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    Re: First Krav Maga Class…

    I hit the gym and do Krav, however my primary focus is Krav and I go everyday (M-Th and Sat) I’m still in the K1 class. I go to my gym Friday and Sunday strickly for weights and ab exercises.
    Sometimes I still feel pretty whipped up, but I just sleep it off. :wav:
    Is the BJJ the same as Krav Ground? If so, I’m on it!!


    Re: First Krav Maga Class…

    No BJJ is not the same as Krav Ground. In Krav your primary goal is to get away from the danger and get up on your feet. In BJJ your goal is to win the fight on the ground. This to me is bad technique on the street. Ususaly there are friends ready to help the attacker out especially in a bar fight. If you are on the ground you cannot realisticly fight more than one person at a time so you end up with a boot upside your head while you are trying to armbar your opponent.



    Re: First Krav Maga Class…

    You can take principals from BJJ and apply them to Krav. Krav already uses several BJJ techniques. As a student you should be thinking how you can use strikes and escapes to remove yourself from the danger while doing BJJ type manuvers.


    Re: First Krav Maga Class…


    I started the same time of year. My very first class was the Friday of Memorial Day, Last Year. Memorial Day last year (That Monday) was my fourth class. It can be immediately addicting.

    I am not sure how many different instructors you have out there. I just remember taking my first class, think they were the best instructor (and they are) and I should only take classes with them. Then I took a class with someone else. The amazing thing is that they too were the best instructor, and I was happy to have found two reliable instructors. On day three, I was amazed to have found the third “best instructor”. I am not sure about other schools, but we are VERY fortunate at the NTC to such an amazing group of instructors. Every class is just great. They all have a different personality and style to their class, which makes them all interesting in their own ways. I find it a better balance than if I just stuck with that one first instructor and only took their class. But of course, if I just stuck with that one instructor, it would have felt just as rewarding.

    I have stayed fairly close to 3-5 classes per week since I started. I like to double up on Thursdays, letting Junior kill me for Level 1 and Level 2 back to back. You know he is definitely in my group of “The Best Instructor”.



    Re: First Krav Maga Class…

    Me too.

    Funny I workout twice a day (1 1/2 in the morning and 1 at lunch) Monday through Friday very hard.

    When I go to Krav class on Saturday it is several times more draining.
    Instructor is great.

    I am Krav addicted for life. :):

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