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    Re: Frustrated, concerned…

    Huh, don’t see MD after your name.

    That was a tad rude, sorry. I spent over a decade working in the ER, and now work in an ICU with heart surgery patients. His symptoms could be from being out of shape. They could be no big deal, but playing the odds like that is way riskier than being safe and prudent and checking things out.

    There are a million stories similar to this one, but two years back I worked a DOA who dropped while out on a run. 42 years old, same story, same symptoms. His wife said that he decided to just ignore it and “Suck it up and push through.”

    When in doubt, check it out.

    My two cents.

    RN, CCRN


    Re: Frustrated, concerned…

    quote phlegmon27:

    “Suck it up and push through.”
    When in doubt, check it out.

    I certainly didn’t say he should ‘suck it up’. What I was saying was, to put in bluntly, that yes, some people aren’t fit enough to do Krav. It’s not discrimination or anything, I was one of them, and it just took 6 months to get fit enough to join a class without dying.

    I was also saying that a lot of people here are very fit and just were never, at any age, ‘unfit’ like I once was. They don’t even know how it feels – they never smoked, never abused their bodies through a sedentary lifestyle and junk food abuse. It reminds of my beginner days when someone advised me to take it slowly, and only ‘jog briskly’ a kilometer at a time. Dude, I couldn’t even jog *20* meters without feeling my heart jumping out of my chest.

    Anyway it’s impossible to say what’s with the OP without knowing his age, weight, lifestyle habits, etc. And you’re right, if he suspects something is wrong he should have it checked out.


    Re: Frustrated, concerned…

    I really appreciate everyone’s comments. I did, in fact, discuss the issue with my doctor and he said that it is a combination of: (1) my being at a low level of fitness to begin with; (2) weight (270lbs.); and (3) one of the medications that I have been taking for BP, which suppressed cardiac output and is known to cause difficulty with strenuous exercise.

    He has weened me off the med over a week’s time and encouraged me to continue with the KM workouts, but to accept that it will be some time before I can make it through a workout without taking a breather, and to give myself that time.

    So I’ll see how it goes now that I am off of the one med. Also, I am happy to report that in just a couple of weeks’ time, this morning I weighed-in at 260lbs. (10 lbs. in two weeks!?) thumbsup


    Re: Frustrated, concerned…

    Rock on, and congrats on the weight loss. I’m glad you were able to get it figured out. Keep up the hard work!


    Re: Frustrated, concerned…

    Congrats XD Fender!!! I ended up losing 8 inches off my waist but during Christmas holiday, I put some back on. I need to focus and do the things I did last year to get back into better shape. Do what you can and you will be amazed what the difference level of your energy, awareness and peace of mind will be. I didn’t expect those things but I handle myself differently in all aspects of life.


    Re: Frustrated, concerned…


    Congratulations to you on your weight loss and that fact you are off your BP medication!!! With continued determination and smart training & diet, you will be amazed at what you can accomplish.

    Keep up the good work and keep sharing your progress!

    Take care.


    Re: Frustrated, concerned…

    XD Fender,
    Some have eluded to having a small meal 1 1/2 to 2 hrs. before your training. I would add that you need to make sure you are hydrated properly for the kind of exersion Krav Maga presents. Be sure to drink enough before/after and during class. It is amazing how much fluid the body loses when put to the test. Keep your Medical Professionals involved during this transformation. I for one have used mine as a kind of Board of Directors while in training. I seem to be always involved in training so each year we revisit and make sure I keep up with the health of my body. ( mind you that many of these Dr.s are also students) Just my thoughts on the subject. Congratualtions on your weightloss and in your attitude for your training. JL

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