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    Okay, I’ve now been to three classes–not much, I know. But I am really concerned about the fact that I can’t even complete half the warmup before I have to stop and really suck wind. By the end of the warmup, I’m dizzy, seeing stars/tunnel vision, and it seems like I can’t breath deep enough to catch my breath. I feel like I’m going to pass out.

    While I recognize and accept that the point of the workout part of the class is to work you out very hard and you should be sucking wind by the end of it, or you’re not working hard enough, this is different. There are different levels of fitness, and right now I feel as though I am not even at a level sufficient to justify my taking up a space in the class–like I should spend that hour on my own just developing a basic level of cardiovascular fitness sufficient to allow me to just keep up in class.

    What do the trainers and more experienced folks on here think???:dunno:


    Re: Frustrated, concerned…

    May I suggest that you plan to go in early before class & do a warmup for the warmup.
    All those symptoms you show I sometimes get if I just launch into a workout.
    For example,when I go out for a run,I ALWAYS do a fast walk for a couple of blocks to ‘get the juices flowing’.

    I don’t regret the time.It definitely helps.


    Re: Frustrated, concerned…

    First of all I am really glad you came here to talk about it first and not just quit taking classes. I strongly recommend that you go and see your doctor about this and have your blood pressure checked, etc and tell him what’s happening. There could be many reasons for this. A popular medication for controlling blood pressure also has adverse affects on a persons cardiovascular level. If you are on one of these, talk to your doctor and see about getting it switched.

    Next, talk to your instructor and tell him/her that you are having these concerns. Let them know you need to take it even slower in class. They will be MORE than understanding (we all started somewhere) and they can help moniter your level of exertion in class. Often students are too stubborn to stop and take a breather, even when their face looks like a cherry! 🙂

    Lastly, the “warm-up’s” can be pretty intense for many starters. We take them for granted in regular KM classes, but I am always suprised when I have a group of first timers and they have a tough time with the warm-up. It’s a good reminder that the VAST majority of KM practioners are there to improve their fitness AND learn self-defense… So I take it down a notch for them. But when you have a class of mixed students (new and regular) we tend to keep the intensity higher. Hang in there and do not give up or you will always be sucking wind and having issues. But slow it down, step out of class as needed and catch your breath, and just don’t injure yourself or burn out.


    Re: Frustrated, concerned…

    Xfender, I know the feeling and it isn’t that uncommon. In my time at that center I saw many “ripped” or “buff” dudes get owned in the workout. I personally puked halfway through my first class. hang in there and like Kristen said, check with your doc if you have any bigger concerns.

    btw did you say hi to steve and roger?



    Re: Frustrated, concerned…

    Definitely see a doctor. About a half year ago or so my daughter had much of the same symptoms when working out at a gym. She found out she had a bad mitra valve in her heart. She has open heart surgery (orthoscopic) to repair it. She is fine now and going strong. Just ther other day she calles me and said her husband suffered from similar symptoms after a heavy workout. He went to the doctor and found he had bad aszma (sp). As a safety precaution, he has an appointment with the cardioligest.

    See a doctor.


    Re: Frustrated, concerned…

    Trust me, the classes will get easier for you. Just stick with it and go at your own pace. Don’t worry about keeping up with everyone else, just focus on working harder than you did last class. People respect you for trying, they know it’s tough.


    Re: Frustrated, concerned…

    I’d agree to check with your physician first but I came in over 300 lbs and hadn’t excercised in 20 years. The first month I thought I might actully not make it through the class but now a year into it, I feel much better. I have lost 50lbs of fat and am alot stronger than ever and even though I am 20 years older than most I watch alot of them “fall out” before I do.

    Do what you can and a little bit more every class. Pretty soon you will be amazed what you capable of.


    Re: Frustrated, concerned…

    Thanks for the support, everyone. Also, I am going to talk to my doc, b/c I am on BP meds. In fact, a big part of the reason I am doing KM is to try to get myself off of the meds! But when I start towards blackout with the tunnel vision and seeing stars, it really freaks me out. Thanks for the advice.

    Ryan–I didn’t see your first message until after the last time I saw Steve and Roger. I’ll make a point to say “hi” next time.

    Thanks, all.


    Re: Frustrated, concerned…

    quote XDFender:

    … But when I start towards blackout with the tunnel vision and seeing stars, it really freaks me out. …

    Keep at it, Its definitely worth it!

    Tips I have learned:

    1) Pay attention to your food intake before classes. You will have to experiment to find the right formula. Your symptoms sound a little bit like a blood sugar low. This can happen if you are not used to the rapid ramp up of effort. You will need some something on your stomach before class, but not too much and not too heavy. Also the timing of when you eat is important as well. I find I need to eat no closer than 45 minutes before class.

    2) Don’t feel bad if you can’t go as hard as someone else, just keep on plugging though, your efforts will improve. Don’t compare yourself to other people just compare your self to the way you were the day before.

    3) Find something to enjoy in every class. The joke someone told, the look of yourself striking, how good it felt when the warm up ended.

    After my first class I was pretty wasted for the rest of the day. I’ve gotten better, but still have some days that are a little harder than others.

    Once you’ve mastered the warm ups try the Fitness classes!!


    Re: Frustrated, concerned…

    I know exactly what you’re talking about. I was a little worried at my first class. The warm up def. kicked my butt.(i’ve been an avid smoker for about 8 years) Only reason why I was worried was b/c I was so out of breath after the warm up, I had a hard time paying attention to the instructor b/c I had my hands on my knees for about 5-10 mins trying to catch my breath, but I stuck through it. I’ve been blessed with my family history of not having high blood plessure or any kind of serious health concerns.

    During the week when i’m not training I usually lift weights. But recently I’ve back down on the lifting and focused more on cardio to help with my KM classes. 10 mins on the bike, and about 15-30 on the treadmill to help build my stamina back up. Doing small things like this will help ten fold. My 2nd class (which was yesterday) was A LOT BETTER. Doing some-sort of cardio during the week really helped. Now don’t get me wrong, I was still out of breath, but I recovered a lot quicker, so I could devote my full attention to my instructor. And I quit smoking too (HURRAY FOR ME haha) which i’m sure is coming into account. But from everyone else is saying, going to a doctor sounds like a MUST THING TO DO before you go to another class. Hope all is well, and stick with it. If it was easy, everyone would take Krav Maga 😀


    Re: Frustrated, concerned…

    Definitely see a doctor but bear in mind the classes are supposed to knacker you out so that you’re training from a position of disadvantage. It’ll get easier but it’ll never stop being tough! 🙂


    Re: Frustrated, concerned…

    The nurse says, “SEE A DOCTOR!”


    Re: Frustrated, concerned…

    1st step is to realise that you are not going to die during a warm up. After that things start to improve.

    I have been training allmost 5 years now and still find warm ups hard.


    Re: Frustrated, concerned…

    In my class last night I had a new guy for the first time stop and take a 10 minute breather in the middle of class. We encouraged him to take his time and do only what he could and before you knew it, he came back on the floor and finished the class with a furiosity that no one expected. Truth be told, a lot of us were probably looking at him and thinking, “damn he has the right idea, I need a break too.”

    We as the trainees must remember we are not at the level our instructors are. If we were, perhaps we might one day be training a class as well. Until then, keep your head up, chin down and stick hard.


    Re: Frustrated, concerned…

    Well, I have to disagree with the majority here. It’s actually quite funny people recommend him to go see a doctor – has anyone considered he could actually be genuinely out of shape?

    I think I posted about this in the past but I didn’t start KM upfront from a sedentary lifestyle. I spent 6 months going from terribly out of shape to half-decent, and then I started KM. It’s never been an issue for me, because everytime I hit the gym and controlled my diet I had the ‘carrot’ of being able to go to KM to look forward to. And I still do.

    I realize most if not all people on these boards are really fit, but please remember that some people just aren’t there yet. 6 months ago I was an overweight, 2 packs a day, regular boozer, no sleep, coffee-drinking by the pint and had to go the doc regularly for various ailments (palpitations, stomach pains, headaches). Was I fit for KM? NO. NO way. But I didn’t take that long to become good enough to start as a beginner. 6 months of cleaning up diet and exercising regularly did wonder. Oh and stopped drinking and smoking too 🙂

    Anyway, my two cents only of course 🙂

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