train and do some skiing with you!
    Shannon says hi too.

    See ya soon i hope!


    Felicidades, KJ.

    Sr. Hiromasa:

    Hope all is well in the Mountain Command Center!! Heard last year’s Winter Camp was a hoot. I’ll begin the logistics. I could use a Black Belt’s keen objectivity before March. I’ll be in touch.

    Saludos to Shannon et al.


    Is the KM winter camp in CO an instructor only function or can the student types join?


    I am certainly not in a position to speak for James, but I don’t know how often he looks at the forum – So, at the risk of overstepping my bounds, my $0.02.

    I believe that the last one was open to students, and I believe that this year it will be as well. I was new to the training center and didn’t go to the last one, and have regretted it ever since – Can’t wait for this one!!!

    Hope you can join us! Keep an eye out here:



    The bulk of the winter camp is open to EVERYONE. There was a law enforcement only class and one advanced level class for blue belts and above that were taught by John Whitman.
    The rest of the excellent classes were taught by Mr. Whitman, Jeff Jimmo, and James Hiromasa. It doesn’t get any better than that. If you can afford to make the trip, please come. You will not be disappointed.


    Cool, what an excellent opportunity to revive my \”Doing KM while skiing thread\”. You guys could hit the slopes, do some serious training and then report back with the results. 😀



    I don’t want to turn this forum into an advertising venue, so i will post only this one comment.
    The winter camp will again feature John Whitman, Jeff Jimmo, Instructors from all around the country and Canada, and we are still working on another ‘big name’ seminar to bring in that weekend. Most noteably though GK’s comment is on the mark! We plan on having a half day of training in the snow if weather permits and at the very least weapon defense training wearing heavy winter clothing (Big jackets, snow gloves, boots, etc.) There will also be a training session dedicated to Instructors only.
    The last day is an excursion to a ski resort for some fun and skiing/boarding. We have booked 2 very comfortable Private Club Cars on the historic Ski Train with our own private bar up to and then back from the resort. An awsome ride with spactacular views of the Rocky Mountains, and a great opportunity to mingle and network for the 2 hour ride.
    Working with the National Training Center, our goal is to make this an annual Krav Maga event in the model of the Krav Maga Los Angeles Summer Camp.
    For more information, please check this websites \”Seminars\” section soon.


    Holy smokes, now you got me all excited!! Snow training? Boots and gloves? Private ski trips? Man, that sounds awesome! I wished I could come. Somebody, please take me!!! 😀

    Talking about \”bars\”, this reminds me of something they like to do in Switzerland:

    They usually have large restaurants on the summit of a ski mountain and sometimes they arrange trips to take the gondola up there at night. Everyone has a big meal (fondue) and lots and lots of Obstler (plum liquor). After the meal some guys take the gondola back down, but others opt to ski back down in the dark, with nothing but a few ski instructors carrying torches to guide them.

    Basically, you are drunk and can’t see a goddamn thing and you are going down a steep slope at a pretty high speed. Funny thing is, it’s much easier to get down the slope that way, because, first of all, you are drunk, second of all, you have no idea where you are going and therefore it’s hard to get scared, since all you are seeing is black and the dim outline of the person in front of you, plus the flicker of the torches and maybe a few stars in the sky.

    Anyway, that may be something fun to add to the winter camp and for good measure, you could add some sudden knife or stick attacks while you are making your way down. It’ll be the best winter camp ever!



    Sounds like this is exactly why you shouldn’t drink and ski! I guess that’s why I stopped drinking years ago.


    Actually, drinking is perfect for skiing, since you are really supposed to sway back and forth on the slopes, rather than walk in a straight line. Think about it shifting your weight from one side to the other… It’s just like being drunk! So, more Obstler for me! 😀



    Gladiator Conditioning Routine (Twice a Week)

    Grappler’s Dozen (before and after):
    -sitting calf stretch
    -kneeling calf stretch
    -sitting hamstrign stretch
    -lying quadricep stretch
    -sitting side stretch
    -cervical stretch
    -plough w/ knees bent
    -chest stretch
    -tricep stretch
    -sitting shoulder stretch

    Eight to Hate Functional Calisthenics:
    -100 hindu squats
    -50 divebombers or hindu pushups
    -25 forward neck bridges, then hold for 1 min.
    -25 reverse neck bridges, then hold for 1 min.
    -10 variations of crunches, 10 reps each
    -10-12 commando pullups;10-12 chinups;10-12 close-grip pullups;10-12 wide-grip pullups
    -wrist rotations using sticks, 1-min.
    -100 forward/backward handgrip squeezes (alternative for wrist rotations)
    -flutter kicks on stomach, 2-min. (I added this myself)
    -100 jump squats

    Sandbag Workout (all 12 reps, 40-45 lbs.):
    -arm curls
    -military presses
    -upright rows
    -bent-over back rows
    -squats w/ sandbag between legs
    -squats w/ sandbag behind you
    -jump squats
    -backward bridges
    -tricep extensions
    -behind the back presses

    PS:This is just a sample of 1 routine or session. Very useful if weights are scarce or too expensive to afford.


    Weekly Workout Schedule

    Tuesday=calisthenics/sandbag workout
    Wednesday=6 mile run with hill sprints in between
    Thursday=calisthenics/sandbag workout
    Saturday=circuit weight training
    Sunday=other cardio/martial arts or self-defense drills

    Note:Although Monday is usually an off day, some of the days to work out may change too. As for the off days, I may sometimes squeeze in a few light self-defense or martial arts sessions (ex.=weapons disarms or retention drills/knifefighting/stickfighting) on my off-days. Preferably, I usually work out in the morning since it’s more refreshing but it’s not always possible due to conflict schedules.

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